Seeing her

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Romance Sad

I leaned against a wall as I observed the low-funded party occur in front of me. The football players seemed to have different partners since high school ended. I bet that couple in the corner are arguing about some dumb event that happened a long time ago. 

Why did I accept their invitation when I never even relate to them at all? Their fake smiles, fake personalities, fake intentions. I saw through it all, except I was late at realizing that I almost fell on their choking hands. I shouldn't have attended this idiotic party anyway. 

I am glad I chose a spot near the drinks, hoping some immature adult spiked the drinks like old times. I grabbed a red solo cup with some yellow liquid. It doesn't smell like beer, but it doesn't smell like piss either. It might be some weird apple cider. 

No one dared to approach me. Not even my old friends– well, ex friends. After I found out about their illegal businesses, I threatened their lives and black mailed them. What else can I do to protect the woman I love? 

Ah, Lira…

I stared up at the rundown ceiling of the high school’s gymnasium.  I should have never pulled a perfect being into my darkness. She was like a ghost that plagued my mind. I let the pretty bird that I caged all those years go. She deserved a life of freedom and light. 

Did I just attend because I expect her to attend? Then, I'm the idiotic one. 

The throwback songs became some unnecessary noise in my ear. This place has too many memories that kept stabbing at my non-existent heart. I grunted and lowered my cap more. I'm done with his place. I should have burned this place and just paid the school to build a new building or something. Swiveling towards the door, I started to leave. 

Suddenly, the girl who haunted my soul appeared at the doorway.  stopped in my tracks. Lira… 

It's as if time slowed down. I can hear the quiet ticks of the clock. Ten seconds… Everything happened in those short seconds.

1 second

I stared at her dumbfounded as she walked into the room wearing the yellow dress with blue flowers on it. I remember giving that dress to her when we were juniors in high school. It was big on her before, but now, it seemed to hug her figure perfectly as she strides with her trademark humbleness across the room.

2 seconds

Her bright blue eyes locked with mine, making butterflies rampage in my stomach and my heart to viciously pound at my chest. Could it be that her beauty from years ago still has it's right grip on my soul? I could feel my hand itch to run my fingers again through her soft auburn hair. 

3 seconds

My breath hitched, and I could see she did the same. Was it because she didn’t expect me to come? This is a high school reunion and everyone was invited to attend. We ended the special bond we had once we stepped into college. But why does it feel like the only thing I wanted to do is to wrap my arms around her small frame and keep her close? Her frame that used to fit mine… Her warm touch that thawed the cold wall I built through my childhood years.

4 seconds

I looked away and quickly downed the disgusting lemonade they offered. My eyes widened realizing this was her favorite drink when it was my least. Should I have just… never talked to her in the first place? What would have happened if we never met at that lemonade stand. What if I never teased that sweet naive personality she has? Lira’s personality is on par with an angel. A being out of this world. I never knew a human like that exists.

5 seconds

I slightly chuckled, swirling the drink in my hand. I pulled myself out of memory lane and lifted my head to find her again. It appears she never removed her eyes from me. I sense her take a step.

6 seconds

And another… 

7 seconds

I wasted seconds of planning just to watch the goddess grace her way to close the electric gap between us. I didn’t notice it, but I was also walking towards her. My mind blanked as I traversed across the crowded room. The people around us disappeared and the conversations that annoyed my mind stopped. It is only me and her. My fault and my love in front of me. 

8 seconds

“Lira…” I whispered. “I miss you…” Those words came out of my mouth without my permission. Do I truly feel this way?

9 seconds

She gulped and placed a warm hand on my shoulder. A comfortable silence passed between us. I watch as tears run down her pretty eyes. My chest aches at the view before me. I never knew angelic beings cry, and I would never want to see this again.

10 seconds

“I-I miss you, too, Byron…” her soft voice awakened the repressed emotions I had ever since we ended. She leaned in closer to me. 

Our lips met, electrifying the silent yearning we have for each other. The pain and struggle of separation was a disease to our souls. Togetherness became the cure for our burning hearts. 

I wanted– no, needed– her in my life. She is the shield filled with love that thawed all my hatred and craving for revenge. I loved her before and I would never stop. She is my woman. 

I cradled her in my arms again. My mind ran in different directions. I relish this moment with her before I leave her once more. 

“Don’t you dare leave me again, Byron…” she whispered. “If you do, I would buy the whole world just to find you again.”

“I-I…” I stammered.

“Shush, ” she pressed a small finger to my lips. “I'm joining you no matter where you go.”

I gently kissed her forehead. “What you say goes, then.” I caressed her hair gently as I dove deep into her ocean blue eyes. “I love you, Lira.”

January 01, 2021 08:46

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