Christmas Romance LGBTQ+

Ah, Christmas!, Naomi thought as she breathed in the fresh Christmas morning air. Everything was covered by a blanket of snow with the occasional dot of dead trees which were decorated with Christmas lights. Naomi clutched the mug of tea in her hand tightly as she felt a slight breeze shoot by her, causing her knuckles to turn white. Deciding that it was time to go back in, Naomi got up and walked back into her warm house. The warmth hit her in the face as soon as she walked in but Naomi welcomed it gratefully. She washed her mug and went to sit by her great fireplace. She wrapped a blanket around her, cocooning herself completely that only her head was peeking out as she stared into the cackling fire. Naomi loved Christmas. It was a time where she could spend time with her friends and family, a time where she exchanged gifts with the ones she loved the most and did her favourite hobby: baking. Naomi sank deeper into the warmth of her blanket as she got lost in her thoughts. As every Christmas went by, it only got better and better. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?, Naomi obviously thought to herself. Little did she know that this Christmas would be different. This Christmas would be life-changing. This Christmas would be like no other…  

Naomi then suddenly remembered and jumped up from her comfy armchair.

Oh no, Naomi thought worriedly as she checked her phone desperately, hoping she still had time to get ready. You see… Naomi was dating four people at once and she had to somehow make time for all of them in one day. Naomi sighed as she paced the room back and forth as she hopelessly tried to think of ways to make time for all of her...lovers? No, Naomi didn’t really love any of them and was only doing this only because she was tired of being lonely… she was also practicing for a special somebody. A somebody who she loved very much- “Hey, Naomi we going to that party- woah, what happened to you?”, a familiar asked from the doorway. Naomi turned around to face her best friend, Mia. Naomi smiled warmly at her friend and ran towards her friend, wrapping her arms around her wanting a hug very badly from somebody who she loved and who also loved her. Mia, caught off guard, almost fell backwards but luckily the wall was right behind her. She awkwardly patted her friend on her back, “erm…,” Mia trailed off unsure of what to say. 

“Oh right, sorry,” Naomi stepped back hurriedly and ran a nervous hand through her blue, raven hair, “what’s wrong? N-nothing.. just…”, Naomi tried to quickly think of something to say, “just trying to think of something to bake,” Naomi laughed apprehensively, hoping that Mia would believe what she had said and not question any further. Mia wasn’t convinced and sprawled herself onto the couch, “hmm, sure… you sure it’s nothing to do with your multiple boyfriends and girlfriends?”, Mia asked, trying not to laugh at the look on Naomi’s face, which was very red. 

“I- you- of course not. Also it’s only four of them, and why would it be about them? I mean...I can totally make time for all of them in one day,” Naomi just wanted to bury herself in her blankets and never wake up. Naomi looked at Mia for some sort of help but she was crouched over clutching her stomach laughing. Naomi threw a pillow at her in frustration. Mia yelped in surprise, “ouch, I’m sorry, it’s just… why don’t you just leave them? You don’t love any of them and I’m pretty sure they’re only dating you for the,” Mia coughed, “you know…”. Naomi laughed at Mia, “you can’t even say the word ‘sex’? Awh, you’re so pure”. 

Mia looked away and muttered under her breath, “now look at who’s laughing”. Mia got up and looked back at Naomi, hands in pocket, “get ready ‘cause we’re going to that party whether you like it or not and… Naomi please sort something out, you should just tell them… I love you and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you,” and with that she walked out of the room, leaving behind a very blushing Naomi on the floor...  


The cool night air hit Naomi as soon as she stepped out of the car causing a trail of goosebumps to appear along Naomi’s arms. She silently cursed herself for not bringing a coat. It was quite silly of her for not bringing one since she was a very revealing dress in December. Not realising that she was visibly trembling all over, Mia came over to her and gently placed her coat on Naomi’s shoulder, “better?”, she asked softly causing Naomi to look at Mia with curious eyes.

“Yes, much better”, she smiled at her best friend, “thank you”. The Mia she knew suddenly came back and a look of impatience was painted all over her face, “you should’ve bought a coat silly”, she muttered looking in the other direction, “anyways come on, let’s go or else we’ll miss out on the fun.” Ah, Naomi thought nervously, the fun. She breathed in the fresh air and they both walked towards the night’s doom.


