Fiction Sad Urban Fantasy

The sound of the alarm clock echoed throughout the room. Antonio did his best to reach over and hit the snooze button but to no avail. The arduous task of sitting up, bending forward and striking the snooze button was necessary so getting up and starting his day was now the plan. It was earlier than normal for Antonio as he usually cut everything close when meeting deadlines. Another miserable day was his first thought as he struggled to get out of bed and head to the bathroom. A disappointing feeling came over Antonio as he peered out the bathroom window and noticed a partly cloudy sky. He was not looking forward to the twenty minute walk in these cool, cloudy conditions. Why couldn’t it be sunny and warm for him on his morning walks to work? 

Getting ready for work Antonio couldn’t help but feel sorry for himself. Feeling somewhat claustrophobic, he looked around at his small studio apartment and wished he could get out of this place. Why couldn’t he have a nice condo or a small home in the country like a lot of his friends? Why were so many of his colleagues living the American dream in their rural homes with white picket fences and children happily playing in the yard. Life wasn’t fair and Antonio was not happy about it. What suit would he wear today? There wasn’t much to choose from as he perused his closet only to be bestowed with three suits and several shirts. The navy blue suit would be the choice today but it seemed uncomfortably snug. It didn’t take any remarkable acumen to realize too many fast food meals and not enough exercise brought this problem on. Uncomfortable and feeling physically unfit Antonio squeezed into his favourite suit, grabbed his briefcase and began his banausic daily routine, beginning with the trek to work. He was not looking forward to another routine day. Small talk with people on the street, a nimiety of niceties to colleagues that back stab him, taking orders from supervisors that annoy him and working for a heartless corporate entity was the routine he dreaded. Antonio reached a point in his life where he was tired of being ‘Mr. Nice Guy’. He felt he was always too nice to people and they would always take advantage of him and never appreciated him. Surprisingly, being a man who viewed the world through negative eyes, with an umbrageous personality, he rarely found himself in confrontational situations. On the surface, Antonio came across as a well adjusted, happy go lucky guy but deep down he disliked a lot of people around him. Today, on the continuous advice of his Psychiatrist, he planned to tell it like it is. Speaking openly and honestly was the plan and Antonio was not concerned if he hurt anyone’s feelings. 

The daily peregrination to work started off the same as every other day. Antonio knew he would soon walk upon the annoying woman, Voula, who runs the coffee stand in front of his apartment complex. Antonio procured his morning espresso from her each day. She was a gossiper who Antonio confided in about his personal issues, specifically the breakup with his first love, his problems at work and his sessions with his psychiatrist. Much to his disappointment she told many of his neighbours and Antonio was humiliated. Today he planned to tell her off and express his anger at her. 

“Hello Antonio. What a beautiful day for your morning walk.” Voula said with a smile. “Your usual espresso?” 

Antonio thought to himself, it was not a beautiful day. It was cloudy and cool outside today. Why was Voula such a phoney, pretending like she really cared. All she does is gossip and hurt people.

“Hello Voula. Yes it is a beautiful day for my walk and yes my usual would be nice. Can I also get a bagel with that?” Antonio replied. 

Antonio felt the usual anger as he spoke but realized Voula was the least of his concerns. He decided his co-workers would get the ‘wrath of Antonio’ and not his coffee lady. Why create a vexatious situation so close to home? Voula actually provided a great service for him every morning and her pleasant morning chats we not so bad. Disappointed in himself Antonio paid for his morning sustenance, thanked Voula and continued his journey to work. 

Antonio’s workplace was housed in a post war, three story, industrial building. The front facade of the building was the original orange brick. The historical society deemed the building a historic site and the entire exterior of the building was protected, including the original brass light fixtures that surrounded the complex. The company owned and occupied the entire building with all their administrative offices. They modernized the interior by gutting and renovating all three floors and Antonio’s department was housed on the third floor. Unfortunately Antonio didn’t have his own office. He shared a common cubical area with four others. A year earlier Antonio was up for a promotion to be the supervisor of the department but lost the position to Amanda, one of his co-workers. What angered Antonio the most was he recommended Amanda to the company for the apprenticeship program and he trained her for four years, teaching her everything he knew. Antonio found out, after the promotion was assigned and the position filled, that Amanda was having an affair with their boss Franco. Franco was the head of the department and directly responsible for hiring the new supervisor. Antonio felt abused by both them. Franco frequently asked Antonio to work extra hours and complete extra assignments giving him the impression it was necessary for the promotion. As Antonio found out, it was not. The knife went deeper for Antonio in the fact that he was helping Amanda complete a lot of her overdue assignments, which she gave him no credit for. Ever since the announcement of Amanda’s promotion it was very difficult for Antonio to enjoy coming into work and seeing these two.  

As Antonio entered the building he decided it was time to let these two know exactly how he felt about them. Each morning Amanda would smile at him, greet him with a loud and over zealous ‘good morning’ but Antonio planned to retort with some harsh words. He was tired of her self serving ways.

