Angelic power hurts on earth.

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story about someone feeling powerless.... view prompt

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Science Fiction

The power was all in her words, all in her mind, all in her vision .

She was from the 2nd Universe , an original Seraphim Angel. She had been born from original source light, and for limitless time / space she had danced in the sky as a golden star , just being , shining and radiating.

Her consciousness had grown over time , and her radiating soul frequency had alchemised her essence into an original Seraphim Angel

She had been specially selected by divine source to guard and serve and love the humans on earth, as he could sense a rare empathy, compassion and vulnerabilities which were very rare in the Seraphim, who had witnessed plenty of human suffering from above, but knew nothing but love and light themselves. Of course their job was to help humans which they relished, but nevertheless there was a certain loving detachment there , knowing the drop in the ocean which was one human life.

She had guarded human souls for eons of time from there, had intervened and helped , and thought that she knew everything about human suffering , love, joy and everything in between. She longed to experience the pleasure and pain herself , while also guarding and helping humans at the same time, as she had been trained too. She was so excited to descend and ground ,and be an angelic human .

Even Angel's can become tired of spiralling between galaxies, lifes , planets , multidimensional aspects, and parralel realities.

Her soul knew she was limitless, a warrior , a guardian angel ,here on the earth plane .

To serve, to guide and to transmute , but also to experience all shades of human life.

Her higher self was immense , her power was limitless , her light was from the grand central sun; out of this world, out of this universe.

Her power was in her eyes , and her soul, and her mind .

She was attacked since birth for it, but for the first ten years she could still feel her soul, her light and her power.

She could still talk to unicorns and fairy's and the divine.

So when the attacks came, both from humans, and dark souls she could rise back into the sun each day, and put the shadows behind her, into a box like black butterfly's.

They would flap a bit and try and get our during the day ; but would surrender to be free at night.

And so it went on.... until she turned 11 and started high school.

The fairy's stopped coming, and when she tried to reach the divine at night the entity's would trick her, terrify her back into her body, so she numbed out, and became encased in darkness and fear.

Her power was drained every day, she no longer knew who she was, she could not see any sun, never mind the grand central one .

Everybody could sense her difference, her otherwordlyness, and her unusual appearance with light blue eyes , and golden hair brought out verbal taunts, similar to the days of the witch trials.

The words freak and hideous became part of her talk to self.

She no longer had glimpses of her inner angel, and forgot what light looked like, both inside and out.

After she left school she started to run, both externally and internally .

Everything triggered her , and her internal voice always told her she was stupid , ugly and her life was ruined .

And so it became so.

She was only attracted to dark things, cruel things , people and situations.

Anything and everything that could drain and take every bit of her power.

Being an angelic , now forgotten to herself, she had limitless power to be feasted on.

So she surrendered her power to the darkest of souls, both within people and in the spirit world.

There was always more of her power to take, as she was a limitless light.

A light she could not turn on for herself, a light she had forgotten a long time ago.

She was so bright she could not see herself, she became the darkness that she so attracted in other.

Lile other humans, she became the patterns, the voices; the dysfunction and the disappointment.

She was aware as a human that her life was particularly tragic. That any time she had a glimpse of happiness, it was very brief .

It wasnt her being dramatic , or negative, it was the prison planet she was trapped in as a Seraphim Angelic... not of this world, but yet cruelly tortured by this world.

Yet the light she didnt remember still kept her going, she had moments of optimism, and sometimes a feeling that she remembered who she was.

She travelled, she travelled to the other hemisphere and met who she thought was a great love, and bore two exquisite children to this dark force, the final seal in her suffering as a human.

Throughout it all, her angelic aspect still guarded many, saved many lifes , although her human aspect split of, and forgot. And noone could help and save her.

She loved her baby angels so fiercely, but when the hits and insults and cheating kept coming, the trauma on her angelic soul became etched into her energetic frequency.

She ran from him, hoping she could make it ,hoping she could make a new start with her beautiful daughters. The attacks kept coming though inside and out , although the angelic she had now forgotten fought , fought like the brave warrior she was .

She begged so many times to be taken back, though it had been long ago since she remembered her soul origins.

Her own birth family across the other side of the world , who had delighted in taking her power too , eventually disowned her, and her days were desperate and cruel fighting for her and her children, who also took her power.

She went back to her origins one day slumped on the grass outside her small room, the light blinded her as she was taken home, to delight in her soul frequency and spread her wings untethered once more.

September 07, 2020 08:34

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1 comment

Ariadne .
20:44 Sep 17, 2020

Wow. This is such a unique story - I never read a story about angels portrayed this way. There are some grammar mistakes that can easily be fixed with the use of an online editor. I personally use Grammarly and Hemingway. They're free, easy to use, and they actually work! Good story, though, aside from the technical errors. It's an excellent Reedsy debut. Keep writing! Please like and comment on my story! Thanks! :)


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