
It's almost quite, The only sounds besides the beeping of the machines in the room are the soft roll of beds down hallways, the quick clicks of a keyboard, and the quite page flips of a magazine. In other words, The hospital is calm. At least to everyone else, Why, I have no idea. Everyone else should be just as panicked as I but they just going about there business. I stare at her from my bed, taking in her more then revealing pink crop top. The woman is back and I don't know what to do. I look to the bed to where my boyfriend, Zach, lays sleeping in the bed as the woman absentmindedly flips through a magazine on the chair left out for our visitors. I don't know who she is but she obviously knows Zach, and he obviously doesn't like her. I tried asking him about her but he just brushed her off as some chick and wouldn't talk about her further. Which is understandable considering the few words she's exchanged with our doctor, none of which were very smart or polite. An array of 'Wake him up's ' and ' arn't you a doctor, can't you wake him up?'s have been non-stop since the day she got here. The doctors play along with Zach, telling her to come back another time. She is the only one I've seen in the few days We've been confined here. She's never spoken a single word to me as she's only here for Zach, meanwhile I haven't had a single visitor, neglect is something I'm used to but it still hurt nonetheless. The woman came in on our first day and sat next to Zach's bed, flipped through her magazine for an hour and then left. She's made a pattern of this from what I can tell, showing up around three then leaving around four. Now everytime she came I noticed that Zach would quickly close his eyes and wouldn't get up from his false slumber till she left. This surprised me as I couldn't see anything wrong with his visitor, I just assume she's his ex and that he would rather not start a conversation with her, especially not in front of me. I want her to leave soon, the doctor is supposed to come back soon, with results I've been waiting for all day I might add, and I don't want this woman here for that. She notices my starring and glares. "Can I help you?" She snarls. My eyes widen in surprise. "Not at all, I was just off in my own head. It wasn't my intention to offend you." She rolls her eyes, "Whatever." She reverts her eyes down to her magazine, I suddenly get an unlikely fear that the magazine may burst into flames under her glare. I look away, not wanting her to mouth off on me again. I listen to the sound of her flipping pages for a minute. I hear her put the magazine down. "Look, is he always asleep?" I look back at her. "What?" She sighs, "Is he always asleep or is he like ever awake?" I'm taken aback by her demanding tone, I wonder if he'll want me to lie for him? "Uh, Yeah he's almost always asleep." I let the lie leave my mouth and hope it's convincing. "You were here the day he got here right?" She looks at me pointedly. "Yeah, I was brought in with him, but I was unconscious for the first few hours so I don't know what the doctor told him if that's what you're getting at." Another lie, Zach had given me the rundown of both our reports the second I woke up, He had a broken leg and needed stitches in his right arm, meanwhile the doctors had only came with the conclusion that I had a broken arm, but have been doing testing on me all morning to confirm, but I'm not about to share that with her. "Were you guys both hurt together?" She asks, her tone slightly softer now. "Yeah we were." I don't want to give up too much information. "Oh okay." She looks down at Zach for a moment, twirling her hair around her finger, before turning back to me. "So is he single?" I stare at her wide-eyed. "No, no he is not." She makes a sound of disgust. "So, who's he with?" Her voice is more bitter if that's possible. "I just want to know who my competition is." She throws her platinum blonde hair back and not so subtly pushes her boobs up. My jealousy gets the better of me and I answer her, " Well I'm his boyfriend so I suppose it's me." I state. She looks me up and down. "But you're a guy." I roll my eyes. "Wow, what a keen observation!" I laugh. She stands up, "Well then, I'll be back tomorrow." She spits. "Yeah okay, and I'll show you his engagement ring!" She scoffs and storms from the room. I lay back smiling smugly over my latest achievement. "Engagement ring huh?" I look over to my boyfriend's now smirking face. My face goes red and he laughs. "Thank you for getting rid of her though, I don't know how much longer I could have faked sleep with your cute spurts of jealousy making me want to come over there and kiss you." I laugh. Almost as if the doctor was waiting for her to leave he walks in, A clipboard clutched in his gloves hands. "Okay, so Mr. Dorian, you'll be able to leave tomorrow." My boyfriend pumps his fist in the air, he hates hospitals. "But I'm afraid you Mr. Wright will be in hear till Sunday." I groan and lay back in my borrowed bed. Zach reaches over and grabs me hand. "Hey at least I'll be occupying the visitors seat instead." I smile, "Yeah you'd better." The doctor walks out muttering something along the lines of 'young love' .

July 09, 2020 06:57

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