Mystery Sad Fiction

"Just one more story Nana?"

She elderly lady smiled and shook her head.

"Casey, what are the rules?"

The little girl pouted, mumbling under her breath.

"I didn't quite hear you, young lady?"

"One story a night. But Nana-"

"No buts. And don't give me that puppy eyed look either Missy. You know it won't work on me."

There was a sigh and a small huff. The kind only a five-year-old girl could manage.

"Fine. But I want to hear about Bruno tomorrow."

"Oh, I suppose I can manage that."

The pleading pout was replaced by a grin and a wrinkled smile was pulled from the woman at the gap-toothed cheekiness her granddaughter was so good at.

"Right. Now it's time to sleep. We don't want you being tired because I kept you up all night!"

"Well not all night..."

"Well late enough for a little one like you."

"I am not-"

"You are little to me. Now sleep or no story tomorrow night."

"Fine. Night Nana."

"Goodnight Sweetheart."


"I am a big girl Nana. I don't need stories every night."

"Oh really?"

"Yep. Mummy said I am getting big and I think big girls don't have stories."

"And who said that I wonder? Was it that little friend of yours?"

"Laura said she has a phone now. And she doesn't have stories."

"But she also doesn't have a Nana who had a floppy eared dog who liked running into glass doors."

"Well... I don't think so. Do you think Mummy will get me a phone when I grow up?"

"I think maybe if you are very good. Now do you want a story?"

"... Maybe a little one."


"Nana, are ghosts real?"

"Now why on earth would you ask a silly question like that?"

"Well Laura says her Nana said she can see ghosts."

"Does she now?"

"Mhm. And she says they tell her secret's and she makes other people angry because she tells them the secrets."

"Well that doesn't sound like a very nice thing to do."

"Laura says she isn't really nice. She smells funny and always gives her cookies without sugar."

"No sugar? Oh dear. Now how can we make little ones like you hyper without sugar?"

"I'm not little Nana!"

"You're little to me. I'm old remember?"

"Not thatold."

"Old enough that I've forgotten if I've already told you a story tonight...?"

"Erm- No Nana, you haven't!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yep! I am little and I haven't forgotten. Just a little one though. I'm getting bigger and don't need lots of stories anymore."

"Well then, just a little story."


"Don't worry, Laura. You're Nana is always with you. My Nana says right here-"

Casey pressed a hand to Laura's tummy.

"- Well, I think it's here. But I think it's a bit silly. I mean, you didn't eat her!"

Laura hiccupped and sniffled but nodded.

"Mum says the same thing. Daddy nodded when she said it too so maybe it's a grown-up thing. Like you have to be grown up to know what it means."

"Well I guess we will learn when we grow up. But they wouldn't lie to us about something important. So that must mean your Nana is here too!"

Laura sniffled again but smiled, rubbing her tummy.

"Yeah. She has to be. But she can't hug me."

"You can imagine it?"

"Ok. I think that will be nice."


"Nana... You aren't getting too old are you? I don't want you to end up in my tummy."

"Now dear, don't be silly. I'm old but not that old! I still have lots of stories to tell you.. And it's not in your tummy, silly. It's in your heart. Where you remember all your love for them."

"Oh... That makes sense. I need to tell Laura. It might make her happy."

"That sounds like a good idea sweetheart."

"And you were gonna tell me about Bruno chasing the cat?"

"Oh yes, I remember."


"My Mum says I shouldn't play with you anymore. Daddy said for her to leave me alone, but she was really meaning it."

Laura said, shuffling her foot in the ground as she sat on the swing.

Casey frowned.

"But I have always been well behaved when I am around your house!"

"I know. But she says I need more friends at school and shouldn't sit in the corner and be lonely."

"But you have me! You can't be lonely?"

"Maybe we can be friends in secret?"

"Yeah. You can lie to your Mum?"

"I don't know. But you're my best friend and I don't really like the other kids."

"Well you can try and see!"

"Yeah. Mum's not the boss of me."


"Laura's Mum doesn't like me, Nana."

"Why ever not, Sweetheart?"

"I don't know. But me and Laura are gonna be secret friends 'cause her mum isn't the boss of her."

Her Nana frowned, shaking her head.

"It's still not very nice of her Mum. I'm sure you have always been such a well-behaved girl at her house."

"I have been." Casey nodded, eagerly, then shrugged it off in the way only young children can. "Oh well. Laura is still my friend so I don't care Nana."

"Well if you are sure..."


A smile met the gap-toothed grin.

"Ok then. So... Where were we?"

"You and Grandad were taking Mummy to a special holiday?"

"Ona special holiday-"


"Ok! Ok... Now let me see. Right, well we were getting onto the plane..."


"I don't think we can be friends anymore..."

"But Laura-"

"My Mummy heard me talking to you at school and she is really angry."

"But why?"

"I don't know. But she says she knows best and I need to listen to her-"


"I don't want to not be your friend but Daddy said the same thing now and I think it's making them sad that I don't have more friends."

