Rosaline's Love Servant

Submitted into Contest #105 in response to: Write your story from the perspective of a side character.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction

Rosaline lays on her bed, her pink Pooch blanket covers her neck to her toes leaving her face only, dark circles discernible under her tightly closed eyes. After getting exhausted from overthinking, she lets herself fall into a deep sleep again. A pile of clothes lies near the foot of her bed, a heap of trashes fills her garbage can, dishes are left unwashed on her dining table, all those things decorate Rosaline’s cute, blue room awfully. Rosaline is not always like that; this version of Rosaline was formed a week ago.

“Poor Rosaline,” I say to myself, “she doesn’t deserve this.”

It started with her boyfriend, Jim. Being the only son of a rich family, Jim has been spoiled since he was young. Now, he is going to inherit a large amount of properties from his parents, not to mention all girls are drooling over him. Yet, he is not worthy of Rosaline. I still can’t believe a girl like Rosaline fell for him.

“Come meet me at Je a’dore restaurant this Saturday,” Jim texted, “9:00 p.m.”

“Oh My God!! Je a’dore!!” Rosaline squeaked in her thoughts, “It is infamous for its amazingly lovely service for couples. Is he going to propose to me? ”

Stupidly( that’s what Rosaline said in her mind), she thought her been-together-for-three-years boyfriend was absolutely going to ask her to marry him, but only to be embarrassed by him. At the restaurant, he was not alone. Beside him was a clingy Regina who was like she would fall if it was not for Jim.

Regina George is a daughter of a well-off family, whom Jim is going to marry in the next couple months. That night, she was wearing a very tight, short dress which revealed her cleavage more than necessary, her make-up heavy and her high heels could murder a person. Of course, Rosaline wasn’t easily got jealous by Regina because she, herself, was wearing a white-colored shoulder-off dress that went above her knees with a black block-heel, making her more classic. Both women looked super confident but I know both of them were irritated by each other's presence.

Rosaline wanted to slap that wicked smile of Regina so badly but she refrained herself while Jim introduced them calmly like it was normal to say 'I'm sorry. I'm going to marry Regina.' Jim had given many promises to Rosaline such as I would forever love you even if you became fat or ugly. The problem was Rosaline was not fat nor ugly, it was Jim’s parents who made an arranged marriage for him and Regina. Obviously, Jim couldn’t deny them. Rosaline didn’t blame them though, after all, his parents were not involved in his promises. That night, surprisingly, Rosaline somehow managed to master a smile which said I don't care even if Jim leave me for Regina. Then, she calmly left the fake lovesick couple, praising herself for not making a scene in the spectacular restaurant while silently laughing at their shocked faces. But, right now, Rosaline is not the same proud girl, she is a complete mess in her room.

Rosaline, who doesn't normally show her beauty, has soft, pale skin. Her naturally pink cheeks and red lips match her skin color and bright blue eyes to perfection. She also has a slender body which she usually hides under her immaculate outfits. Her kindness, intelligence and maturity add her beauty more and make her a perfect beauty queen. Jim is so stupid to leave Rosaline for Annabelle, oh sorry, Regina. To be honest, I am glad Rosaline is not with him anymore.

You must be wondering who I am and what I do that I know so much about Rosaline. Well, I am one of love servants, who serve for Master of Love. The love you have for your friends, family and others including your pets is created by our Love Master. He is a big, scary man who always wears a stern look. Strangely, what he makes and handles is a fragile and extremely gentle love. Love servants deliver his beautiful creation, LOVE, to all creatures in this universe. We don’t have names though. Since I am assigned for Rosaline's love affairs, I will call myself RL which is a short term for Rosaline’s love. Now, I will explain how I was assigned for Rosaline.

After Rosaline left that weirdly-named restaurant, she went to a park far away from there. She was glad no one was around to disturb her, her thoughts were whirling, she felt like her head was going to explode. As Rosaline sat on a brick stair, the cool breeze touched her warm cheeks and she breathed in as much air as her lungs could as if the air she breathed could vanish all her thoughts. A warm, single tear slipped from her watery eyes. Poor Rosaline, she promised herself that she would never cry for those who didn’t deserve her tears. She lifted her head to not let another tears fall. Thankfully, her focus instantly switched to the dark sky above her. It was not alone; millions of stars together with the moon accompanied the sky haphazardly and beautifully.

