THE FACT SHE HID ...............................................

Submitted into Contest #92 in response to: End your story with a truth coming to light.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Inspirational

Sujania lived with her roommate in the house given to them by their firm. She worked for an economic group MNBF for two years . She was the youngest girl in the group and the most weird person in the group . She slept once or twice in a week and sometimes in a fortnight . She generally didn't came out of her room and worked continuously for hours without a break . This was something that fascinated her friends. It was a holiday today all the friends of her other group members. Some of those were the members of a well known boyband. Everyone was sitting enjoying and laughing . Suddenly the manager of the boyband's company came there . This made every one surprised . One of the members of the band asked " What are you doing here?" This made the manager laugh and he asked "So..... all of you don't know the fact ?" "What fact" asked everyone . "Ok so what basically you all think about Sujania 's professional life.?"

"A university student and a MNBF member" said one of them.

This was the way she used to introduced herself to everyone.

" That's what you all don't know , ok then tell me do you know about the company 'Born wild' and 'Adaldo' ?"

"Who don't about these world famous company. " said her roommate Ritaria. " So Sujania is the owner and CEO OF Born Wild , joint owner and CEO of Adaldo. Not only that she is the world known economist , public speaker , trainer of the groups owned by your firm and has trained more than 500 groups in a year , financial analyzer and major share partner of our company. "And one more thing you know", he said pointing towards boyband," She is the 3/4 owner of your band by owning the share worth $ 300 million and a billionaire . " This led everyone surprised , just then she came down wearing coat pant just like a boss and behind her came her accountants. The manager continued " More than 100 CA work under her and she is the chief economical advisor of the central government ." Sujania interrupted in between and said " Listen we will discuss about that problem when I 'll come back. "

Two hours later when she returned back and said "Challenge completed leader>" She was referring to the incident , when she told her that one day she will own world's largest clothing company ., her leader laughed and challenged her about this. She was about to climb the terrace then everyone said " We salute you Miss Minatta." This was her nickname from which she was known . She turned back and went in her room after giving back a cute and innocent smile. One of her friends said " If this is the case then why don't she live in publicity and enjoy being famous."

Manager smiled " Its her principle than rather than being famous one should be great. For her publicity and limelight kills the privacy of a person and her privacy is the most important thing in her life. "

He heard Sujania's calling her and said " Goodbye , I know what I revealed is hard to swallow and even she hid these things from You because her professional life as she says has nothing to do with her personal life so she don't disclose about these things to anyone." He waved bye and went away to her room. Everyone was shocked and said " She is actually weird "

Maddie , her friend came shouting inside , her clothes were torn and hearing her even Sujania came down , when she saw her asked her who did this to you . She pointed towards the ruffians who too came home following her. Maddie hid behind her and Sujania said " Don't even dare to touch her.' Suddenly one of them attacked her from back and she like a film's heroine fought everyone and this was something no one had ever expected. " Commando" said her friend . Finally her friends asked her why didn't you told her.............................................................................. why you hid these things from us ? " "Actually i never felt that these things are necessary to be told , by the way don't think that much its holiday so lets go for some games." . While playing truth and dare , Sujania was asked a question " What if the world don't accepts you just because your views are contradictory or just because you are too liberal "

They referred her liberal because once when they asked her about Daffy ( her adopted daughter whom she adopted just because she promised her friend that she will adopt her daughter if she dies. Unfortunately her friend died just a year of her birth , she adopted her.) She replied " I know it shocks people when I say that Daffy don't have imposed my surname or religion to her ." "This is so because she will chose her own religion and surname. This is based on the principle that a mother can be mother of her child's flesh not of her soul. So, its completely Daffy's choice about these thing especially religion which is her own right have her own beliefs ."

It was not the first things that she had said something which had shocked people , she had always said things like that . This led them to imagine why she is so . Because by looking at her none can say that she has passed through a lot of struggle in her life .

Today even when she was asked she very coolly replied " I don't care as I will create my own world , where I'll have my own rules and principles."

This made Ritaria asked " Why are you so cold?" "I hadn't been so by my own wish but what I have seen in my own life shaped my nature .....anyways I don't want to repeat these things and its too night so bbye. I have to go too meet someone ." She wore her shoes and went home. The game too was over and everyone sat for dinner , while eating the dinner the just talked about her weird behavior , and just prayed may she be that strong that she is .

May 05, 2021 16:03

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