Mystery Thriller

It was another boring day at wester high school. It was finally Thursday and the children were in period 7, the last period of the day. Spring break started tomorrow so the students are planning what to do with their friends. All the planning sounded lively or calming. Except for this one group of friends.

“ So we get there and we set up camp and stay till Sunday, and remember to bring extra clothes, food, and light sources,” Austin says. The rest of the group agrees and writes down what they need. “ I don't know about this guys'' says jane “ I mean what if we need help, we’re not supposed to even be going there”

Johnny cuts in. “That's why we bring the first aid and keep quiet and no one will know.”

The bell rings and students start to pack up and leave. “Okay, let's meet at the park at 10 AM tomorrow 

The group gets up and leaves.

The next morning Jane wakes up anxious and nervous about the next few days ahead. She got up, took a shower, and freshened up. Jane put on some grey jeans and a blue hoodie with a plain black shirt underneath. She then packed an extra pair of jeans with a pair of shorts and leggings and a pair of pajamas. She also packed 3 extra pairs of underwear and one extra bra. She made sure to back her first aid kit and some canned goods and some water bottles. She then said bye to her parents. Her parents tell her to be safe and have fun. She acknowledges it and leaves for the park. Luckily she didn't live far from the park and it took her mind off of the bad thoughts.

When she gets there she finds her friends Mary, Katie, and Johnny. They greeted her with a wave and she smiled back. She gave each of them a small hug and waited for Austin to pick them up. Not much later Austin came with his van. It was orange with white stripes down the side. The rest of the group was a little shocked because it has been a while since they have seen and been in the van. The van stops and Austin rolls down the window and says “Come on, get in. We have to be there before sundown.” The group gets in. 

The group settles down and relaxes in the van while they listen to music. Austin starts to take the route leading to outside of town. “ So are you ready for these next few days jane?” Katie asks. “ Don't worry, I made sure to bring a separate tent for us girls.”  Jane and Mary smile at each other and thank Katie. 

Jane looks out the window and smiles as she sees nature passing by. The sun is shining through the windows onto her face and Chest creating a warm feeling throughout her body. She closes her eyes. 

When she opens them again she is greeted by Mary in front of her with a hand on her shoulder. “ Finally you’re awake. I’ve been trying to wake you for fifteen minutes. We’re here and we’re starting to unpack.” Mary explains. Jane then gathers her things and heads to the rest of the group.  As they are walking to find a good place to set up camp Austin starts talking about the place they are at “ This is an old abandoned prison where more than one hundred prisoners have died. This place has been abandoned for almost 200 years. Let’s see what we can find here.”  They walk for about thirty minutes and finally find a spot to set up camp. They were on the second floor. They set up the tents across from each other and put the food and water in the middle. It was starting to get dark so they decided to stay at the camp. To change, the girls found the women’s bathroom. It was old but it was private. 

After the girls got done changing they walked back to the campsite and sit around the small fire the boys have built. The boys have also opened a few cans of food. They were eating when mary heard a weird noise. She jumped a little. “ Are you okay mary?” Katie asked. “Yes, I’m okay just a little chilly in here.” mary replied. She looked back to where she heard the noise she was startled to see two gleaming eyes staring back at her. She quickly finished half of the food and went to bed.

The night was crisp and was filled with eerie noise just like the screeching of a rat and the hooting of an owl and the groaning of the metal in the abandoned prison.

As the group starts to wake up jane slowly opens her eyes to see a grey mist over the tent she closes and rubs her eyes and when she opens them again it was gone. “ Okay so after we get a little snack to eat we will go exploring now there are 4 floors each day we will explore a floor. Today we will explore this floor.” Austin explains. “ to make time go faster we will split up the girls and the boys.”

The girls go down one hall while the boys go down the other. Each of them has a flashlight. 

The girls go into the first cell and see two dirty mattresses and a toilet out in the open.  

“Eww, that’s so gross,” says Katie. Mary and Jane agree. Jane says “ I would not be able to stand it in here.” the girls keep walking. Mary suddenly stops she looks around. She feels as though she’s being watched. She slowly looks around her and into a lonely cell. That’s when she sees a sinister shadowy figure in the corner of the cell. She gasps.” What are you doing, are you okay?” Jane asks  Oh, yes I’m okay iI just thought I saw something.” Katie looks concerned she goes to comfort mary and says “It’s okay this place is just really old. It’s not haunted Austin just wants to scare us.”

The girls walk around a bit longer this time closer together. They reach the end of the hall and they decide to turn around and head back. By the time they get back, it was dark out and there was a small fire like last night but the boys were nowhere to be seen. The girls started to get some snacks out because they weren’t that hungry. About fifteen minutes later the boys show up and mary is asleep in her tent.

