
The town of Mandolin was melancholy but quiet and peaceful. Outside of a young man and woman were in the woods. So their secrets wouldn’t be heard. The young man confessed his love to the woman. He knew it was hopeless she was going to marry a Lord named Gabriel. He said holding back his pain, “Lillian I know that he’ll provide a good life for you. I can not lie and say that I’m pleased about him being yours. While I can not be. But I love you too much to keep you away from a prosperous life. A life I would not be able to provide you.” 

Lillian tenderly held his hands and her lip quivered, “Thank you, Nicolas. It hurts that we had to end up like this. I still remember when we were children. When you used to dip our feet in the brook. My mother would get crossed at me for getting my dresses dirty. I couldn't care less. We used to have silly contests. Like who can stand on one foot for the longest, who can hold your breath, who can skip rocks.” Lillian laughed faintly then hugged Nicolas and began to cry. He clutched her and rubbed her soft strawberry blonde hair. “Why can’t you be the one I have to marry?” Lillian wept. All Nicolas could do was hold her. 

That was four years ago, now Mandolin became paranoid and hateful. Witches preyed on the children and wives. People were paying their life’s savings for witches to be hunted down. Left and right, mostly women and few men were tried and hanged. But the proof was never there, it was beaten into truth. Marks on your skin was all that was needed, torture if there wasn’t any. It was all hysteria. The hysteria was an opportunist’s playground. Lord Gabriel Anwir Lancelot was one of those opportunists.

He knew that Lillian had feelings for Nicolas before him. His ego was fragile but he ignored it at first. When Lillian came down with a fever, her life was draining. She said Nicolas’s name, rather than Gabriel’s, her own husband’s name. Nicolas’s name twisted like a knife in Lord Gabriel. Lillian passed away on May 27, 1692, at the age of 26. It was something so simple as a fever. My grandmother survived a fever so why couldn’t Lillian. Why didn’t she love me? Lord Gabriel pondered as she looked at Lillian in her coffin. Her face looked still full of life, the white dress made her look like an angel, her hazel eyes were shut and rested peacefully.  

As the funeral was being held, Nicolas was there to say goodbye. It took everything in Lord Gabriel’s power not to shove Nicolas in the hole with her. But he thought of another plan. One that will keep his status and get his revenge for taking Lillian in her deathbed. Not even a day later Gabriel acted on his plan. He first convinces Lillian’s parents that Nicolas was to blame, that he cursed her. Then it started to snowball into a witch trial.    

That’s when the trial began, Gabriel accused Nicolas of witchcraft. Now it was time for the trial to begin. The jury hissed to protect themselves from the so-called witch’s curses. With a stroke of the judge’s mallet, the room went quiet. Nicolas’s fate was under the judge’s mallet and it was crushed by it. Nicolas went to one witch trial and knew there was no hope. He was going to die an honest man. That was his plan, so he would be able to be with Lillian again. Like when they were kids, like as if he married her.     

The judge announced, “Nicolas Lipper Watts you are charged with bewitching Lady Lillian Obre Lancelot. Is this true?” "My only crime was loving her more than her husband," Nicolas confessed to the judge and jury. He made sure to have eye contact with Lord Gabriel as well. Lord Gabriel gave a menacing glare back. The witch trial was a legal and easy way to kill him. Nicolas was Lord Gabriel's target. The judge continued the trial, “Lillian’s husband Lord Gabriel Anwir Lancelot is one of the witnesses to this charge. Gabriel, please take the stand.” Lord Gabriel strutted to the podium in the center of the courthouse. He cleared his throat and began his testimony. 

“Mr. Watt’s bewitched my wife after she refused his advances. My dear Lillian fell ill after she ran into Mr. Watts on her way home. When she was preparing dinner she mentions that Mr. Watts touched her. She refused him and pushed him away then he cursed her. He told her, ‘If he can’t fuck her the devil would. Then he would have what the devil left leaves behind.’ I’m sorry for that obscene statement but I want to be truthful and thorough.” Lord Gabriel hesitated and gripped keeping his composure. “You will not get away with what you have done to my dear wife. You took her from me!” Lord Gabriel’s composure broke for a second then he stared Nicolas down and was shocked. Nicolas was smiling, he was at peace, which made Lord Gabriel lose it. “Are you glad! You Satan worshipper! Go to hell! Hell!” 

The Judge smacked his mallet down to restore order. “Mr. Lancelot I know the loss of your wife is a tragedy. But you need to keep a level head in this trial.” The judge stated and Lord Gabriel took a deep breath and apologized. The short silence was torn by soft chuckling from the accused seating area. Lord Gabriel snapped his head towards the chuckling fuming. “Keep a level head. Lord Gabriel, you should take his advice. You are accusing me of witchcraft with no proof. I know I am a dead man, either way, Lord Gabriel. You are mad that I took your Lillian. You are just beginning us closer together now.” The mallet finished Nicolas’s statement and the judge warned, “Mr. Watts please don’t inject when it is not your turn to speak. Lord Gabriel you calm to have another witness.” Lord Gabriel replied, “Yes your honor. She is a little girl who goes by that name of Rosalina, Mickle. Rosalina is nine years old.”  

