Friendship Kids Happy

I wanted to go home and tell Mommy about everything. I wanted to tell her how Ms. Stern talked about colors at school today. I would ask her “why oranges are called oranges? is it ‘cause they’re the color orange, or is the color orange called orange ‘cause the fruit is that color? and how come you say fourteen instead of tenty four when twenty four and threety four and forty four are pronounced like that? it doesn’t make any sense.” I wanted her to smile at me and tell me all of the answers. I wanted her to laugh and say, “Darling~” with a heavy loll in her voice. And then, Mommy would tell me that “it’s thirty four not threety four,” and I would say “I know! I just wanted to make you laugh, but even then fourteen still doesn’t make sense” and she would laugh again so brightly, and I would feel like my heart would be bursting with sunshine.

But when I came home, Daddy was yelling again and I didn’t know what to do. He asks Mommy questions, questions that are so different from mine. He screams “why can’t you make sense!” with no question mark at the end, and she whispers “darling please don’t do this...you're scaring david.” When he asks her questions, she never smiles or laughs.

I wanted to say, “Please Stop Yelling We Both Have Things That Don’t Make Sense To Us But You Don’t Have To Make Mommy Whisper Like That.” I wanted to say that exactly in the voice that Ms. Stern uses when the class is too loud. It makes people want to listen to her and it makes the people who don't listen shiver.

Instead, I only said “please stop” without Ms. Stern’s voice. My voice cracked and a lump rose in my throat. Daddy didn’t hear me and I hid inside my room.

I wanted to go to school the next day and tell Ms. Stern about everything. I wanted to tell her about how Mommy used to smile like sunny oranges cut into wedges and how Daddy used to make her laugh too. I wanted to ask her “what happened to the Daddy that made her smile and when did Mommy start looking so dull? is it ‘cause Mommy doesn’t know the answers and Daddy is mad that he doesn’t know the answers either? or is it because when Mommy calls him “darling” she doesn’t have that loll in her voice anymore?” I wanted her to tell me her answers, and I would listen. She would pat my head and say “You’re Such A Good Student David” and she would teach me how to use her voice. She would tell I wasn’t being loud enough, or I was being too loud, and I would practice saying “Please Stop Yelling We Both Have Things That Don’t Make Sense To Us But You Don’t Have To Make Mommy Whisper Like That.” over and over. Finally, Ms. Stern would nod with approval like how she always does when we get a good grade.

But when recess started, Ms. Stern put her head in her hands and let out a sigh. She looked so tired and sad and I didn’t know what to do. When she noticed me, she said “You Should Go Outside And Play With The Other Kids David.” She shook her head and muttered something about having a lot of work to finish.

I wanted to ask her “Ms. Stern, are you alright???????” I wanted to say that exactly the way Amber said it with the endless question marks and infinite worry that made people melt. One time I fell down from the monkey bars, and Amber rushed over even though we didn’t really talk except for that one time she borrowed my eraser and our fingers touched. Her eyes shone with bright sunshine and she knelt down and said, “Are you alright????” and I stopped crying and said “yes” even though it still hurt a lot. I wanted to make Ms. Stern feel okay.

Instead, I only said “alright” without Amber’s question marks and I escaped into recess.

Amber was weaving through monkey bars, one hand, two hands, and a dangerous swing across. She glanced in my direction and swung down from the monkey bars and ran towards me. “Hi David!!! Wanna play with me? My mom taught me this cool trick where you can jump rope with two ropes at once it’s called double dutch and I already got Jenny but we still need one more person so do you wanna play too???”

Her smile was brighter than oranges and it stunned me. I opened my mouth to tell her this, but the words would not come out. Instead, tears dripped out of my eyes.

“David!! Are you alright??? Why are you crying???” she put an arm around me. Her voice sounded fragile. It made me want to tell her about Mommy and Ms. Stern and anything and everything. I wanted to tell her about how sad I was, about how I could never say what I wanted to, and about how small I felt. And she would listen with all of her heart, and it wouldn’t matter what Amber said because she listened. She would look at me with tremendous doe eyes and infinite worry, and I would feel alright. I looked at her, then looked at the ground. I still couldn’t speak. The words were caught behind a lump in my throat and a knot in my stomach. The tears kept flowing and flowing and I couldn’t do anything to stop them. I looked up at Amber again. Her eyes shined like the sun, if the sun worried about you.

“Hahahaha...Amber...I’m alright. I just realized that you remind me of sunshine and oranges.”

“What is that supposed to mean???”

“It means that …

...I like you.”

Her smile glowed a bright amber and I swore I could taste sunny oranges.

January 16, 2021 02:45

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Louise Coley
01:18 Jan 21, 2021

Lovely work! You did a lot of clever little things to create a believable child's voice for the narrater, in particular I thought the Capitalisation For The Special Teacher Voice and all the repeated "and"s to convey that anxious/excited stream of consciousness were very effective. I enjoyed how the ending tied back to the start- it was a great idea to base a story off of that imagery. I found the ending sweet and I bought into it as kids are very fickle and easily jump onto new ideas, but it was perhaps a bit sudden to create that sense of ...


Auspicious Echo
17:13 Jan 21, 2021

Thanks! Originally Amber and David were already friends, and I was moving with that same mindset. I struggle with elaborating and building things up, so it turns out a bunch of my endings are sudden. I will definitely work on doing more set up in the future. And for loll, I might've heard it been used in a similar way so I rolled with it. Looking back lilt makes a lot more sense aha. Thank you again for your feedback! :)))


Louise Coley
18:06 Jan 21, 2021

No worries :) A week really isn't a lot of time to come up with an idea, build a whole world and write/edit 3000 words in, so don't beat yourself up! I definitely have weeks where things just don't come together in time 😅 I tend to spend ages telling the story to myself to work out what's important and bullet point out some scenes/story beats to hit before I start... also, I like this advice from Neil Gaiman "Write down everything that happens in the story, and then in your second draft make it look like you knew what you were doing all along"


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H.K. Slade
21:12 Jan 20, 2021

I love stories that resolve like this, and I'm also a sucker for combining two things that invoke multiple senses (the smell of oranges, sunshine on the skin, both bright and happy). If I had a suggestion, It would be to work on the structure so that it brings out your core concept. Maybe just start by writing the dialogue and leaving the rest out. Give each character's dialogue it's own paragraph break. Then go back and see if you can tell who is speaking by the context or the tone or the vocabulary, then clarify it with tags. Finally, if t...


Auspicious Echo
21:31 Jan 20, 2021

Thank you! I will definitely try that. When I write, I tend to write the details that I can envision, so the rest of the story is constructed around little snippets. It makes a lot more sense to write what's important to the story, so your advice is much appreciated! Thanks again so much for reading and leaving a comment :))


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Auspicious Echo
02:50 Jan 16, 2021

For some reason, I struggled a bit more than I usually do with this story. I flopped the Amber section and it was partially due to the time limit (I procrastinated) and partially because I am a bad writer. The thoughts in my head don't translate well onto paper, and I'm hoping that by writing more I will get better at communicating all of my thoughts. I wanted the imagery of sunshine and oranges to be really poignant, but did it work??? I'm not sure, but then again I'm not sure of myself as a whole. Leave criticism if you feel like it, doesn...


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