“ Hey, guys what’s up?  Did you find anything?” Johnny askes. Jane says “No but Mary thought she saw something in one of the cells.”  “Yeah, it freaked her out so she went to bed early,” Katie explains 

“ Oh sorry to hear that so, tomorrow we will all go up to the third floor and explore it together,”  Austin says.

The following morning the group did the same routine they ate and changed into their clothes. While Katie was changing she heard a voice coming from behind her. She turned around to find nothing. She brushed it off and left the bathroom. When she comes out she hears the boys tell Mary that they are going to explore the third floor together. 

“So is everyone ready to go upstairs?”Johnny

“Yes, just let me put my bag back in the tent.” Katie

As Katie walks over to the tents she feels a cold breeze, but it’s only in one spot.  She stands still for a second and then walks over to the group.  

“Are you okay? I noticed you paused for a little bit.” Jane says. “ yeah I’m okay I just got the cold chills”

Katie replied.

“Okay guys, now we head upstairs. Stay close.” Austin says. 

As the group ascends the stairs this time without flashlights. Jane slips on one of the steps. Luckily Johnny was behind her and caught her. “Oh, thank you I don’t know what happened my foot just slipped,” Jane says nervously 

“No problem, just be careful,” said Johnny. The group took a couple more steps and was finally on the third floor. “So we will walk down the middle of the hallways and back,” 

The group goes down the first hall and finds nothing. They see old, dirty beds, clothes, and other cell essentials.  the aged rusted metal of the cell gates and walls made a low groan throughout the prison. 

The floors had a cold feeling. One that feels like icy concrete.

The group made it to the end of the first hall. They walk back to the center of the floor. 

“ okay since we didn’t find anything down this hall we will go down the other hall.”

The group starts to walk down the hall when Kaite sees something in one of the cells. She stops walking. 

Mary notices and asks “what’s wrong?” Katie looks at her a bit confused. “There’s something in this cell.” she points to the cell. The rest of the group stops and looks back at Katie. 

Katie states confidently “ I’m going to get that thing so we can investigate it at the campsite.” 

“Okay but be careful there could be rats or spiders,” Austin says worried

Katie opens the cell and walks in. none of the cells have locks so it was easy to get in. 

Katie walks through the cell to the back wall. Austin was right there were spiders and they looked big. 

She gets to the object, picks it up, and wipes the dust off. It’s a journal. She feels a rush of wind against her back and the next thing she knows she hears the cell door slam shut. 

She turns around In a panic. The rest of the group runs to the cell 

“Oh my goodness Katie are you okay!?” Mary yells. 

“How did this happen?” Johnny says with care. 

“I don’t know I think it was the wind.”Katie cries from the other side of the cell door 

“What are you talking about there is no wind,” Austin exclaims.

“But I felt a brush of wind brush past me before the door closed,” Katie said worriedly

It doesn’t matter how it closed. All that matters is how we get it open.” Jane explained  

The boys try pulling on the door. It won’t budge. Katie then sees that the bottom of the door is stuck in a rock. “There, the door is stuck in a rock,” Katie says 

 “Good eye, everybody we need to find something to break this rock so she can get out,” Austin said confidently. 

They leave Katie alone while they scavenge for something to break the rock.

A couple of minutes later they find a brick and try to smash it.

“Ugh it’s not working” Johnny grunted 

“Ooh let me go get a flashlight we can try the back end of it.” mary suggested 

"Okay ill go with you,” Jane said. 

The girls got back and gave a flashlight to each of the boys and they start hammering away at the rock. 

They start to notice that the rock starts no fall apart and hammer harder.

While the boys' hammer at the rock Katie flips through the flip through the journal. 

She sees messy handwriting describing that the prison was haunted. He describes his experiences and what it says is shocking. The pages before her describe all the experiences that everyone in the group has come across. 

Katie gives the journal to jane and mary  “ look here, this is everything we’ve experienced.  This can’t be some coincidence.”Katie explains 

“You’re right even the sighting of the dark figure just like I saw.” mary says 

“This is frea- aah! There was a bunch of spiders on the next page” Jane shrieks and throws the journal. 

“It’s okay they’re gone now,” mary says comfortingly. 

“Here we go finally,” the boys say 

The boys got the door free from the rock and Katie runs out to the boys and hugs them.

“I want to go home right now” Katie exclaims

The group goes back downstairs and starts packing up on the way home the girls sleep. When Austin dropped everybody off Katie explains everything to her parents and says she won’t go anywhere abandon anymore. For the rest of spring break, Katie stays home and tries to forget the experience. 

When Katie gets back to school she sees her friends.

“Hey Katie how are you feeling, “ they ask

 She says jokingly. 

“I’m never going out with you again.”

July 29, 2021 23:00

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