Dear April

Submitted into Contest #252 in response to: Start your story with a character being followed. ... view prompt

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Mystery Thriller Crime

As she walked down Halsey Street, she couldn't help but feel that someone was watching her. She kept getting that prickly feeling that someone's gaze was burning the back of her neck. She heard the sound of heavy footsteps on the cobblestones and immediately, her worst fear was confirmed. Someone was following her. 

April Richmond had never been careless. But tonight, she wished she had paid just the slightest bit of attention to her surroundings. As she turned around, she saw him. A hooded figure walking behind her. He was careful. Sped up when she did. Slowed down when she did. Stopped when she stopped. He liked to think he was keeping her safe, watching in the shadows. After all, she was the one.. Her strawberry blonde hair flowed in rivulets down her back and her piercing blue eyes were the color of the ocean. He was drawn to her. Captivated. Mesmerized. Obsessed. He followed her until they reached a building with small apartments above it. As he saw her go in, he realized that this was where she lived. He stayed behind, hiding behind a nearby brick wall. He watched as she opened the door and went in. Careful not to be noticed, he quietly followed her into the apartment. 

Dear April,

I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, but that hasn’t stopped me from thinking about you. I knew since the moment I laid eyes on you that you were the one. All I ‘ve done since I first met you is dream of you. Ever since then, I’ve never been able to take my eyes off of you. You’re all I want. You don’t know me yet, but that’s okay. I know you. And I know that we’re meant to be together. I get it, you’re not ready to choose me yet, you want to keep your options open. But they’re wrong for you. All of them are. Don’t be afraid to give real love a chance. Trust me, April, I can give you the life you deserve. You’ll see. Don’t worry, my dear April. We’ll be together soon. 

He went up the stairs that led to all the apartments. The walls were a pristine shade of white and monochromatic paintings lined the walls. Plain and simple. Just how he liked it. He got to the main hallway, with apartments on either side. He was about to head in, when a door in front of him opened. 

He hid behind a wall and peered around the corner. There she was, standing by the wide open door. She looked beautiful. Gorgeous. But she wasn’t alone. There was someone else with her. A man. He couldn’t make out their exact words, but by the looks of it, they were flirting. 

“...nice to see you again, April.” 

“You too, Nick. I think I got some of your mail by accident.” 

“I’ll have to thank the mailman for that later.” 

“You’re a jerk, you know that?” she said, almost laughing. It disgusted him, the way he looked at her. April was his. Only his. He watched as they left the apartment and without a word, he quietly followed them. 

Dear April,

I saw you with him today. I saw the way he looked at you and I couldn’t help it. I did what I had to do. I got rid of him, April. I did it for us. He was getting in the way of us. He wasn’t going to let us be happy. I only did it to protect you, April. I know how guys like him are. He was a player. I couldn’t let him do that to you. He didn’t deserve you. You’re mine. Only mine. I did what I had to do to keep you. I killed him. 

After you both left Rosemary’s restaurant, I couldn’t help but follow you. I needed to make sure you got home safe. Lucky for me, he lived in the apartment right across from you. I followed him up and saw that his door was open. So not only was he a player but he was careless too. You don’t need a guy like that, April. Anyways, killing him was easy. He was distracted. He didn’t even see me coming in. I slowly crept up behind him and when he least expected it, I strangled him with a shoelace. He was a fighter, I’ll give him that much. I tightened the cord around his neck until his lips went blue. That was when I knew he was dead. 

I dumped his body in Cypress Lake. Remember we used to spend our weekends there? Such a shame you won’t be able to go there again. I know how happy it made you. But I had to do this, April. I had to save you from him. Don’t worry, April. I’m coming for you. 

April sat in her room, all alone. It wasn’t until she realized he was gone that she missed him. Nick. He was a good guy. Much better than most. And after what happened to her five years ago, she’s had her guard up the entire time. That night, when she was being followed, she knew it was him. The way his footsteps sounded on the ground. The way he walked. It was all him. He had come back for her, just like he said he would when he first trapped her in the bookstore. His last words to her were, “I’ll see you again, soon, April. I’ll come back for you.” And he did. He was here. 


He slowly crept up the stairs and headed to her room. He knew she would be asleep by now. He slowly opened the door and went inside. She was asleep on her bed, just like he knew she would be. He stayed in her room for an hour, watching over her, making sure she was safe. Afterwards, he pressed a kiss to her cheek and was about to leave the room. Before exiting, though, he left a single white rose on her doorstep. 

April woke up to the sound of faint tapping on the door. She looked at the clock at the far right corner. 4:30 am. Rubbing her eyes, she carefully went to the door, unsure if she should open it. Who would be up this early in the morning? She stepped out of her apartment to see who it was, but no one was there. And that was when she noticed it. The white rose on her doorstep. Her favorite flower. She picked it up and looked at it closer. She dropped it when she saw blood on one of its petals. 

Dear April, 

Did you get my gift? I know roses are your favorite, especially white ones. This one’s different from the rest, though. This one’s special. 