The Judge called, “May Rosalina Mickle please come forth.” A small girl in farmer’s rags slowly shuffled to the stand. Nicolas was floored, Rosalina looked similar to Lillian. From her strawberry locks, her soft rosy complexion, and her child-like hazel eyes. It was like Lillian’s a child spirit coming to take Nicolas. “Do you swear to tell the truth under the Lord our God?” Asked the judge. Rosalina quickly nobbed, she began rocking back and forth on her toes and heels. “You may testify girl.” “That man cursed Lillian! I also saw him eating a sparrow alive! I was walking back from school and I saw him and that poor bird! I was scared and ran! I’m sorry for not saying anything I didn’t want to be like the sparrow. I’m sorry mommy and daddy! If I told you, sweet Lillian wouldn’t have gotten hurt!” Rosalina cried. Her face flushed red, covered in tears and snot, as she huffed. Her parents came and cuddled her, rocking her back and forth. 

Nicolas just warmly smiled at Rosaline. “You look just like her. I wished I would have a child someday. Maybe they would’ve looked like you. I know what you are doing. I’ll never hurt someone who's loyal. I forgive you I’d do the same thing.” The parents and jury hissed at Nicolas as the mallet swung, “Mr. Watts!” the judge snapped. Rosaline looked at Nicolas and mouthed I’m sorry as she was taken out of the court. 

“The testimony given was viable. You may be seated with your parents Rosalina. Thank you for beginning a brave little girl.” comforted The judge then he continued. “With all that has been said the jury my go and cast your vote.” Nicolas quietly went to his cell and waited for the verdict. Like he predicted the vote was death by hanging. The judge had collected the money from the town for the hanging. The gallows were made in less than an hour and Nicolas was there just as fast. The priest gave his blessing and asked for last words. Nicolas’s finale words were, “I wonder how long I can hold my breath for?” He noticed he made the priest smirk a little, then the noose was placed around his neck. The stool he was standing on shook and then it was kicked from under him. The noose seemed to cut into Nicolas’s throat. The rough rope squeezed, the swinging felt like he was at the tip of a whip snapping. Gasping he stared at Gabriel who had a zealous, hubris look on his face. Then it was dark.

Lord Gabriel had won his pride, his plain went without a hitch. He killed the man who stole Lillian’s love for him. “Lord Gabriel! Lord Gabriel! It’s a miracle! Good God it’s a Miracle!” Lord Gabriel was jolted out of his trance and turned to the call. It was Lillian’s father. “What is it, Mr. Oakley? Why so joyful?” Asked Lord Gabriel, grateful for a distraction. “Lillian lives! The grave bell rang and she dug her out. She was alive, shaken but alive. My God thank you for my daughter back! She is being fed broth and she just finished bathing. Try to be careful and try not to get her worked out. Come! Come!” Lord Gabriel’s father-in-law dragged him back in his home. All the while Lillian cried for joy, Lord Gabriel couldn’t feel anymore. He’d killed a man for nothing yet he was being rewarded. How could Lillian be active? The Lord thought to himself. What would I say?

As soon as they got to Lillian’s parent’s townhome Lillian stumbled to them in only her petty-coat. “Gab! My love, I thought I have lost you!” Lillian called out raspy. “Dear Lord Lillian, get back to bed we will be there.” Scolded Mr. Oakley. Lillian tripped at the door of the house and clung to the frame. Lord Gabriel rushed to her and carried her to bed. She’s real. I feel her in my arms. Lillian cut he thought, “Gab I don’t know what happened I thought I died. I closed my eyes and then I opened them again. It was so dark, it smelt like dirt and pine. I couldn’t get up and I realized what had happened. I thought I was going to die! Again. I rang the coffin bell for what seemed to be days. I heard shovels and then. Oh, that part does not matter. We can continue our lives together.” She kissed Lord Gabriel’s blank face. 

“When I was buried I thought about our four years together. When I first married you at first I was scared. I am not going to lie. But those four years of marriage were the best years of my life. I thought I had feelings for another, Nicolas. During the marriage, I began to know you truly. If I were to choose again whether to marry you or Nicolas, I would never change a thing. I have a loyal friend and a caring, loving, selfless husband. I love you Gab.” She went back to kiss Lord Gabriel again but he pushed her away. 

Everyone was startled, Gabriel was brought low. He screamed and collapsed on the ground with his face in the bed. “What have I done! What have I done! God!” The guilt choked Gabriel like a noose. Biding the farmer family by lowering their taxes by half, not waiting to mourn his wife, sending an innocent man to hang. All he could do was bellow and howl.  Lillian rubbed her husband’s shoulders and tried to stay neutral. “It is not your fault Gab. I thought myself dead too. We shouldn’t worry about that now. It is alright now. You, me, my mother, my father, Nicolas we’ll all have a big dinner together and laugh.” Hearing Lillian saying Nicolas drove Gab mad. Gabriel now had to live with what he had done. How?

July 30, 2020 15:34

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Deborah Angevin
10:20 Aug 18, 2020

A very interesting story set in a unique setting! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, Emily! P.S: would you mind checking my recent story out, "Gray Clouds"? Thank you :D


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Zahra Daya
00:53 Aug 09, 2020

Oo! This was very interesting - just watch out for your spelling and correct tenses as it changed a couple times. Overall, I loved it! If you get a chance, could you check out my stories? :)


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