Christmas Holiday Romance

Daya owned a bakery shop in shreveport louisiana. She has run that business for over 4 years. She runs that business all by herself. She bakes, cleans, and she's her very own cashier. She found out that there has been a new guy that moved in down the block. He ran his business for only 2 years. He was still new to everything. He had employees and didnt do anything besides run his bakery. It was easier for him because he had help. He started his business in Ohio but got a better offer to start his business down here. She knew she had competition. He has been there for at least a year but he has never come to the town's annual holiday festival. Daya loved Christmas. Baking during christmas always puts her in a good mood. She had to try harder on her baking skills, so she could win this year's baking contest. She did everything she could to try more strategies. She practiced day and night. She only had 7 days till the festival. 3 days before the festival the guy named George from the bakery down the street came into daya’s bakery. She was shocked that he would even step foot in her bakery. He sat down and ordered some food. She was super busy trying different skills and he wondered why because her food was so good. She told him she was gonna win this year's festival. He didn't even know there was a festival. When he found out he left in a hurry and signed up. From that point he was the meanest person he could be to her. He wrote bad reviews so nobody would go to her bakery. Later that night she got an emailed that said “dear daya, you are not allowed to enter the baking contest at the festival. You are short of 100 customers. You have to have at least 300 people visiting your bakery. I’m sorry but as of now, we are taking down your bakery stand.” She lost over 200 people so she only had 200 going to her bakery which meant she wasn't allowed to bake. She was upset and the only thing she did was bake. She knew it was Christmas and when she's upset, she bakes to take her mind off things. She couldn't let go at the fact that she couldn't bake at the festival during december. She got an email from someone last night and it said “the reason you can’t bake at the festival is because George wrote you a bad review and got 200 people to stop coming to your bakery. He wanted to limit the competition.” When she read that email she was hurt. She didn’t say anything to him. She did everything she could to get her bakery up to 100 more people. She even put up christmas lights but nothing helped. She went to the competition and told him “ what you did wasn't right. Just because you are insecure about your baking skills doesn't mean you can take people out of the competition. Don't throw someone else's dream away just because you knew you didn't have a chance to win. It's not like you're going to win anyway. You're a first time comer to the festival. Just because you think you're the best at baking doesn't mean you steal the spotlight, especially when it's not yours in the first place. He replied with “You shouldn't even be aloud in here yelling at a baker. Don't take it out on me just because you lost 200 people. You should bake better! Daya began to think it wasn't him for a second, then she heard what he said “200 people”. She thought how did he know I lost 200 people exactly and how did he know that's why I didn't come to the festival? “You did do it,” Daya said. “If you didn't then how would you know why i didn't bake.She was furious. She wanted him to understand how she felt so she said “baking has been passed down from all the women in my family and we have all won at least once in our life.” She continued to tell him how it was her dream and she believed she could do it. He began to say he was sorry and in that moment She looked at him with an angry facial expression when he said “i'm so sorry i never realized how important baking was to you. When they announced the winner he interrupted the speaker and told everyone that daya should be the winner because her food was amazing. When she heard him say that her heart glowed and she had a smile on her face. That same night he wanted to make it up to her so he took her on a date. They talked and laughed and at the end of the night, they agreed to start a bakery business together. It has been exactly one year since they started their own business together. When they entered their bakery in the contest, they won. The happiest moment of their life is when they did it together. That same night George took her to the same restaurant they went to last year and got down on one knee and said “ I know it's early but you are the most beautiful girl in my heart. When we decided to start our own bakery I had no idea that I would fall in love with the most beautiful baker in the world. We make such a good team and I know that if i dont marry you then nothing in my life is gonna mean anything. You have supported my dreams and I'm ready to have you in my life forever. I wanna be the one that bakes you things. I want you. I love you. Will you marry me daya?” A lady behind her said “Say yes!” Daya knew what her answer was. She felt the same way and when he said all of those things her heart was glowing. She screamed yes and hugged him so tight and said “I love you too.”

Posted Dec 06, 2020

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