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Mystery Crime Drama

“Nine-one-one. What is your emergency?”

“I just saw someone murder my neighbor’s daughter. I saw the killer and I know who he is.” Trembling, he could hardly hold the phone to his ear.

“What is your name, please?”

“Abraham Westbrink. They call me Skip.”

“Thank you, Skip. What is your address, please?”

“Four fourteen West Mulberry.”

“What is the address of your next-door neighbor?”

“Four eighteen West Mulberry.”

“What is your neighbor’s name?”

“Ken Williamson.”

“What is his daughter’s name?”


“How long ago did this occur?”

“Maybe one minute?”

“Help is on the way. Tell me what you saw.”

“I was here in my bedroom. I looked out the window next to the head of my bed.”  He coughed. “Across my driveway is the window to their den, or family room, or whatever you call it. I saw a man raise a gun, fire, and Natalie fell out of view below the window. The man looked right at me, shot her again on the floor, then fled into another room.”

“Can you stay on the phone with me?”

“Yes, ma’am.” 

“How old is Natalie?”

“Maybe fourteen. She is a sophomore in high school.”

“Are there other people in the house?”

“I didn’t see any.”

“Can you see any vehicles?”

“Yes. There is a white compact car parked on the curb. I don’t see any others, but there is a three-car garage on the other side of the house that I can’t see from here.”

“What can you see now?”

“Nothing. There is still a light on in the den, but there is no activity. Usually, light from the television can be seen flickering in the room, but not now.”

“Do you think you are safe?”

“Yes. Why did you ask me?”

“You said the killer looked at you. Is there any chance that person may come for you now?”

“I didn’t think about that. Let me be sure the doors are locked.” He stepped to the front door, then to the kitchen door. “I hear sirens now.”

“Good. They should be there soon. Please stay on the line with me until the officer is with you.”

“OK.” There was another pause. “It looks like there are three patrol cars out front. One is at the curb next door facing the little white car, one is in my driveway, and one went down the Williamsons’ driveway.”

“Let me know when you make contact with our officer.”

“Hello, officer, please come in. OK, thank you. She is here now.”

“OK. I’m going to end the call now.”

“Thank you for your help.” The call ended.

“My name is Officer Brandi Harrison. Mr Westbrink? They said to call you Skip.”

“Yes. Thank you for coming so fast, Brandi. My first name is Abraham, but everybody calls me Skip. Please come in.” He motioned toward a living room containing a grand piano.

“Do you think we could sit down?”

“Yes, I think that might be a good idea.” He had a steel grip on his cell phone. He motioned to an elegant antique, “How about here in this wing chair. It was my grandmother’s”

“It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“This is awful.”

“Yes, Mr Westbrink. Tell me what you saw.”

“I looked up from bedside table where I had just turned off the lamp. There was a light on in the den at the Williamsons’ house, which is not unusual. I saw Natalie, the Williamsons’ older daughter, standing near the window and facing to my left, which would be toward the television. She was standing about three feet in front of the couch, which is not visible from here. Another figure stepped in front of Natalie and raised a gun and fired at her.” He blew his nose. “I saw the flash. It looked like it might have hit her chest. She fell, the shooter looked at me, and then disappeared.”

“Which way did the shooter go?”

“To my left, which is the door to the dining and kitchen area.”

“You say that the shooter looked at you. Did you recognize the person?”


“Who do you believe it is?”

“Calvin Williamson.”

“Is he related to Natalie and the next-door residents?”

“Yes. He’s Natalie’s older brother, the eldest child in the family.”

“Tell me about all the Williamson family members.”

“Ken Williamson and his wife Carolyn have two children, Natalie and Shelby. Calvin is Ken’s son from a previous marriage, but he is only a year or two older than Natalie. Shelby is ten.”

“Do you know how old Calvin is?”

“Not exactly, but he’s a senior in high school, and will graduate in a few months. He drives.”

“Do you know anything about why Calvin would shoot Natalie.”

He swallowed. “Heavens no. If there is animosity between them, I don’t know about it.”

“Do you know the Williamsons well enough that you would know about animosity if there was some?”

