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African American Inspirational

This day started off normal just as every other day when I would make my trips to the library, but when I got there I decided to browse through a new section called learning who you are. I began to look at the titles and something quickly caught my eye, it said learn to protect your energy and manage your emotions. I thought this was very interesting because I have had a hard time throughout my life trying to do both of the things mentioned. The picture was very eye-catching, it showed a woman with her back turned on what looked like a stressful situation and she was facing a field full of purple flowers. I thought it would be something inspirational to check out and if nothing else, I would probably get to enjoy a few good quotes and inspirational messages. The first chapter grabbed onto me like the jaws of an alligator and refused to release me until I read each and every word of the book. In the first chapter it dealt directly with getting to know yourself, which meant letting go of everything you thought and believed about your life and purpose on this planet. That exercise was pretty deep and intense for me as I had never done that type of analysis of myself in so many different areas. The next chapter focused on questions about how you deal with other people, how you handle stressful situations, how you handle your emotions and how you cope with pain. It also talked about how we are extremely sensitive to the pain of others and this is where I began to learn more about how I feel the emotions of others too deeply and carry them for too long. I was also able to recognize the pattern of allowing others to effect my energy levels and how to protect myself from those individuals. The author went into detail about learning who you can and cannot be around when you have this kind of spirit, because it can really drain you. The importance of boundaries and sticking to them was a huge part of each chapter in this book, it talked about training yourself to be consistent. I felt like this person wrote this book just for me, because it felt like a letter and a personal instruction manual on how to live my life going forward. This wonderful person who designed this blueprint for me to follow went into the third chapter by touching on having the courage to make a change, dealing directly with bad habits and replacing them with good ones. One of the bad habits they talked about was the way we eat and how important it is to incorporate more vegetables into our diets immediately. They tried not to go too deep into being vegan or vegetarian, but definitely talked about feeding your children more plant-based foods. It felt like I was having a makeover and a spiritual transformation by the information I was reading in this enlightening book. When they started talking about being sensitive to loud noises and irritated by large crowds, I laughed so hard that I almost coughed up a lung and I knew something directed me to this book. I have always been bothered by a lot of noise or being around too many people, especially if it is in a small space and if there are strangers and drinking involved. My friends used to always complain in high school and college as well, because they thought I was such a downer when it came to parties. I always tried to have a good time, but never understood why it just never did much for me and I could not get into the vibe everyone would be on. The next chapter talked about having the ability to feel the negative presence and or energy of others as soon as you come upon them. It also discussed visions, dreams, exercising, drinking water, meditating and following your spirit guides. All of this was really interesting to me because my dreams have always been very clear and detailed as if someone was giving me some kind of directions. This book showed me that this is exactly what has been happening to me along with my ability to read people, which I had no idea was present. I always thought I was just really good at guessing people's personalities and things they would do or say, I would have never known I had a gift. This goes into the next chapter explaining the spiritual awakening, recognizing and learning to use your gifts, understanding why you are here and how to keep growing spiritually. I was so moved by this book, I could not stop reading it and when I went to the bathroom, I found myself continuing to read as I sat on the toilet. I was so excited to get to the next chapters so that I could see what part of my soul they were going to touch next, this was the most amazing experience that I ever had reading a book. The writer was very detailed in a basic kind of way, they made sure that I understood each step by making it easy to understand. Next up, came the lesson of how important it is to learn your spiritual purpose so that you can benefit yourself and the everyone else in the world. I swear I was about to fallout with joy, I wanted to get up and start shouting like some of those people in the church. This book was so impressive, touching, eye-opening and inspiring that it made me realize that I needed to have it in my collection. I immediately went online, found it and placed my order, I still had plans to take this copy home since I had already checked it out. When I got to the chapter detailing all of the stages, this when I actually broke down and cried, I could not believe how the words of these pages were detailing everything I had experienced for my entire life. All of these years, I was growing into my empathetic stance without knowing what was going on with inside of me, many times I thought I was going nuts. I always felt as if I was from another planet or at least a different group of humans because my way of thinking is so different from everyone I have ever known. The chapter on spiritual emergencies really helped me gain perspective on my personality and my life experiences and how I deal with everyone. Oh my goodness, when they talked about controlling the ego after learning to use all of your spiritual gifts, I laughed really hard again. After that it quickly got serious again as they talked about the extreme mood swings, managing your gifts, understanding the importance of alone time and meditation. Finally it touched on calming your fears, which I found very interesting, they said this was difficult to do since we are used to avoiding our fears. I sat in the library for three hours, read this entire book, my life was immediately changed forever and I have discovered that I am an Empath!

April 26, 2021 00:30

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1 comment

Keyona Smith
22:44 May 04, 2021

I enjoyed reading your story!! It described an accurate depiction of my life. Recently I've been trying to protect my energy and manage my emotions. Do you have any suggestions on books I can read?


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