happiness turned to sorrow

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt

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Sad Romance Bedtime

I was admitted to Colonel Sher Khan's cadet College in Swabi. The atmosphere there was very calm. I met many friends there but one of these friends was named Junaidullah Khan. Junaidullah Khan had a very good character and good looks. He always loved me. Doing and supporting me in a very good way and always taking care of me and that's why he became my close friend until our friendship was now famous all over the college. The story of our friendship reached our homes . Arrived that he has a close friend who loves him like his family. The time was near when Junaid's parents came and met me. Junaid's parents fulfilled my nature and I also fulfilled their nature. Junaidullah Khan told his parents that he is my close friend and I love him very much and he is a human being but he takes care about us. Junaidullah's parents said that we are in a relationship for Junaid. To this Junaid replied, "Parents, you don't need to find a relationship for me. My friend Abdul Rehman has found a relationship for me." we will take and this relationship will be accepted by me. I have a lot of faith in my friend and of course it will find a good place for me. There is trust and we will also be happy with her relationship, so the relationship she chooses will be acceptable to us and then parents left the college. Junaid Khan told me that you know a girl. He replied, "Yes, I know a girl. She is very beautiful. She has a good character and good looks. She has beautiful hair. She has beautiful eyes. She has beautiful hair and her lips are beautiful. She is beautiful and has a long stature. Not a very fat girl but angel My eyes can say that there is a maiden on earth and if you want me to make our relationship with her She was studying in school with me and me and she is my classmate We have been studying in a school for 12 years a. Junaid's thoughts started about this girl. Junaid had to ask me to appreciate some of the beauty of this girl. I would say something about him and write poetry about her. The beautiful girl like her I have never seen in my life that I will tell her about it. At last the time was near. Junaidullah Khan asked me for his picture. I was also very worried that if I tell you the picture of this girl, that girl is beautiful in my eyes, but if I tell you the picture of this girl, that girl may be not so beautiful in Junaid point of veiw. And if his family's expectations were not met, then what would I do? I knew another one who actually showed my friend Junaidullah Khan a picture of her. He gave that picture to his parents. Show to parents. Parents also agreed. Junaid also agreed and now I was in trouble. So why did I show the wrong picture? I showed the picture wrong because I wanted to make their expectations. . I Junaid also liked that girl and his parents also liked her. their parents make a plan to visit her house and told me that  Now we will go to their house. You will want to be with us and we will have an engagement ceremony soon

Now the engagement program was being talked about here and on the other hand I was suffering from mental stress so that if would not like any girl and the friendship between us would not deteriorate. 

The two had fallen in love in such a way that they both fell in love with each other and now it was impossible for both of them to live without each other but both of them liked each other very much and both of them loved. Told each other but they did not seen each other .the problem was with me that i gave some one else picture to junaid.

now he had some ideas about the girl picture Now this date was held for a special engagement date and I was also invited by her parents who fed her with clothes and everything for engagement party .PARTY OF ENGAGEMENT was started and when they arrived here Singing was going on everywhere in the engagement program and they were swaying with joy that Malik Junaidullah Khan's wedding engagement ceremony is taking place and on the other side there is also a country like the girl's ceremony was taking place so everyone was happy. Celebrating but suffering from stressful part of the program was I

. Junaid's mother came out and said that we have been cheated. Go, call Abdul Rahman. Abdul Rahman, what happened? One or two things happened .This is some one else .the picture you gave us wAs some one else  Khan became very sad and because of this he was heart attack and at the same time when his frIend saw this condition he also become upset and suffer from heart attack . Now there was a fight for death ,the party which was held for a joy. Now turned into sorrow

Remember never to lie so that your honor will remain but to tell the truth that your honor will live forever. You saw that one small mistake turned the whole ceremony into grief.

May 10, 2021 21:45

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21:46 May 10, 2021

amazing real story


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