Light Port Station

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt

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Speculative Science Fiction Black

“Hi, do you have an extra charge?”

“Oh,” I stutter. “Yes…Um, here you go.” I hand him my light port.

“Daalu,” he smiles. “My portal always dies.” He pairs his light port with mine. I notice he does it incorrectly. I don’t say anything.

“Nabata. My old one used to die a lot in the middle of my time transits.”

“I don’t even know what I would do if I lost charge during a transit!” He hands my light port back to me.

“Yeah, the first time it happened to me, I was on my second njem alone. I got stuck in 56.1304° N, 106.3468° W.”

“Wow. What is protocol in those situations?”

“In every obodo—they call them countries there—there are acreages of grass fields. Only one acreage will have the Ojiwa crop circle. That is what you use to come home.”

“This is all still new to me,” he admits, coyly. “I haven’t been on a transit outside of Oji yet.”

“What afo of training are you in?”

“This is my second year.”

“Okay, so you’re still in Light Portal training! That was my favourite segment.”

“To be honest, I find Light Port training boring.” We both laugh. “Getting the charge to stay is so hard. I can’t wait for transits.”

“You’re old to be in afo two, no?” I tease.

“I got a late start. I wasn’t sold on Earthbound at first. Many in my class were going into Earth Bound but it didn’t agree with my spirit.”

“Why did you end up changing your mind?”

“Perpetual boredom,” he laughs, confidingly. “Insularity. Feeling minuscule compared to others in my same life cycle. I wasn’t universally-traveled, I hadn’t seen other densities or dimensions. I felt small.”

“You don’t need to do Earthbound if all you want to do is see the universe.”

“I also want to help other beings though—help them energetically, spiritually. Help them enlighten themselves. Maybe help them get here.”

“Oh, Earthbound won’t give that to you,” I lower my bag to the floor and sit in one of the empty seats. “My family used to nickname me ‘Nwa agbogho.’”

“…Dream girl?” He asks, sitting down in the seat facing me.

“Yeah, Dreamer girl. In my earlier life-cycles, I struggled with itching boredom, like you. So I enlisted in Earthbound to see Earth with my own eyes and not just with my spirit, nor through ancient stories, or holograms. I wanted to experience other densities through a physical form. One that is delicate and bleeds when scratched. But that’s really all Earthbound is. They send you on transit, you stay there, and you come back. But you will feel all of it and you will see all of it.”

I detect traces of disappointment in his eyes.

“But,” I enthuse, “are you familiar with the work of the Confederation?”

He shakes his head, “Not really.”

“Ra, and the members of the Confederation in Service of the One Infinite Creator, go wherever they are called to. The calling goes out in the form of energy. So, when there are enough positively polarized members of a planet, who are desiring further polarization and teachings, an energy call is sent out. Ra and other entities can ‘pick up’ the call and make contact with a physical form. It’s di juu and it might align with your spirit more.”

“I didn’t know about this!” He expresses.

“It’s unfortunate. Many in our life cycle don’t know about it either. But don’t worry—Earthbound is great too; you’ll be out on your own soon. Next year, you’ll start MW modules. They’ll do immersive simi’s first so you get comfortable with the galaxy and then by the end of the third afo, your class njem will be to a MW crater. Afo four will be solely njem’s—to the Earth solar system, then to Earth. You’ll visit the Mother Kontient last. But you won’t be using a ship for any of the njem’s, so that’s why they want you to understand light porting well.”

I think I might be boring him.

“But, anyway,” I continue. “A trick for keeping the charge…take it to an open field—an ubi—during the day, and leave it under the sun-day sky. Leave it there for two awa’s. The charge should last longer this way…the sun is pure energy.”

“Di juu! Thanks for all this advice. How long have you been doing transits for?”

“So, the end of this month will be my second afo being out on my own. I did my first transit one month after ceremonies, but I had a partner with me. My first solo transit was four months later. I’ve been alone since then.”

“Do you get lonely—being by yourself?”

“Not too lonely, no. You meet lots of beings on your transits. You’ll barely miss home.”

“By the way, it’s great that you still speak in Oji tongue. A lot of transitors come back speaking Earthling or something.”

“Oh, yeah for sure, the Ojian language is beautiful. It will always be part of me. When I visit my family, they joke that I’ve lost my Oji tongue; that I’ve become Earthling.”

“The effects of assimilation,” he quips, “reach all the way out here, it seems—.”

The closing bell interrupts us.

“15-nkeji warning already?” I glance up at the time screen.

“Time has flown.”

“The port stop closes soon so I have to go set up,” I say standing up. “They’re sending me on transit to 4th density.”

“How long are they sending you for?”

“2 Earth years.”

“Wow, and what time do you leave?”

“In 25 nkeji’s.”

We both laugh, seemingly acknowledging our tightness on time. Yet, our feet remain fixed in place.

“I won’t keep you then. I need to exchange this before they close, too.”

“Sure—and best of luck with Earthbound. When you reach the end of afo four, once you start field training, ask the school to request that you shadow me. We can Earth-port together if you want.”

“Yeah, that sounds really good.”

“Di juu! My name is Nosa. My family name is Ayoka. Nosa Ayoka of OJI. The school can look me up. Or you.”

“I will. I’m Donadu Tochi of OJI.”

Smiling, I say, “meet you soon, Donadu.”

Smiling, he says, “meet you soon.”

January 16, 2021 01:23

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1 comment

Tia Sams
04:00 Jan 24, 2021

I love it! It is really well developed. I love the creative of use of language and representation of different cultures. My favorite line: " One that is delicate and bleeds when scratched. "Where is the rest? lol


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