"Well... We can both be friends with lots of friends!"

"I don't know. I think I should just be friend with someone else. You can have new friends too though! And I will still ask you to come to my party for my birthday!"

Casey sniffled and stomped her foot.

"Don't bother. I hope your new friends are really mean like you're being!"

Laura crossed her arms and huffed.

"That was a horrible thing to say-"

"Just leave me alone!"



"Me and Laura aren't friends anymore, Nana. But it's ok, I am best friends with Billy now. His Mummy just died and he was really sad so I asked if he needed a hug and we are friends now!"

"Well... I am sad for Billy but you are going to be a really good friend for him, Sweetheart. I think Laura maybe needed more friends. She was getting very chatty wasn't she." 

"Yeah... I think I'll miss Laura forever though."

"I'm sure it will be ok, Dear. Now, what are we doing tonight?"

"I think I need a happy story. Just for tonight though. I don't need them every night. I'm-"

"I know, you are getting to be a big girl now!"


"So what story?"

"Erm... Do you have any about Grandad when he was little?"

"I think I can think of one or two."


Molly sighed, watching her granddaughter fall asleep, lightly snoring.

She would forget, as all children did, about her 'best friend'. After all, they changed almost weekly at that age!

And she turned and saw the ever present, pale blue light.

She bit back a soft sob as she heard her husband's voice whispering.

She wiped her eyes and tucked her granddaughter in.

She wanted so badly to be with him again...

Seven Years Before...

Her Richard was dead.

Her daughter, Sarah and her son-in-law Michael, they were dead.

The Car had careered off the road when the Ice appeared from nowhere and she muffled hysterical screams at the blood.

But her Granddaughter's heart was still stuttering and so she fought on, for her. 

Fought to stay with her. 

She wouldn't leave her granddaughter alone...

She let out a breathless gasp.

Little Casey's heart stopped.

"Nana... Where is Mummy and Daddy and Grandad Richie?"

"... They are in here." 

Molly pointed to her Grand-daughters chest and Casey gave a small frown.

"In my tummy?"

"Sort of. But remember, they want you to be a good girl and have loads of fun until you are all ready to grow up!"

"How will I know if I'm ready to grow up?"

"I guess we will learn together Sweetheart."


"Mrs Baker, your daughter seems to be getting better. I definitely think the shock of her brothers death was what caused the dependency on her hallucinations and her imaginary friend."

"So Laura is over this weird... phase?"

"Yes, I believe she is. She has not mentioned this 'Casey'?"

"Not for weeks."

"Thats good. It seems the therapy is working. I still recommend bi-weekly sessions in order to maintain this positive development?"

"Yes Doctor. If you think it will help."


"Nana, Billy says he can't be my friend anymore. He says his Doctor says I am bad, and he needs to think about his Mummy to get better. I don't get why but it's ok, there is another little boy in the other school and he was crying. His rabbit was killed by a fox and he was really sad. We were talking and I gave him a hug and we are friends now!"

"Well I think that was really nice of you sweetheart."

"Maybe we can have a short story tonight? I think I am feeling more grown up now."

"How about a story about Bruno?"

"Oh, I love those!"

"Well then, just a short one."

The blue light threw whispers her way, but Molly brushed them aside. 

Her Granddaughter would grow up eventually. And she would see her Richard then.

She knew he would understand.


It is said that when someone dies with unfinished business, or when someone dies and does not truly understand and accept this in their soul, they remain on this earth until they feel complete.

It is also said that some souls can resist the pull and remain with the ghosts of their loved ones, providing them with the love and support they need to finish their business.

This can take hours, weeks, months, years. Decades. Centuries. Millenia.

Some say they can see these ghosts.

Some say they have seen a Roman Emperor, so desperate to rule the world he can no longer touch.

Some say they have seen an Egyptian Priest, who wanders until he has had his fill of knowledge.

Some say they see lovers, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, victims of murder, poets and playwrights, singers and artists.

Those who watch, those who wait, those who yearn, those who seek.

Those who feel grief and need a presence to fill the void sometimes see these ghosts.

For example, a young child who has recently lost someone or something close to them (Say, for example, A brother? A mother? A pet?) might see a ghost and feel a connection to another that feels lost, even if they do not know it themselves. 

To all others, they simply have an imaginary friend.


"Nana, do you think I'm grown up yet?"

"Do you feel grown up yet?"

"I don't know... I think I am getting to be a big girl now! Mummy said I'm getting bigger, remember?"

"I do believe she did. I think you might be growing up sweetheart."

"Me too! Do you think that means we can see Mummy and Daddy and Grandpa soon?"

"Now don't you rush, sweetheart. They will wait for as long as you need."

"Ok. Love you Nana."

"I love you too Sweetheart."


Word Count: 1978

Authors Note: I had no Idea I was going to add this twist until it happened. There were loads I could have gone with but I felt this was more original. Sat and wrote as my muse directed!

Hope you all enjoy.

October 20, 2020 19:39

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