
Going through hell on earth, Peter reached out to Rita, who is one of his close female friends. Their friendship started way back in elementary school. Peter pushed so many times trying to make their relationship stronger than just been 'just friends'. But Rita despite being extremely sexually attracted to him, played down all his move saying. 'He is like a brother she never had'. She more off wanted them to be friends with benefit, but he opted out.

   On arriving Peter's apartment, Rita took off her shirt leaving only her inner ware which exposed most part of her bra. Peter attention was far away from her chest, nor even getting horny which is unlike him. He was more focused on getting the load that is on his chest.

 "Was was so urgent you wanted us to talk about?" Rita asked as she laid on his bed.

 "Rita? Am as good as dead", Peter answered.

 "Good as dead? How? What happened?" Rita asked as she sat up straight immediately.

After a long breath of thinking of how to narrate what occurred to her, he started talking.

 "I meet this beautiful and elegant lady, in a shopping mall late last week. Her name is name is Shade and we exchanged contacts. Her smile is amazing tende, beautiful and innocent. She...".

 "Please can you stop all those praises, you are making me feel jealous and invalid", Rita pleaded as she interrupted him.

 "Am sorry if you felt that way", Peter apologized. "Few days after we met, she agreed to go on a date with me. During the date, I invited her over for the weekend. At first she played down the idea, but later she gave in after my constant persistence".

Taking another deep and long breath he continued talking.

 "She came over last week friday, with only her small luggage bag with her. Her hands were soft enough to turn you on, talkless of her wonderful shape". 

Seeing the obsession on Rita's face, he moved on from what he wanted saying.

 "We spent the first night in separate rooms, to avoid any temptation. At about 8:00am Saturday morning, I opened my eyes and I saw her holding a tray in front of me. I guess you know what that means right?" Peter asked.

 "Yeah, yeah breakfast in bed right", Rita replied forcing the words out of her mouth.

 "Exactly, she didn't just stop there, she also spoon fed me".

 "She might just be after your money not your love, you never can tell", Rita sujjested.

 "I also thought that way at first, until she blew the cover open".

 "I don't understand what you just said?"

 "During our conversation, I discovered she was ten times richer than me. Not only that, she drives a G-wagon", Peter said.

 "But I still don't trust her, she might be into something illegal or fetish", Rita added.

 "That also crossed my mind. Until I she told me she owns SBD oil and gas company".

 "You must be joking, wait are you talking about Miss Shade Badmus?" Rita asked shocked by this revelation.

 "Yeap I also didn't know, until she told me", Peter said.

 "She is my new boss, she just bought the company where I work recently. You are a lucky man indeed, but why are you worried then?"

 "After our discussion, we were about going out, before something mysterious happened?"

 "What happened?" Rita asked more interested than ever.

 "Some armed gunmen from no where stunned my compound and the shot to kill towards the passengers seat, knowing she was seated there. Unfortunately she was shot on her chest. I immediately called Bayo and I pleaded for him to come over for an emergency surgery", Peter said.

"But why didn't you take her to the hospital. Don't tell me she died?" Rita asked with fear written all over her.

 "No she isn't dead, the operation was a success. I opted to go to the hospital because they kept shooting at us as I drove back in. I also feared they might attack her in the hospital, which would be easier for them".

 "Where is she now?"

 "She is sleeping upstairs". Peter said.

Rita out of words didn't know what to say nor think anymore. It is the first time in over a decade since Peter fell in love and he has done so deeply. Its was now up to her to decide whether to keep being scared or to help her friend out.

 "But now there is a big problem", Peter said.

 "Please stop keeping me in suspense", Rita pleaded.

 "According to the information I have gathered, some top politicians and influential men want her dead. They claim she is threatening to close down their business with her own's progress. So for now she will be staying with me", Peter said.

 "Is that so?" Rita asked.

"Yeap", Peter said.

While they were still talking Shade arrived down the sitting room. Seeing Rita on her inner wares only, changed her mood.

"Good day ma", Rita said as she tried to put on her shirt.

"Good day, you kind of look familiar", Shade asked.

"Yes ma, I work at Sharaton mountain limited", Rita replied.

"Baby, this is Rita my very good friend. We have been friends from way back, she is like a sister to me", Peter intervened to avoid further interrogations.

"So what are we discussing", Shade asked sacastically.

"Nothing much, he was telling me how everything happened. Sorry about your injury", Rita said.

"Thank you. Its just funny how evil the heart of man can be, just because of money", Shade said.

"As they will always say, money rules the world. They forget about God and his love to mankind", Peter added.

"Indeed they really do. But what can we do if not to pray to God for his abundant grace", Rita said.

Peter stood up and headed for the rest room, leaving the two ladies alone.

"You both must be really close", Shade said as she broke the silence.

"Yes we really are. You are luck to have him, he is every woman's dream", Rita said.

"Yeap I am", Shade said blushing.

"He is really a brave and hard working guy", Rita said.

"He is also very courageous, composed and generous", Shade said.

"But you are more wealthiest than him, what can he amount of money can he offer you", Rita asked.

Shade smiled at first, before responding. "When we meet he thought i was poor, not until i told him who I was". Shade said.

"I guess you both are getting along well", Peter said as he returned from the rest room.

"We definitely are", Shade answered.

 "So Rita lets return back to business. Presently only you and bayo know that we are still in town. You have been with me in pain and mysery, protecting all my deepest secrets. We will both be on a low, till the whole dust settles down. So now we are pleading with you", Peter said holding Shade's hand. "We need you now more than ever and am asking you today, 'can you keep a secret'?".

August 21, 2020 17:26

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Charles Stucker
06:19 Aug 22, 2020

Your story would benefit from a lot of editing. I'm not sure where to start. Good points- the base tale, is OK. woman attracted to a man who is involved with another. Both the man and other woman are wealthy. And they have a problem. But, all the tension is in the past or future, not the story as told. Your opening is good, but then you lose steam, because you don't follow through. What you need to do is Have your opening, Peter is talking to Rita, then use a flashback to the scene in the car, make THAT exciting, so we don't know if...


Magaji Emmanuel
14:18 Aug 22, 2020

Thanks I really do appreciate. Due to submission deadline, I couldn't cross edit it before submitting. But thanks anyways I will be more observant of such scenes next time.


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