Rosaline smiled when she saw the bright, yellowish moon. The moon is where, she believes, the Queen of Werewolves lives. She has always been a fan of werewolves’ stories. The term “mate bond” makes Rosaline love the werewolf world in the first place. She finds it adorable that male werewolves are so attached to their mate and protective of them, and she has always wanted to be a werewolf's mate. I find it crazy though. While she was adimiring the beauty of the moon, a sudden thought crossed her mind. She closed her eyes and started whispering, "Please, my queen, hear my heart and please grant me a mate whom will love me unconditionally no matter who I am," then opened her eyes and again gazed at the moon. Unfortunately, Werewolf Queen is too busy ruling her nearly chaotic world to hear her. Yet even if she heard Rosaline, it cannot be granted because love between different creatures is banned by the Lord of the whole universe. The Lord of the whole universe is above of all masters and queens of the world.

It was lucky for Rosaline that the wind heard her. The wind is where wind servants dwell, they are the ones who made the cool breeze touched Rosaline’s cheeks. They are always here and there. They calm creatures with a cool breeze, at the same time, they can scare them with a strong wind. The most brilliant thing wind servants do is listen to what creatures say even if it is a whisper. If they hear people plotting against someone, they will report to the angel of a victim to take extra care of the victim and then report to the queen of karma to punish those who plot wickedly. Don’t even think that gossiping is not as bad as plotting because it is bad, and wind servants will not just listen.

Even so, they cannot listen to thoughts, only an angel can hear thoughts. I will explain who are angels later. For now, I suggest if you want to plot something, you should not speak out loud. Just keep it to your thoughts, so that you will not be reported to the Karma Queen and will not be punished by her. The Queen of Karma can get angry easily but she is fair to everyone, she is always void of emotions so her expression cannot be read easily. But she smiles when she finds her job done. Maybe if you want to see Karma Queen, you should do something bad, then Karma will do her job and you will see her smiling or even laughing in the end.

In summary, the wind servants heard Rosaline and reported to the Master of Wind who decided to pass the report to our department. When our Master of Love looked at Rosaline’s files, he found out that her love was so fragile that if it was broken, it would turn her heart into a cruel heart which could kill Rosaline’s Angel. The angel is a personal guardian sent by the Lord of the whole universe. Every creature has its own angel. The angels have to make a daily report of creatures they have to protect, then they would go to the Lord of the universe and present Him what the creatures have become.

Rosaline’s angel is someone I don’t think I like but I will give you details of why later. For now, her angel plays a big role in her life because her angel is her thoughts; good and bad thoughts depend on how her angel responds to bad servants. If her angel is gone, every bad servant like servants of greed, revenge, and pain will swallow Rosaline. And, she will never be the same innocent Rosaline anymore. Just a thought of that gives me goosebumps. Rosaline needs our help to find her true love because only true love can protect her.

So, here I am, in Rosaline’s messy room with her angel wearing a long, white, glorious hem with a silk belt around his waist, and with his huge wings ready to strike. He doesn’t like the presence of me and vice versa. He didn’t even smile when I put out my hand to greet politely. He didn’t even give me a drink when I explained what I was here for, it took me an hour to explain. The only thing he said after I did all the explanation was “Rosaline needs no one in her life” in his annoyingly deep voice. I will name him “Pride” because he is proud and arrogant which discernibly influences Rosaline.

Rosaline left Jim with Regina with no regret nor emotion. It is partly because Pride kept telling her that it is the right decision to leave them with no emotion. Her angel taught her to never show her weak state, or people would take advantage of it and laugh at her. I think it is completely fine to be weak sometimes. Rosaline cannot always make herself believe that she is strong alone when she is not. She must sometimes show that she needs someone to rely on. Let people take advantage of her if they want to and let her cry. But never let her down. Pride must encourage her that there is someone out there made for her before she was born, who will give his shoulder to cry on. The point is she cannot always be proud and ignore her need of someone to lean on.

“I said I don’t like the idea,” Pride says with his deep voice. I think he intentionally trained his voice to scare any servant who comes near Rosaline.

“I don’t care,” I retort back. Pride looks surprised but then smirks.

“What happened to Love servants understand and they are patient.”

“Well, it is complicated.”

Pride stays silent. I thought I won this argument and so I prepare to continue my work but,

“I thought love servants work in couple,” Pride says with amusement.

“What do you mean?” I ask with irritation.