Mia had left her on her own and now Naomi was dying in one of the dark corners. She was about to walk away to Mia’s car when… “erm… Naomi?”. Oh no, Naomi thought as her heart sank into the pit of her stomach, not now. Naomi turned around to the sweet voice and smiled at Theo. One of her multiple lovers, as Mia loved to say. “Oh hey, I was just thinking about you”, Naomi wrapped her arms around Theo and hugged her. When they had both pulled away, Theo was grinning at Naomi, her eyes filled with stars. Blinded. Confused, Naomi asked, “everything… alright?,” her hand went to her face, “is it my makeup? I was in a rush you know so-”, Naomi was cut off by Theo, who was now down on one knee. 

“Your makeup is lovely Sweetie, it’s just… I’m so in love with you and...I wanna spend my whole life with you,” Theo smiled up at a very shocked Naomi, “Naomi? Naomi Darling? Will you marry me?”, Naomi opened the little black box and inside it was a very magnificent ring, gleaming in all of its glory. That was when Mia’s words flooded her head, you should just tell them. “I…”, Naomi’s heart was beating so fast she could hear the boom so loud in her ears, “Theo… I’m so sorry… I don’t”, tears were now cascading down her cheeks in rivers. She ran away leaving a very heartbroken Theo…


In the blur of her tears she had somehow found Mia, who was alone. “Oh hey Naomi, have you met anyone yet- woah, are you okay Naomi?,” Mia’s worried voice and her arms going around her calmed Naomi. Naomi rubbed away her tears, “I- you remember Theo right?”.

“Yes.. Theo.. the woman who’d dye her hair crazy colours every month?”. 

This made Naomi laugh, “yes, her,” the smile left her face suddenly and she sighed, “well… she asked me to marry her and I… said...well I didn’t say no exactly but I just left...oh Mia, what do I do?”. 

Mia put her hands on Naomi’s shoulders forcing Naomi to look Mia directly in her eyes, “hey, what you did was right. Sure you might’ve hurt that poor woman’s soul but...this is about you and what you want. If you had said yes then you would’ve spent all your life married to someone you didn’t even like,” Mia smiled at Naomi, “plus, I’m sure Theo will find somebody else,” Mia coughed, “somebodythatactuallylovesher.” Naomi whacked Mia gently on the arm when she remembered… “Mia!”, she gasped.

“What? Sorry… did I say something wrong-”.

“No, Mia I still have three more people to tell-”, Naomi was interrupted by a ping sound from her handbag. She took her phone out and looked at the message she had received. Naomi groaned out loud in frustration, “ugh, now I need to meet Elijah,” she threw her hands up in exasperation. 

Mia leaned on the balcony railing and shrugged her shoulders, “oh well, I think you should  go meet him…,” she smiled at Naomi who rolled her eyes at her, “I’ll be here if you need me.” Naomi wanted to kill Mia but before she did that… she had to sort something out… a few things out.. 


As Naomi walked away and was swallowed up by the crowd of people, Mia looked up into the night air. The snow fell gently on her face, so gently Mia was convinced she was imagining the snow. She should be cold but instead it was oddly comforting. Being out here away from the people and the noise calmed her nerves. Being away from Naomi… Annoyed, Mia ran her fingers through her hair. Maybe it’s time you told her Mia, the icy cold, yet familiar, voice whispered in the back of her mind. Maybe I should, Mia agreed and took out her phone. 


I’ll be in the car if you need me, Naomi could barely read the message sent from Mia through the blur of her tears. She continued to walk blindly towards Mia’s car as she fought the whirlwind of thoughts in her head. The confusion and fright was intense but the huge relief that Naomi felt washed over her in cool waters. She wasn’t sure if the tears she was crying were happy or not. She wasn’t sure of anything. But she was sure of one thing- “Naomi?”.

