
Angelica Gamble

22 january 2021

A Normal Day At Work

It was another monday morning and I was on my way to work. I work at walmart. It was a very cold day, and the forecast calls for snow. The first thing I do is start stocking shelves. I'd been working everyday for a week so the day is going by extremely slow. As I'm working, I hear the wind steadily picking up, howling, crackling the ceiling. The customers walking out the door were practically getting pulled by the wind. The girl's hair would tornado at the top of their head. The children could hardly stand on their own two feet. The shopping carts were getting blown all the way to Dillons. The clock strikes 12:00 and it's time for lunch. I planned on going to get pizza from dominos, but my weather app says the wind is 50 miles per hour and it should start snowing anytime now. I decided it was safest to just get a premade sandwich from the deli. The store was getting pretty empty. I've only seen a couple of customers. It made me think, why did I need to work today there's like 20 other workers here and like 5 customers. As I'm eating my lunch in the breakroom,  I see the snow outside the window start to pour down thick, fluffy, piles of snow. The wind was picking the snow off of the ground making it look like there was even more snow falling from the sky. I could literally hear the snow flakes hit the top of the building. I finish my lunch then my walkie talkie starts beeping. It's my manager, Harold. 

“All walmart employees, a blizzard is coming strait to El Dorado, do not panic”

I look over to some of my coworkers, and I can tell they are panicking. One girl started crying and begging to go home but if she tried stepping out those doors she’d fly away and freeze to death. Over the intercom Harold had to give notice to everyone.

“Walmart shoppers, the weather is getting worse and roads are covered, we advise you to stay here to keep your life.”

Now the shoppers started to panic. One man shouted.

“You can't keep us here forever!”

People started calling their loved ones and making sure they were ok. An old man started sprinting and swung open the doors and as soon as his feet touched the ground, he was swept back up and never seen again. At this point my manager decided we must lock all doors and let nobody out, until the weather stops. 

“Angel” said my manager

“Go lock every single one of these doors now before someone else gets killed”

I grab the keys and rush to lock the first door. One down 5 more to go. I rushed to lock them all. Klick the last door locked, now what should I do? There's enough workers here to help if needed so i decided to go back to the break room. I could do whatever I wanted. We're in a crisis right now and my coworkers won't notice me being gone. First thing I do is open the fridge and see a box of pizza. I don't know who it is, but it's mine now. In the back room where we eat lunch and take breaks, I've always noticed what looks like a door or maybe used to have been a door but it has no knob. And when I asked my manager before, what is is/was, he says nothing but it has always intrigued me. 

“The time is now” a small voice whispers.

“You must see inside that mystery door” it whispers again.

Am I imagining things now I wondered? 

“Who said that” I yelled 

That voice had to come from behind that door. Those whispers I heard kept running around my head until I couldn't bear to not know what it was. I walk up to the door and start to place my hands on it feeling around trying to find a way to open it. I feel like I am about to see my “other mother”. As I'm feeling around the door, I find a lever, and I pull. Slowly opens this door that I knew I was right about! Behind the door were stairs going down, further than I can see. 

“It's dark in here. Where's the light” I said to myself. 

“Down here” a faint high pitched voice said. 

“Help us,” another voice said.

Oh hell nah could this get any weirder? These voices sounded miles away. My conscious is telling me to leave but my feet begin to carry me down the stairs. I have to use my phone flashlight because it is pitch black down here. I walked for about 10 whole minutes before I finally saw the flat concrete floor. I look to my left then right and see right next to me is a light switch. Flick, the lights lit up and appeared in a hallway to the right with little cages on both sides. There had to be about 1,000 cages on each wall. Inside the cages were little people. Each cage had a family; it looked like at least two people in each cage. I approach a cage to my right, it's two girls and one boy. 

“Who are you guys” I said to them

“We are the Gibsons, we are stuck here can you free us please”

“Why are you all down here, what is going on” I asked

“Its that guy Harold, he put us here”

I knew something was off about Harold; he always gave me weird vibes. The way he just brushed it off when I asked him what was up with the door. 

“He's been testing us all trying to find the cure” said the little man

“The cure to what” i asked

“The coronavirus of course” he answered quickly

“He's been putting god knows what into our bodies, and made some of us sick” a women shouted from across the hall

“He killed my babies my poor babies” another women cries 

I have to do something these poor people are being tortured.

“So why are you guys so small” i asked them

“It was the first experiment he did to us” says a boy

“After he captured each one of us from our homes, work, and even the streets he injected us with this small person stuff”

I decided to take matters into my own hands and free them. I start walking, passing all the 1,000s of people and find a door, I open it. It's a science lab. There's so many labeled potions and spells. There are so many to choose from where to begin. I finally found a jar that says “little me potion” and luckily right next to it is another jar that says “make me big again” serum. I grab it and head for the cages. With the keys Harold gave me I noticed a key I've never used. I place it into the lock and it's a perfect fit. Each cage I unlock out hopps out happy little people begging for the juice to cure their littleness. Each person grown now follows me up the stairs and to the breakroom. I look outside and the window and see the blizzard has calmed down is now a light snow. I quickly unlock the door closest to us to the outside and let them be free to live their lives happy, and normal sized. 

January 22, 2021 16:12

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