“I mean, you are a love servant and you help creatures find their other part, but look at you, you’re like always alone even when you work.”

I close my eyes and swallow my anger. When I open them, I see Pride suppressing his laugh.

“Relax. I am just saying. Love servants forgive, right?” Pride says while going toward the table where Rosaline’s files are placed.

“Yes, Love servants do handle love which is patient, understands and forgives. But that love can also get frustrated, jealous and sometimes.... Even.... Kills....... A soul,” I say with gritted teeth, with my back to him.

“Jack!!” Pride yells and I turn around. He is looking at the files I brought. Now, it is my turn to smirk. Jack is Rosaline’s childhood classmate. Back then, Jack, with his glasses big enough to cover half of his face, had a crush on Rosaline. Yesterday, I met with Rosaline’s fate and asked about her future from which I've learned that Jack is Rosaline’s only one true love.

“Jack, as a nerd?” Pride asks.

“He was a nerd and he is not anymore. He is now a handsome, rich, young man whom every girl wants to marry.”

“Rosaline will never be his,” Pride says with determination.

“Jack is hers, Pride. You cannot intervene in this. And What’s Wrong with You???”


“You know what, I don’t care any of your opinions. Just wake Rosaline and tell her to go to the grocery store near her childhood school. Jack will be there and I will do my job.”

Surprisingly, Pride does as I said and I am grinning inside,

“Let’s go!” I say clapping my hands like a child while Pride rolls his eyes.

In the grocery store, I order, no, I beg Pride to lead Rosaline to the corner where chocolate bars are displayed. Jack will come there too and Rosaline can’t miss it.

Oh YES!! There he is! Jack is coming in his gorgeous businessman suit to grab some chocolate for his niece. It is fate that they’re gonna start their story here.

Rosaline is turning her back so she can’t see Jack, but he can. AND HE SEES! He recognizes her instantly. Of course, how can he not? She was and still is his crush.

“Rosaline?” Jack says. Rosaline turns around but she doesn’t remember him.

“Uhm…. Yes?” says Rosaline, with confusion lacing in her voice.

“Oh sorry........Uh.......I am Jack, we were math partners, remember?”

“OH MY GOD! Jack! Of course, I remember……. Wow……I…...Look at you….,” Rosaline blushes while she is trying so hard to not reveal it.

“Yeah, I know. I’ve changed. Hopefully, in a good way,” Jack says, laughing softly at Rosaline. From inside, he is admiring her beauty. I know because I can sense even a small amount of love, And it is in both of them.

Pride doesn’t know this because……well because...... Pride is having a glaring competition with Jack’s angel. I was so immersed in my work that I forgot to mention his angel. I will name Jack’s angel JA who is a she. JA is the polar opposite of Pride, she is kind, funny and friendly to everyone but Pride.

The history is like this, Jack fell in love with Rosaline at first sight in seventh grade. And one day, he built courage with the help of JA and asked her out. Pride was proud as always and told Rosaline through her thought that a guy like Jack would bring her nothing but shame. Rosaline, being young, listened to her thoughts and rejected Jack, which left a scar in his heart and made JA extremely angry who rarely got furious. What they didn't know is that scar is actually a mark of Rosaline which claims that Jack is hers.

JA breaks the glare and looks at Rosaline.

“I heard everything about her and Jim. She deserves it. Karma servants did their job well.” JA says with a sly smirk, “I reported to the Karma department what Rosaline did to Jack. They denied first but I didn't give up. Finally, they gave her a lesson of how much it is hurt to be rejected.”

“You can’t just force Rosaline to love Jack when she doesn’t.” Pride says angrily ready to fight.

“Well, Rosaline could just deny him politely, not ‘I will never like a nerd like you'. Whatever, I am glad Rosaline is paying the same amount of what she did to Jack,” AJ shoots back instantly.

By this point, Pride marches towards her. I step in between them but they are double my size with their heavy wings, so I am quickly being stepped on by their feet. I have to cover my head and face from their wings, fists, slaps, and kicks.

“Oh My!! Rosaline! Jack!” I yell on top of my lungs. Both Pride and Angel stop their fight. Within a second, they are beside the flirting couple. The couple looks like they’re enjoying their conversations. Unfortunately, the time for their meeting is going to end in a minute and I haven’t even convinced JA to tell Jack in his thoughts that he should ask Rosaline’s number. It looks like JA is not going to oblige.

