Far, far away, in a land named Reedsy, there gathered writers from all over the world. They gathered together to critique each other’s work, and they became a vast network of authors; each trying to improve their skills. Thousands of people worked together, despite their differences, all striving toward one goal: to become better writers.
Now, some writers wished not only to become better, but also make friends along the way. And the friends they made! Everyone took free advice given by each other. For some, a couple of comments about a story turned into a long-lasting friendship that included random conversations, knowledgeable facts about themselves, and trusting each other with their secrets. More facts became shared as reviews were passed about and exchanged between the writing community.
But, one day, not so long ago, a nasty thing happened. For whatever the reason, that still remains unknown to this day, some writers ganged up together to try to make the others suffer. Bullies were discovered, along with spammers, plagiarists (copy cats), and worst of all, downvoters.
Now, you must understand, reader, downvoting was very discouraging to hundreds of people, and many left the Land of Reedsy because of it. It took much time, for many would spend a couple of hours on downvoting comments to discourage the writers. A rumor spread that the downvoters took down many to one common number, 666.
Not even a whole year had passed, and the Land of Reedsy was down in population by 40%.
Summer rolled around, and many more went inactive because of the loss of equipment. Several have come and gone, but some disappeared forever without a trace.
Why this grand introduction, you ask?
Well, the stage is set for our characters.
There was a writer by the name of Lone Wolf, eventually changing her name to Wolf Warrior. She peaceably dwelled in Reedsy with many of her friends. There was D.J., Starry, Lillian, Abigail, Ivy, Sky, Sapphire, Amethyst, Valerie, Phoenix, Queen Phila, Sia, Whisper, Katie, Amel, Bill, Black Cat, Luna, Em, Aerin, and so many more that Wolf called her friends. They bonded quickly, and at different times, but that’s beside the point.
Now, all was going well for Wolf in the early days of spring.
It was when summer came about that her perspective shifted.
Lots of her friends had to leave Reedsy, for one reason or another, in May, and only six remained out of fourteen. Soon, these six became inactive as well.
Wolf noticed that she was starting to miss her friends with deep affection. Her writing slowly got darker and darker (darker than it already was). More and more characters died, and stories like Freya and Helpless were naturally flowing from Wolf’s saddened heart.
You must realise that Wolf tried to help out her friends the best she could. Whether it was being there to listen to their troubles, or just spamming hearts to keep them company. Her tender heart was nearly split in two when May came. She still recalls all the conversations that were held and things that were shared. Role-plays turned into stories, and memories were made.
But, there is a flip-side to every story.
As saddened as Wolf was, she started to make newer friends like D.J., Queen Phila, Sia, Amel and others. She’d learned a lot since May. One of these things was that no one is ever really lonely. There’s always someone to turn to, or reach out to. You just have to find people who will listen to you, help you, encourage you. Bear each others’ burdens.
As she passes this on to you, Reader, she’d like it if you could pass it on to others as well. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people around you. Who knows, maybe you’ll even learn something new. Maybe you’ll find someone’s burden you can help lighten.
Thanks to everyone that ever supported me in the past, present, and future in some way, shape, or form. Even that one comment that you never replied to, that was support.
Tribute to my closest friends:
Dhwani Jain, Starry M., Lillian Brooks, Valerie June, Katie W., Amel Parvez, Phoenix Hawkins, Queen Philosopher, Sia Sharma, Whisper, Sapphire, Amethyst, Skybelle, Ivy Carter, Abigail Cross, Billien Cipher, Black Cat, Luna Colon, Emerald, Aerin Rebecca, and so so soooo many more; you all mean so much to me. Thanks for being my support system when my structure was weak. Thanks for teaching me so many many things, and helping in bearing my burden (you know who you are). You guys will always have a special place in my heart and mind, and your work and kindness is savored by me. Thanks for always being there for me. It was encouraging while it lasted, and this is only the beginning. Keep on being kind, supportive, and encouraging--if you do, the world will be a better place.
Happy Fall, y’all, and remember, God loves you so so so much more than anyone ever can <3
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LOVED how you made it into a little kid fairy tail! Love the concept! You're amazing in everything you do!
Please comment my new story thank you
My favourite sentence is "You must realise that Wolf tried to help out her friends the best she could. Whether it was being there to listen to their troubles" yep well said, but I am not mentioned among the ready writers I AM LOST, XD
hello wolf, if you see this-
wanna do a rp?
I was wondering where all the 11 year olds went...
this is so good and true
This is so relatable, so true, so heartfelt, and mostly, so amazing!
I know this journey has been tough for you, its been tough for most of the people on here.
But you're right, people are changing and people are always there for you, Flow!
And don't think I didn't notice your pun in this para:
Wolf noticed that she was starting to miss her friends with deep affection. Her writing slowly got darker and darker (darker than it already was). More and more characters died, and stories like Freya and Helpless were naturally flowing from Wolf’s saddened heart.
I have four eyes, remember? I can see EVERYTHING!
Thank you for such a beautiful shoutout, but I don't know why, this makes me think that you're leaving. You aren't, right?
Even though I dont know you IRL, let alone how you look like, you're always going to be one of my most supportive friends. I'll never forget the qUeStIoN oF tHe dAy, or the small rants we'd always do. You've always been there for me, and I cant thank you enough <33
(aLsO: loViNg the style of this story! gj! <3)