
It is September,3,2005 and the time is 1:32 P.M. Nujkokog (Nooj-kō-kog) was just now thinking of stuff to do while his irises were super small and he was looking everywhere vigorously while squating on the ground with his hands scrunching up his own hair very tightly and hardly. He then got an idea on what to do and he is now finding all the stuff he needed in the abandoned shelter for a D.I.Y. Iron Man costume and he found those items and he was doing that because he was paranoid, so to get his mind off of those things that scare him he is doing that. Also since he couldn't go outside to continue his journey of finding his way back home cause he is a missing kid and it was raining very hard out there so it would be very dangerous for him. It is September,3,2005 and the time is 7:50 P.M. Nujkokog is just now finished with making the D.I.Y. Iron Man costume. Then he set it down beside where he was before he went hunting for some paper and a pencil and he found those items and he then went back to where he set his D.I.Y. Iron Man costume at. Then he began to write all the clues for his treasure hunt that he will play alone since no one else is in the abandoned shelter or so he thinks no one else is in there because he didn't look everywhere or really inspect everywhere he went in the shelter because he's not worrying about anything right now because he is distracting himself with the treasure hunt. 

               It is September,3,2005 and the time is 8:35 P.M. Nujkokog is just now finished with writing all the clues for his treasure hunt. Then he set the papers and his pencil on his D.I.Y. Iron Man costume gently and carefully so he doesn’t mess up his papers and his D.I.Y. Iron Man costume, not even a smidge of disfiguration for any of the items. Then he went hunting for all the stuff he needed for D.I.Y. Mini Treasure Boxes and he also went hunting for treasures that can fit in the D.I.Y. Mini Treasure Boxes and he went where he was before he went hunting for those items and he found those items and he then went back to where he set his D.I.Y. Iron Man costume, papers, and pencil at. Then he set the items that he just hunted for right in front of himself and he began to make the D.I.Y. Mini Treasure Boxes. It is September,3,2005 and the time is 9:31 P.M. Nujkokog is just now finished with making the D.I.Y. Mini Treasure Boxes. Then he set them in front of himself and he grabbed the treasures that can fit in the D.I.Y. Mini Treasure Boxes and he put all the treasures in the D.I.Y. Mini Treasure Boxes and he began to hide them and the clues that he carefully picked up from off of the D.I.Y. Iron Man costume throughout the shelter. 

                It is September,3,2005 and the time is 10:33 P.M. Nujkokog is just now finished with hiding the D.I.Y. Mini Treasure Boxes and clues throughout the shelter. Then he went to find some paper and he then went back to where he set his D.I.Y. Iron Man costume, and pencil at and he picked up the pencil carefully from off of the D.I.Y. Iron Man costume and he then made a scavenger hunt and a map for the treasure hunt. Then he went hunting for all the stuff he needed for his contraption that he made up and he then found those items and he made the contraption. What the contraption does, is that you put it in the middle of your bicep and it lets your conscious be active in your head and you can see inside your head like if you had eyes in your head and for until you're done choosing on what you want to brainwash out of your brain and how you select the memory is that you have to ‘stare’ at the ‘projected’ memory and it then lets you automatically go unconscious for 8 hours for the contraption to succeed to brainwash the selected memories. He then did just that he sticked the needle in the middle of his own bicep while looking so he can know what he's doing and also to put it in the exact spot that it needs to be inserted into and he then groaned and closed one of his eyes because of the pain of the contraption. He then went into his own consciousness literally and he selected the memories of where he put the D.I.Y. Mini Treasure Boxes and clues at. Then he went back to his normal state of mind and body then his eyes closed slowly and he fell on his left side where the needle was still inserted in his arm and he then went unconscious. 

                It is September,4,2005 and the time is 6:33 A.M. Nujkokog is just now waking up by opening his eyes slowly and the contraption that he made up actually worked, he lost his memory of where he put the D.I.Y. Mini Treasure Boxes and clues at. He is now taking the needle out of his arm and a lot of blood was spewed out then he started to panic a lot, scream very loudly, and hyperventilate and he dropped the needle and he started to run towards the entrance of the abandoned shelter while it was still raining very hard. He then saw a woman that was facing away from him and he started to scream even louder than before and running a smidge faster than before. Then panic-strickened for the woman and she pulled out her pistol really quickly and she turned quickly towards Nujkokog with her eyes closed. Then she began to scream very loudly while shooting Nujkokog a lot and all the bullets went through him and he was already dead from the first bullet cause it went through his heart, but she didn’t know or care because she was just trying to keep herself safe from ghosts, humans, monsters etc. Then when she ran out of bullets she turned away from him, opened her eyes, and ran away very far away from him. It is September,4,2005 and the time is 7:43 A.M. for the time of his death. What was left of Nujkokog was just a bloody, disgusting, gruesome, trypophobia, mess of a kid.

March 23, 2020 15:00

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