“I know what you’re doing,” JA directs her glare toward me, “it will not be easy for Rosaline because I will make sure that. I will definitely tell Jack to not give in easily and to make sure that Rosaline knows his value to her.”

Then as Jack says goodbye, JA follows him. Rosaline is left gazing at Jack’s back while Pride is trying so hard to enter into her thoughts. And I heave a deep sigh. I need to ask Fate to make another meeting for Rosaline and Jack .

This is going to be so hard for me. How can I deal two angels; one of them, an arrogant angel who doesn’t let Rosaline show her weakness and the other, a determined angel who will not let Jack fall easily for Rosaline? That’s why love is fragile and gentle yet so complicated and hard to handle.




August 05, 2021 10:00

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Angel {Readsy}
03:49 Aug 30, 2021

Vivid description ; " , dark circles discernible under her tightly closed eyes".


Johana Htwe
01:08 Aug 31, 2021

Thanks a lot. Also thank you for liking my stories.😍😍


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Ruth Smith
04:06 Aug 11, 2021

Loved the story!


Johana Htwe
06:26 Aug 11, 2021

Thanks 😍


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Alizah Muhammad
03:07 Aug 10, 2021

You nailed it, no exaggeration, for real !!! This is my favourite out of all your stories. Keep up the great work and you'll soon be the great achiever you deserve to be!! So much potential I see, I'm inspired by it too 🤩❣😁😁


Johana Htwe
07:09 Aug 10, 2021

Thanks for reading 💘😘😗. I m super happy you like it😚😚


Alizah Muhammad
19:11 Aug 10, 2021

Don't mention 😁 you totally earned it 👏👏😃


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Johana Htwe
03:35 Aug 09, 2021

This is edited story, the original includes Rosaline's POV but I changed it. Before I write this story, while I am in the phase of creating ideas and plots, I was so confident that I thought ppl would love it. And I was wondering I should write the book But in the middle of writing, when my story ends and when I edit it, I was doubting myself whether I should continue writing this story. Your opinions would really help me😙😙.


00:53 Aug 12, 2021

Hi! I think you should continue the story, if you want to, of course. This story suited the prompt very well. Are you going to have a sequel? If you are, I cant wait to read it! Keep writing! :D


Johana Htwe
04:11 Aug 12, 2021

Ohhh Really!!! Finally, someone read my comment. I was like noone says I should continue so I might just let it slip out of my mind, but thank you so much to you!! I will let you know if I finish my second piece, Thanks for reading, Kirrtanaa.


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Keya J.
12:02 Aug 05, 2021

Geez! Now, I am getting used to the epics by 'Johana the writer'. Don't grin, I am serious. I am asking, no, ordering you to make a second part of this. Ahh! I love this story so much!!! Loved the way you tried to add little humorous elements like- In the grocery store, I order, no, I beg Pride to lead Rosaline to the corner where chocolate bars are displayed. There is something about your writing. It makes the characters look so real. The way the characters react and speak really resembles to what would a person in real life would do. F...


Johana Htwe
12:21 Aug 05, 2021

Keya, I was rechecking my story just a min ago and I accidentally heard my mom saying to my sister that writing is a waste of time and my dream of becoming an author is impossible and crazy. And I was really depressed a min ago. But your comment just gave me a spark of hope Thank you so much for reading every single story and thank you for commenting such beautiful and heartwarming comments. They are my encouragements and I do look them every time and then. Now, I cannot grin and am not grinning but I have happy tears in my eyes. It is real...


Keya J.
12:40 Aug 05, 2021

I get you, I've been through the same. Coming around people that drag you down and slash away the hopes with discouraging words. But trust me, you can do this and once you show them, no one will even think of the criticism they do now. Oppression takes you to great heights ok? keep smiling and don't give up. I also feel depressed many times but all I tell myself is 'let people think what they want to. I don't care, as far as I feel happy.' I am so glad my comment helped you see the silver lining. Let me know if you need any help :) P.S: I...


Johana Htwe
12:57 Aug 05, 2021

Thank you so much for your beautiful and encouraging encouragements. You know, I took as of these comments and keep them in my phone. Also, I would love to collab, it would be so awesome!!🙋✍️😘


Keya J.
13:07 Aug 05, 2021

Cool! maybe we could do it through google docs or something.


Johana Htwe
13:10 Aug 05, 2021

Yay!! Awesome!! But how do we contact?


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