I know you don’t remember me, April. Five years is a long time. But believe it or not, I remember you. And I kept my promise to you. I promised you I would be back. I promised I wouldn’t leave you. And I didn’t leave  you. I came back for you, just like I said I would. Now, I have a question for you. Have you noticed me yet? 

She froze. This wasn’t real, she thought. It wasn’t happening. She was dreaming. But seeing the black envelope sealed with a heart told her otherwise. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a polaroid picture of her on her bed, asleep. On the bottom was the date. February 7, 1985. Today's date, she thought in horror. He was here. 

              Suddenly, she heard the sound of a door slamming. Footsteps were slowly approaching her. She didn't know what to do, so she went to the one person she trusted to help her. 

            “Nick! Nick?” She called. No answer. She went across to his apartment and saw that his door was open. It was never open. Ever. He was always the one constantly telling her about staying safe and locking doors so why would his door be opened? Something was wrong. Really wrong. 

           “Nick?” She called again. No answer. She decided the only thing she could do was try her hardest to leave. But as she was running out, she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. Her eyes widened, and she fell to the floor, unconscious. 

             Dear April,

You finally spoke to me again. I love hearing the sound of your voice, even if it tells me to let you go and demand what I did to Nick. Ugh. Nick. After all I’ve done for you, you’re still in love with him? Oh please, April, don’t act like you didn’t see him for who he really was. Plus, he’s gone now. He won’t be able to hurt you anymore. Anyways, back to you. I loved hearing the sound of your voice. Such a shame no one will ever hear it again. Your eyes. Bluer than the ocean. Mesmerizing. Just like you. Such a shame no one will ever look into them again. Your heart. The one that belongs to me. Just like you. Such a shame it won’t beat again. 

She woke up, but couldn’t move. Her vision was blurry, and her surroundings felt different. She wasn’t at her apartment. She was somewhere else. Where exactly, she didn’t know. But hearing his voice speak to her and tell her that she was his instantly snapped her awake. As she regained her vision and looked around, she finally saw where they were. The bookstore where he had tried to kidnap her five years ago. He stood at the far end of the aisle, holding a knife. She looked around again and saw she was tied to a chair. On the floor next to her was the white rose and envelope she found at her apartment. 

“What did  you do to Nick?” No answer. It hit her then. He  killed him. He killed Nick and he would kill her too. After all, if he couldn’t have her, then no one else could. 

Dear April, 

Do you remember when I plunged the knife in your chest? You looked at me, those big, beautiful eyes turned stone cold. It was the only way, April. The only way you would be with me forever. It was the best yet worst day of my life. I would get to keep you forever, just like I always wanted. But I would never see your smile. Hear your voice. But that doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that you’re with me and I’m with you. 

I’m so sorry, my sweet April. It must’ve hurt. I never meant to hurt you and you know that. I just needed to be with you. I needed to have you. I loved you, April. And I would do whatever it took to have you. 

Dear April,

I remember the very first time I saw you. You didn’t know me, but I knew you. And I knew we were meant to be together. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. I had fallen for you. I needed you to see me, to notice me. I wanted you to love me the same way I loved you. 

So I started following you everywhere. I needed to make sure you were safe. I had to watch over you. I followed you home, to and from school, even to that indie bookstore you loved so much. I couldn’t be without you. I needed you. I loved you. 

I’ll admit the incident in the bookstore wasn’t planned. But you were there, April. You were there. It was late and you were all alone. I had to protect you. I had to make sure you were safe. I wasn’t planning to lock you in. But I had to make sure no one saw us. That night at the bookstore was the first night I ever saw you cry. I hated myself for it, but I knew we would be together soon after that. I made you a promise, April. And I kept it. 

Ever since then, I’ve never been able to let you go. For the past five years, I’ve been watching you, following you, watching over you, making sure you’re safe. I couldn’t let you go. Not then, and not now. 

For the first few days after, I always kept you close. I came to you for advice when I needed you, and you were always there. You never turned away even though I hurt you. I still remember the single streak of crimson blood sliding down your body. But for some inexplicable reason, we always end up hurting the ones we love. That’s why I have to do this, April. I have to go. No one can know about this. About us. This may be the last time I see you. These past seven months with you were the best seven months of my life. And yes, we made mistakes. We hurt each other. But in the end, we will always be together. 

I love you, April. Always and forever. Forever and always. 

Dear April,

Today is the day. I know I promised you I would never leave, but I need to, April. I hope you understand. I want to thank you before I go. For always being the light when I was in the dark. 

Remember the lake we used to go to? The same one I threw Nick into? You loved it there. Maybe that’s why I chose to end it there, because it reminded me of you. I walked across the bridge for the last time, before jumping in the lake. I hope you understand, April. Why I did what I did. It was all for you. I would kill for you. I would die for you. But if I can’t have you, then no one can. Not even me. 

May 26, 2024 23:34

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1 comment

Dena Linn
19:21 Jun 01, 2024

This is a very good and creepy story about obsession. It was interesting how you both spoke to the prompt and used the Dear April letter-writing technique. At one point, I was sure April was actually reading the letters, and I do not think this was your idea. Anyway, good job!


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