“Good morning Antonio. I love the suit. You wear it so well.” Amanda said 

What Antonio planned to say and what came out of his mouth were two contrasting themes. 

“Good morning Amanda. Thanks, it's my favourite suit. You look lovely today.”

After a brief moment of silence Antonio continued, but not in the way he hoped. 

“How was your ride in from the country this morning? It must have been a beautiful day for driving with all the leaves turning colour. Can I get you a coffee this morning? My treat.” 

Amanda quickly replied, “The drive was beautiful. Franco and I came in together and we took the scenic route here, avoiding all the highway traffic and yes I would love a coffee. Cream no sugar please.”

Antonio smiled, lowered his head, turned and headed to the cafeteria. He was so disappointed in himself. Why was he so kind to her? Why can’t he just let her know how he feels? Antonio thought and as he walked he decided he just couldn’t tell her how he felt. It would be too mean and he didn’t want to lose a friend. On the bright side Antonio realized Amanda was a pleasure to have in the office. She added a bit of cheer to it every morning with her big smile and pleasant demeanour. Oh well, he thought, Franco is the guy he really wanted to confront, even if it meant losing his job. 

Franco’s scratchy voice could be heard over the PA system. The joke in the office was it sounded like he smoked three packs of cigarettes a day. 

“Antonio please report to my office and bring the Transit file”

This was the moment Antonio had been waiting for. The Transit case was Amanda’s responsibly and yet Franco wanted Antonio to take care of it. Also, they would be alone in the office together and this presented a perfect opportunity to speak his mind. Antonio moved expeditiously to Franco’s office with the Transit file in hand. Within minutes Antonio stood in front of Franco’s large wooden office doors and rapped heavily on them. 

“Come on in.” Franco invited. “Is that you Antonio?” 

As Antonio opened the door he was quite disappointed in the office. He anticipated a place of grandeur and magnificence but viewed a simple room with poor lighting and little luxury. This was a working man’s office.

“I have the file for you but I thought Amanda was working on this.” Antonio said

"Yes, she was working on it but I was hoping you could take over.”

Antonio realized this was his opportunity to let his feelings out but before he could utter another word Franco continued.

“I need you to take over the case. Between you, me and a fencepost, I am not happy with Amanda. Our working relationship is not good. She is not completing her work with any competence and she is running this department into the ground. I think I made a big mistake promoting her. Not only am I going to demote her but I may have to fire her as well.”

Antonio was stunned and lost for words. He didn’t know how to respond but Franco continued once again.

“I think our personal relationship is over as well. Our drive in today was not a pleasant one. We argued all the way here and we always fight and argue when we are together. Things will get worse when I fire her. I am sorry I didn’t give you the supervisory position but I am going to ask the Personnel Department to give you the acting position for now.

Antonio was speechless. Maybe he misread Franco all along. Antonio was now thinking that Franco seemed to be a real hard working man who made a mistake hiring his own girlfriend.  Was he apologizing to him? Has Franco realized that Antonio was a competent hard working guy who deserved the promotion? Antonio realized he couldn’t say the things he planned to tell Franco. It would not only cost him his job but it would really hurt Franco when he was going through some difficult times. 

“I would gladly help out with the Transit case and let me know if there is anything else you need a hand with.” Antonio offered

“Thank you Antonio and wish me luck with Amanda. I am not looking forward to the firing or the breakup. Maybe we can go out for a beer after work at the end of the week.” Franco concluded. 

“Sounds good and good luck today.” Antonio replied

Antonio kept to himself for the rest of the day working on the Transit case. Quietly he sat in his cubical and contemplated his day. He realized not all is what it seemed on the surface. Keeping his thoughts and feelings to himself was stressful but expressing them too soon could have devastating consequences not only for him but for those around him. Life is not so bad and the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Suddenly his apartment seemed more quaint and comfortable than any country estate. Being single and alone seemed better than being in a poor relationship. Co-workers with a variety of personalities was much more exciting than working with boring monotonous colleagues. Being overlooked for a promotion simply led to another opportunity down the road. As Antonio sat alone thinking deeply he outlined his new philosophy for life: The kind, patient and meek shall inherit the earth. Antonio decided it was time to leave work early today and enjoy another walk in the cool cloudy conditions and he hoped Voula would still be open for business so he could have an afternoon coffee with her. 

January 16, 2021 00:06

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Breanna Barber
00:37 Jan 22, 2021

Besides finding myself wanting to edit this while I was reading it, the content was good! It was a little difficult for me to get into it at first, but I kept reading out of curiosity. I liked the way it made me feel at the end; happy that Antonio received back what he usually puts out into the world. I'm a big believer in karma, whether it is good or bad. You also threw in a word that I had yet to hear or read. i.e. banausic I found it nice and learned a new word today, so thank you for that. Keep writing! I look forward to seeing you...


Bobby Bone
02:47 Jan 22, 2021

Thanks for the comment. I have written curriculum type documents all my life so I am just now starting to write fiction/creative type work. Hope to submit many more short stories.


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Bobby Bone
17:13 Jan 16, 2021

This is my first submission. Hope you enjoy it.


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