Teens & Young Adult Adventure

Ranetta sat at the teetering edge of the cliff, one jump could end it all. She would be separated from her family for the rest of eternity, unless the ocean thought her worthy enough to come back through. This however was unlikely, she had dreamed of the new dawn for ages, it was beckoning to her to come to it. But…that would mean leaving her strict but kind mother, and her loving understanding father. Her awkward but hilarious older brother and her doish Miko, a half fish half dog creature with big brown cow eyes that begged for her to stay as she left. She would leave them all on the shore of Atlantis and might never return. Her big gray soft eyes turned glassy as she peered over the edge once more, her long dark brown hair flying in the wind. Her soft thin features shook as she took a unsure step toward the edge. She remembered what her mother had told her before she stormed out of her little hut “This isn’t what you want, you’re happy here you don’t need to go anywhere and you’ll never see us again if you do” why had she said that? Yes she was happy if it weren’t for the fact that the bridge between the New Dawn and Atlantis was broken and the sea was cursed. She wouldn’t be able to return after leaving unless by some miracle, the sea thought her worthy.Some of the noblest have tried to return and failed. There wasn’t even a slim chance that she would be able to make the journey back. Her parents had told her that they were safe where they were and preferred to keep it that way. Ranetta obviously had a different understanding of the world than the rest of her family did. Also “safe” was not a word in her vocabulary neither was “fear” but “danger” was in common use. Ranetta didn’t want to admit it, but she was afraid. Afraid of the dangers that lay beyond their veil. Afraid of losing her way of life, afraid that she might regret it after all and be forced to stay in the maybe cold and unwelcome world. Maybe there weren’t any people beyond the veil and then she would be stranded and die completely alone. For no amount of lush greens could replace the company of a human soul. Ranetta’s heart dropped to her stomach at these thoughts she clutched her ribs and took very large steps backward. She didn’t want to come home because her parents didn’t deserve such satisfaction. She would have to either cross either humiliate herself in front of her whole village and live the rest of her life in shame. Ranetta wished for a place, a time where she wasn’t limited to one island she knew as well as the back of her hand. But at the cost of never being able to talk to a person again was too high not to be considered. Ranetta thought of sleeping on it, but then remembered the treacherous creatures that roamed outside the village walls. She had her twisty tree, where she currently was located clinging to the branches. Far enough from the cliff that she could not see the edge. Her face was an expression of pure agony as her heart ached to go beyond the edge but her mind rationed to stay and hope that one day she could discover what was beyond the veil in a safer way…her heart won. After one final look at the sunset Ranetta dove. There was no turning back now as she felt tears forming. She would most likely never see her family again. As she crashed into the frigid water all tears washed away as she snapped back to reality, she had to swim 20 miles without any skills and hope that the Liopleurodon’s and Megaledons didn’t finish her first.She began the long swim to the end of the veil and Ranetta was fairly confident that all the training she’d received in her classes would pay off, maybe,

 hopefully, maybe she was setting her expectations too high. But Ranetta had already dived, there was no turning back now. Suddenly she heard an ear piercing screech coming from behind her. She didn’t need to be an expert to know that it was a Liopleuridon, one of the most vicious and most dangerous predators in the sea. They would not spare an Alantian, since they haven’t eaten in days. Renneta knew she would have to use an air push to outrun it. Only problem with that being she didn’t know how. Though one look at those scary eyes and pointed teeth was all the motivation she needed to not become Liopleurodon dinner. She gathered all her concentration and BOOM! Not only did her enemy receive a blow to the face but she successfully outran one of the most dangerous creatures of the deep. Now she was suddenly flying toward her goal at a speed that was unmeasurably fast. This may have been a small mistake but at least she was coming close. Ranetta became scared, she was about to cross the barrier. She had decided to go on the cliff, but was unsure of her survival or success. Ranetta had to admit her fear had not perished yet but still she had to be strong. After all nightfall was just around the corner and she was losing daylight. If she wanted to make it to the new dawn before dark she would have to continue. Plus this was her only logical option because Atlantis was far behind her. Suddenly a strong force pulled her toward the veil. The magic was strong, very strong. Ranetta had to be brave if she wanted to survive so she let the pull breath her in. In moments she was floating in warmth and goodness. Suddenly leaving Atlantis felt promising and rewarding. Then in seconds it was all over. As Ranetta regained consciousness she became aware of her surroundings, which were very lush and green. Ranetta had read about these in a textbook of a great explorer who was said to go mad. He described this beauty as a jungle. Unfortunately there was not a single soul in sight. But there were animals, strange ones birds with such color it was indescribable, fish with spikes and scales and yellow eyes that gave a strange glow. Ranetta decided this: if there was life there had to be more, and she was going to find it.

March 13, 2023 00:28

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