Naomi looked up to the sound of Mia’s voice and there she was. Her arms stretched out for Naomi, always there for Naomi. “Mia…”, Naomi’s voice trembled as she walked into Mia’s arms. Mia patted Naomi gently on the shoulders and murmured into Naomi’s hair comforting words. When they had both pulled away, Mia carefully guided Naomi into her car as if she'd break any second. Once they were both seated in Mia’s car, Mia handed a tissue to Naomi to wipe the tears. “Sooo… tell me what happened? Or don’t if you don’t need to…”, Mia hoped she was being comforting and not awkward. She usually never knew how to handle these sorts of situations. But luckily for Mia, Naomi was deep in her thoughts to notice anything. The curtain of hair surrounding Naomi’s face kept Mia from knowing what Naomi was feeling. She hadn’t spoken for a while and this worried Mia. Without realising, Mia tucked Naomi’s hair behind her ear, causing the other girl to look up in surprise. Mia pulled her hands back, “s-sorry, I didn’t realise-”

“No, it’s okay,” Naomi whispered, “you wanted to know what happened? Well… they all asked me to marry them!”, she threw her hands up in frustration, “I mean… it’s so weird, like were they planning it or something behind my back?”, a look of horror passed her face and she gasped in shock, “what if they knew that I was dating all of them at once and to get revenge they decided to ruin my Christmas?”. The tears started sliding down her face silently as Naomi gnawed at her lips worriedly. Decided enough was enough, Mia leaned over and put her finger under Naomi’s chin, forcing the other girl to look at her in the eye. Enough was enough, Mia repeated silently in her head, it’s time. 


Frick, Mia thought as the other girl continued staring at her in confusion, her soft lips unknowingly parted. She breathed in a big deep breath, “Naomi, Naomi, Sweet Naomi, I- what you did tonight was the right thing to do and now that you’re not with any of them don’t you feel happy?-”


“Shhh”, Mia placed a finger over Naomi’s lips silencing her, “Naomi, I don’t know if this is the right time but… ever since I met you I always knew there was something about you.. you’re so different and...this might sound cliche.. But, I don't know, there’s just something magical about you,” the confusion on Naomi’s face only deepened, “I’m sorry, I don’t really make much sense do I?,” Mia was pretty sure that she looked absolutely stupid at that moment but she continued, “Naomi… I love you… I love you like, like a husband and wife loves each other?”, Mia laughed softly, “I love you and,” she produced a rich, black velvet box from her pocket and opened it, “Naomi, will you marry me?”. Naomi’s hand fluttered to her mouth as she tried to fully understand what was happening right now. As she was hoping that this wasn’t some sort of cruel dream. Tears were falling down her cheek. Happy tears. “Yes, yes Mia, I will marry you,” and they both kissed as if it’d be their last. And there they both stayed the whole night as they stared into the night sky as the snow began falling again, in each other’s arms and comforting silence. This might’ve been the weirdest Christmas ever, Naomi thought silently as she felt Mia fall into a deep slumber, but definitely the best, and with that thought Naomi also fell asleep with a big smile plastered on her face..

December 25, 2020 20:21

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Akshaya Sutrave
13:50 Dec 31, 2020

Hi Minnie! I love this story and the storyline! The descriptions were realistic and very imaginable! I can't wait to read more of your work! Great job, keep it up! :)


Minnie Malfoy
14:03 Dec 31, 2020

awhh, thank youu <3 it means a lot :D


Akshaya Sutrave
14:06 Dec 31, 2020

My pleasure! :D


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Kate Reynolds
13:42 Dec 31, 2020

Hello Minnie! Wow I really liked the plot of this story! I loved how Naomi was dating four people, but she ended up with Mia! Great job! :D Also I would love it if you could read my newest story (Ten Seconds ‘Till Death) and tell me how it is!


Minnie Malfoy
13:48 Dec 31, 2020

Thank you :)), and sure I'll check it out <3


Kate Reynolds
13:48 Dec 31, 2020

Ofc! And thanks!! :D


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Kate Reynolds
13:48 Dec 31, 2020

Ofc! And thanks!! :D


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Minnie Malfoy
13:48 Dec 31, 2020

Thank you :)), and sure I'll check it out <3


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