
Oasis sighed as she stared at the papers in her hand. They were the choices she had for a soulmate. If she didn't choose soon then the Selector would choose for her, and she wanted to be the one to pick.

One of the choices was Danny Wellington. Danny was medium height, with long, almost shoulder-length, brown hair, and deep green eyes that could see into your soul. Her other choice was Alec Westfield. Alec's real name was Alexander, but nobody ever called him that. He had light blond hair that was usually spiked up in typical Alec style. Alec had these bright blue eyes that could make you give into anything.

Oasis knew that this was the most important decision of her life, but she felt like it was wrong. Why do you only get two options? She glanced at the papers again. Couldn't she just decide already? Her time was running out. Oasis had had these papers for a month already, and they were now worn and fraying at the edges. She sighed and slammed them down on the counter as she stomped to the living room. She searched the room for her keys, and finally finding them, under the cactus pot, she grabbed her shoes and made her way down the three flights of stairs to her apartment building's lobby. Once there, she went to the front desk.

"Sam?", she called out, "Do you have any mail for me?"

Sam, a tall, blond-haired guy, about her age, turn around and smiled at her.

"Oasis! How have you been?"

"Not so good. Now, mail?" She held out her hands expectantly.

"Oh. Yeah." Sam turned and reached up to get Oasis's mail out of her box. Handing it to her, Oasis noticed how his nose ring sparkled in the flickering light. Then she quickly looked away. He wasn't one of her choices. She couldn't fall for him. Sam, seeming to think that the dying light bulb was a problem for her, assured her by saying,

"I'll replace it when it dies."

Oasis, startled out of her thoughts, yelped, she had forgotten that he was standing there.

Sam, being the nice caring person he was, had on a worried expression.

"Are you okay, Oasis?"

"Yeah. I-I have to go," she stuttered and rushed out of the lobby, to the parking lot. She remembered how the turquoise dyed tip of his blond hair shone in the light. Then she thought about his eyes an unnatural violet color that seemed to call to her, pulling her under their trance...

'No, Oasis,' she ordered herself, 'Stop thinking about Sam. He is not one of your choices.'

Oasis finally found her car, a turquoise bug that reminded her of Sam again. She shook her head, she had to stop thinking about Sam! She was about the get in when she heard a voice,

"Oasis! Oasis, stop!"

It was Sam. She turned slowly to see him running towards her, his hand outstretched.

"Yes?" she asked when he got close enough to speak to.

"You forgot your mail," he told her panting, holding out her mail.


Ha handed her the mail, and when she took it, their hands brushed. Electricity sparked up her hand, and she quickly pulled her hand away, holding the mail. Sam's violet eyes met hers and she was entranced by them. They sparkled with some unnatural light.

"Sam-" she started, but was cut off by his lips.

They covered her own with such a sense of urgency that she responded by kissing him back, with the same urgency. This was her soulmate, she decided, finger combing his hair. No one would tell her any better. She pulled away from him for a moment, he groaned and tried to pull her back, but she just held him back with her hand.

"Oasis..." Sam groaned.

She put a finger to his lips and told him to wait. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and called the Selector. After a few rings, the Selector picked up.


"This is Oasis. I have made my decision."

"Who is the lucky guy?"

"Sam Carnum."

"But Sam isn't-"

"He's my soulmate." And with that, she hung up.

Sam looked at her expectingly. She smiled.

"Get it the car," she told him, "You're taking me on a date."

Sam looked stunned.

"You chose me?"

"Yes," she replied, kissing him lightly, "I chose you, now get in the car.”

 Sam obeyed.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"You're driving," she said pointedly, gesturing to the steering wheel in front of him.

"Hmm... That is true. Where do you want to go, my lady?"

"I don't know. Laser tag?"

He grinned at her, showing off shining white teeth.

"You're on."

When they arrived at the Laser Tag World, they realized they were short a couple people. Oasis called two of her friends, and Sam two of his. When they arrived Oasis's friends surrounded her, asking her if she'd found her soulmate.

"Yeah," she told them, pointing to Sam, who winked at them, "I did."

Then she grinned at Sam and walked over to him, throwing her arms around his neck. He wrapped his muscular arms around her and pulled her close.

"I'm glad you chose me," he murmured into her black hair, "I choose you."

Outside the building gunfire suddenly started, pulling them apart. Oasis watched people getting shot outside, and looked at Sam.

"They're after me. I have to give myself up."

Sam looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Please, run away with me, Oasis."

"But Sam, I broke the law. They are killing innocent people looking for me."

She met Sam's pleading eyes. This was the greatest decision of her life. Life or death.


"Come with me, please."

She quickly made up her mind as the soldiers got closer.

"Let's go then."

They took off towards the back exit. Looking around, Sam found a truck parked a few feet away. He grabbed Oasis's hand and pulled her towards it.

"Sam, we don't have keys-"

"Don't need keys."

The reality of what Sam said sank in.

"You're gonna hotwire the truck?"

"Yep. Come on, Oasis, their gaining on us."

Oasis looked back, and sure enough, the soldiers were making their way towards them, their leader shouting commands, not to shoot at them, for risk of harming her. Right as the soldiers reached the streetlamp five feet away from them, they reached the truck. Sam opened the door, shoved her in then sild in himself. He quickly hotwired the car and sped off towards the wall.

The truck smashed through the wall and they were free! Now they could live their lives however they wanted. Now that they had left the Colony, they were no longer citizens, which meant they didn't have to follow their stupid rules anymore.

"We're free," Oasis said awed, the shouted, "We're free Sam! We're free!"

"I know," he replied happily, "I know." 






March 17, 2020 19:42

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