“I think so. I’m not sure. Oh my gosh. I can’t believe Natalie’s been shot. What is happening?”

“Do you know if there is anyone else in the house?”

“No. I just got home from work. I was just in the bedroom to change my clothes to work in the garage.”

“Brandi, it’s Jim. Where are you?” came from the front door.

“We’re right here.” A heavyset, mustached man in jeans and a flannel shirt entered the room displaying his badge. “Jim, this is Skip Westbrink. Skip this is detective Jim McCauley.”

“I can’t believe this is happening.” He wiped a tear. “Nice to meet you, Jim.”

“Did you see someone shoot Natalie Williamson?”

“Yes. In plain sight. I saw the face of the shooter, too, and there is no mistake about who it was.”

“Skip, do you think you know where this happened?”

“I know exactly where it happened, Jim.”

“Have you been in the Williamsons’ home often?”

“Yes. Maybe weekly. Ken and I sometimes watch sports in that very room. We often eat together on the weekends. My wife and I were just there a few days ago for dinner and to play cards.”

“Would you like to take me to the Williamsons’ and show me where this happened?”

“No, no, no! I don’t want to see Natalie.”

“Well, Skip, I think you could help us a great deal if you could show us.”

“Jim, that is not my idea of a good time.”

“But it might make you feel better.”

“Jim, how on earth could that make me feel better? I don’t want to see poor Natalie no matter what condition she is in. I certainly don’t want to meet up with Calvin, either.”

“Are you threatened by Calvin, Skip?”

“I am now. I saw him shoot her in cold blood. That den must be a mess.” He winced. “He couldn’t have been more than three feet from her. Oh! Poor Natalie!”

“Why don’t you come with me, Skip. Come outside with me.”

“Are you sure, Jim?” They strolled across the yard.

“When were you in this house last?”

“On Saturday evening. We ate with them and played cards.”

“Who did you play cards with?”

“Ken and Carolyn.”

“Here. Do you know the code to this door, Skip?”

“Yes. There. Gosh, Jim. I don’t want to go much farther. I can smell the gun already.”

“Hey, Lou, this is Jim Westbrink. Jim, this is officer Lou Stevenson. Jim witnessed the shooting and called nine-one-one.”

“Glad to meet you, Skip. Would you like to come in the den?”

“No. I don’t want to see poor Natalie. Is she still alive?”

“Yes, she is, Skip.”

“Are the ambulance people with her?”

“No. They are leaving.”

“Holy cow, Natalie!”  Skip shook his head. “What are you doing?” He took cautious steps toward her, looked in her sparkling eyes, and down at her chest. No blood.

“Jim, I’m fine.”

“Natalie.” His eyes were wide scanning from the television to the couch. “There is nothing in this den. But I smell the gun.”

“Yes, Skip.”


“I shot Natalie.” Calvin said. “We are practicing for the school play. In the play I shoot her which starts a murder mystery.”

“Skip, do you feel better?”

“Yes. I now feel like a fool. Now that you mention it, I saw a flyer for the play. But I had no idea that you two are in it.”

“We are.” Natalie said. “Calvin and I wanted to be sure we knew how to act out the killing. We didn’t think about you seeing us.”

“Calvin, you looked right at me.”

“I didn’t see you, Skip. With the reflection of the dusk-to-dawn light on your window, we can almost never see inside. Besides, your blind is usually closed.”

“I am so sorry, Brandi, Jim, and Lou. I saw the gun flash. I saw Natalie fall. I saw Calvin disappear.”

“Well, Skip. I hope you can have a good night.”

“Thanks to you three for coming so fast. I am glad we didn’t need you, but it was nice you came so fast.”

“Good night, Skip.”

“Natalie and Calvin, I should kick your butts!”

November 09, 2020 13:44

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1 comment

Carole Cobos
19:51 Nov 20, 2020

My heart is still racing. I would have preferred it that there was a bit more action mixed in with dialogue but I get how the word limit would make that difficult. I even believed for a moment that Skip was the killer. Again I look forward to reading more of your works Thanks for sharing!


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