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Fiction Mystery Funny

The Key

By Rick Messner

"Guess what I found", I said holding my hand out in the shape of a fist to hide my discovery.

"Let's see, it's gotta be something small since it's in your hand, at least I assume it's in your hand. I know, it's my long lost ten-carat diamond ring!"

"Wrong, you always guess that and as far as I know you have never owned a ten-carat any kind of ring. You certainly didn't get one from me."

"Cheapskate. OK, I give up, let's see this find of yours."

I opened my hand to display a small gray key. "Remember this?" Barb took it and gave it a quick once over.

"I've never seen it before, what's it unlock?

"Oh come on, you have seen it before, it's been over twenty years since we lost it, but you should be able to remember it, think back."

She didn't have to think too long before a smile grew on her face. "It's the long-lost key to our safe deposit box which we quiet paying for after losing the key because the contents were worth less than what the bank would charge to create a new key. Right? We always said it would turn up someday and someday is here, but the key is worthless. Where did you find it anyway?"

"Where all small lost things go to get found, in the couch."

"No way, we looked in there, I remember digging around under the cushions."

"I remember that too, but it is where I found it. It’s an old beat-up couch that's been sitting in the basement for years and a long time since we lost the key which means there were lots of opportunities for it to get bounced around and end up in a tear in the upholstery where I found it."

"Why were you looking in that dilapidated old thing anyway?"

"It’s a good napping couch, you know that, and when I woke up from my nap I could tell some change dropped out of my pocket, so I was looking for it, found most of it, and the key to boot.

- - - 

I could tell she didn't believe me. The key had been lost for decades, that's true, and I did find it in the old couch after a nap, another truth. When we lost the key, we agreed not to pay the bank to have a new key created and to stop paying for the safe deposit box, but I continued to pay for it and did not tell Barb. It's a once-a-year payment and not hard to hide. Easily hidden or not, I suspect Barb knew I was continuing to pay for the box which means she knows the key can be used to open it. We agreed all those years ago there was nothing worth having in the box, just some receipts for things we no longer had. Not true, I know because I put something very valuable in the box and did not tell Barb, but I think she knows. Over the years I have come to believe she too put something of value in there before we lost the key. I think she would have paid for the box if I hadn't. So we both suspect the other of putting something of value in the box and now the one key that will open it has been found and I have it. Should I tell her I've been paying the rent and the box is still available? Probably but I'm not going to.

- - - 

What a buncha BS. I believe he found the key in the old couch but why now, he hardly naps in that thing anymore. He may have known it was there, but I doubt it and why did he continue to pay rent on the box after we agreed not to. Of course I would have paid it if he hadn't, but I had a reason to, did he? And why didn't he suggest setting a time to go to the bank and open the box?

- - - 

Barb left for her yoga class which she never misses so it was time for me to make my long-awaited trip to the bank. As I pulled into the parking lot, I thought to myself, the jig is up, because there was Barb's Subaru sitting in the front row. No sense trying to get away, she's sure to have seen me. I parked in the space next to her and we both exited our cars almost simultaneously.

"My, my, what are you doing here", said Barb wearing the knowing smile I was quite familiar with..

"What happened to yoga", was my non answer.

"The class was unexpectedly cancelled."

"I'll bet. Let's quit kidding around. You know I never quit paying the box rental and I know that you know so lets get in there, open it and see what we've got."

"I can't wait but you already know because you put it in there. The suspense is much greater for me."

"OK, I admit to putting something of value in there years ago before we lost the key, but I have strong vibes telling me you did the same thing.

Vibes are not facts. Let's avoid an argument about who did what since we're steps away from opening the box and finding out the truth."

A bank clerk took us into the vault housing the safe deposit boxes, found our box for us since neither of us could remember where it was and left us in privacy. We put the box on the only table in the large vault and lifted the lid. There on top of all the envelopes and papers was the key I put in there over twenty years ago. It looks similar to the key I found in the old couch yesterday which makes sense because it is another key to a safe deposit box in a different bank. I picked it up, looked it over briefly and said, "This is what I came for".

"What is it?"

"A key."

"I can see that wise guy, I meant what does it open?"

"I'll tell you as soon as you reveal whatever is in this box you came to retrieve."


"Come on, I can read you just like you can me and I can tell you put something valuable in this box before we lost the key so show it to me."

"Since you are so sure I put something in  here, find it, it's a small box containing mostly papers (except for your mysterious key) not all the way full, how hard can it be, find the treasure you think I hid in it. Go ahead, it shouldn't take long."

"Really? You know better than that. Opening every envelope and reading every paper could take a hell of a long time especially since I don't know what I'm looking for or would you like to tell me." Barb didn't answer. "I didn't think so."

"This is getting increasing ridiculous. Tell you what, you show me yours and I'll show you mine. We'll go to the safe deposit box this key opens and see the treasure you stashed in there and then we'll come back here, and I'll reveal my mystery deposit."

"Is this an admission that you did make such a deposit?"


Barb followed me to a bank on the other side of town and we went through a similar ritual to gain access to the safe deposit box. I opened it, took out the only content: a small box crudely wrapped in red and white paper and handed it to my beautiful wife. Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, and Happy Anniversary for all these occasions since we lost the first key. Better wait until we get to the cars before you open it. We notified the clerk we were done and returned to the cars.

"Do I have your guarantee this is not a bomb?"

"You do."

She opened the box and stared unbelieving at the large diamond ring.

"As you know, I didn't have the money back then for an engagement ring but have always thought you deserved one. I didn't think it would take so long to get it to you." My reward was a long hug and kiss. "It's a ten-carat-diamond", I added as an afterthought.

"I am now in a big hurry to return to box number one", said Barb. We drove back to the first bank and were soon in the same vault at the same table with our box. Barb opened it this time. She dug down through the stack of envelopes and papers to the bottom and retrieved a plain, white, sealed business envelope with no identifying writing and handed it to me.

"What is this", I said without opening it.

"A boat."

"You bought me a boat?"

"Open it and see."

I did and found a savings bond with a twenty-thousand-dollar face value.

"It's long past the maturity date making it worth considerably more than the twenty thousand. Should be enough to by that fishing boat you always wanted.

- - - 

Back at the house, Barb asked me the first of two obvious questions we both had on our minds. "Why did you put the key for the second box in the first box?"

Because I didn't want to lose it and since you were involved with the first box I didn't think the key to that box could be lost but you let me down."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did, the key got lost."

"No it didn't, who do you think put it in the old couch?"

"Why didn't you use it to retrieve the savings bond?"

"That’s easy, because it was earning interest, more interest than we could get in a savings account. Why didn't you pay the second bank to open the box with the ring?"


"It's OK, the waiting made for a better surprise."

- - - 

Hmmmmmm, am I missing something? Do I deserve forgiveness?

April 07, 2023 17:30

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1 comment

Elise Roberts
18:21 Apr 13, 2023

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was a pretty good book! (Although it was VERY mysterious, it was good though! Keep going!


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