Creative Nonfiction Fiction Funny

          The Secret Quest

Suzanne Marsh

“Thank heaven for the internet!” I was on a secret quest to find a special chocolate filled with mushrooms. I went to the web the cost of the mushrooms was fifty dollars for a small bag. Nothing is to good for my sugarplum. I decided to order two boxes. HeyValentine’s Day, only comes once a year. I thought about year after year I would buy her books. I wanted to give her something healthy this year; not that books are not healthy but I wanted to give her something different.

The first thing I did was order the two bags of chocolate covered mushrooms. I then began a search for a heart shaped box. That would be no easy feat; believe me. My wife never tosses anything away; the question is where did she put the boxes from chocolate? She had to put them somewhere; actually I was hoping for a closet; if they are in the attic I may never find them.

I would be remiss if I did not say that I am also one of those people who never throws anything out. Between us, the attic and cellar are full. I began to think of where she might have put a heart shaped box.; if I could find the box I could find anything. I just hoped there were no chocolate candies in any of the boxes. Those chocolates would be over fifty years old. I can not imagine finding anything like that but then again you never know.

The cellar was the first place to look; we each have our junk corner. I began in my own junk corner. Like my wife’s side it is piled to the ceiling. I moved the ladder over and climbed to the top of the pile. I found a missing crowbar, two tires that belonged to a 1965 Fury I Plymouth. The more I

looked; the worse thing became.

I decided to try my wife’s junk corner; I had given her enough heart shaped candy boxes over the years; ergo there must be one in the pile. Realizing I still had two days to find an empty box I began my secret quest in earnest. There had to be one amongst all this junk. The question was where in the pile was one.

Time is never kind; like most of life. I was in the midst of pushing aside some more of my wife’s junk. Suddenly I found a very odd object that she had saved. It was my first attempt at carving our names in a piece of wood. I could not understand why she had kept this; the letters were crooked, the “S” was backwards. I am sure she had a reason; just what I could not say, at least not at that moment.

I dicided that since I could not find what I was looking for in the cellar; it was time to head up to the attic. The attic on a good day was a challenge; today it would prove more so.

The attic is a great place if you enjoy Halloween year round. Spider webs with their delicate beauty are found in all manner of nooks and crannies. I went and got an old broom in the cellar. I then began my climb to the attic. The attic door hinges should have been oiled at least three decades ago; I am just discovering this. I go to the attic if I want to risk life and limb. I open the door with an old skeleton key. Once inside the attic, my eyes rove around. There are so many mementos from our fifty five years of marriage; the question is where are the empty red heart boxes. Those used to be so popular; now they are simply a memory.

Finally, finally I found one red cloth covered heart shaped box. The next part of my secret quest is to wait for the chocolate covered mushrooms to be delivered. I hope after all of this the mushrooms fit into the box. I grabbed the heart shaped box and return to my office downstairs. Once there I turn on my computer to track the chocolate covered mushrooms. I am beginning to think this might not have been the best idea I have ever had. I just hope my sugarplum likes them. My imagination says that the chances are good she will love them. I think of the earthy taste of a mushroom, yes this is a good choice for Valentines Day.

It is now two days before Valentine’s Day; the damn mushrooms have not appeared. According to the tracking number it should be here. I call the company; press two for English, press three for Espanol. Whoopie I get customer service:

“According to our records we shipped the chocolate covered mushrooms out and delivery

should be Opps sorry sir. I, ah, see that they were shipped and should have arrived

four days ago. I will call the shipper to find out exactly where they are. I will call you

as soon as I know anything.”

Now I am frustrated; I have spent three days trying to find a suitable box. Then some idiot has no idea where the damn mushrooms could have gone. I am sure they went somewhere just not where they should have gone. My cell phone rings:

“Hello sir? This is Marcus. I checked with the delivery service; it seems they delivered it to

your address, but in Groverton not in Fate. We are attempting to rectify the situation,”

I am not sure exactly what I said but the young man told me that the mushrooms would be there first thing Valentine’s Day morning. There was nothing more for me to say. I thanked him for his help and disconnected the call.

Valentine’s Day arrived just like any other day. I paced the floor waiting for the doorbell to ring. Finally, the dog began to bark; lo and behold the mushrooms were here. I quickly opened the door. I signed for the package. I headed for my office before sugarplum was up and moving. I opened the bags. I gently placed the chocolate covered mushrooms on the red cloth inside the box. I was so proud that I had stumped my sugarplum. I took the heart shaped box, placed on the kitchen table. There was a box with my name on it. I opened and almost tossed my cookies there was another box of chocolate covered mushrooms for me. Happy Valentine’s Day from your sugarplum.

Posted Feb 16, 2022

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