Latinx Romance Sad

Nothing really happens for an old lady in her 70s. All she has is her memories, even as they fade away. In the heart of a small village in southern Brazil, lived an elderly woman named Isabella. Her silver hair reaching her waist and her eyes which showed wisdom. She spent her days tending to her lush garden, filled with vibrant flowers and fragrant herbs. Her home, a cottage with walls that showed ancient writings and traditions.

The villagers often whispered about Isabella, saying she was a witch and disgusting. Nobody came near Isabella afraid she would curse them! One day, a young woman named Sofia, with a genuine curiosity about the world, stumbled upon Isabella's cottage. Intrigued by the tales she had heard, Sofia approached the elderly woman, hoping to uncover some truth about her being a witch.

Isabella welcomed Sofia with open arms, it was the first person she had seen in 20 years who wasn't scared of her. Over cups of steaming herbal tea, Sofia asked Isabella to share her story.

Isabella started, born into a family in Northern Brazil, in the Amazon region that was very culturally emersed, Isabella grew up in the traditions and customs of her ancestors. She learned the ancient songs and dances, listened to the stories passed down through generations, and embraced the wisdom of her people.

As Isabella grew older, she realized that so much of the Amazon forest was being cut to make more space for livestock. She managed to get a glimpse of the words "destruir RIO" on the tractor that was tearing down trees. Isabella also began to see how more and more and more kids in her village forgot the traditions and the significance of the stories and dances, realizing one day they made be lost she promised herself that she would make sure her traditions would not fade away. And so, she decided to leave. Remembering the name on the tractor she knew she had to find the company. Soon she made way into a big city: Rio de Janeiro. Isabella had never seen big buildings and different people in her life. She found herself running around asking strangers where she could find "destruir RIO" the company. Nobody knew. After a few weeks Isabella got a job as a waiter, realizing she needed money. Isabella was so tired she had no time to look for the company. One day, she turned on the news to see that 10,000 acres were being lost per day in the amazon. She realized she had to act quick. She ran across the streets screaming. People stared and called her crazy. She got the attention from a man named Jorge. Jorge offered to help her. Jorge and Isabella sat down for some pão de queijo and tea at a local café. She told Jorge what her problem was. Jorge was shocked. Jorge offered to help her look. They met up everyday at the café, and soon Isabella fell inlove with Jorge. Finally, Isabella managed to figure out the address of the company. She was on her way until she saw Jorge, and she knew she had to tell him. Looking into his eyes she ran to him. She confessed to Jorge how much she loved him, Jorge felt the same and offered to take her out that second to a famous restaurant. Isabella decided she would go to the company later, and eat with Jorge now. Upon entering the place, Isabella realized Jorge was actually rich. She had never tried such bougie food, nor shopped so much with him. Isabella and Jorge ended up dating for many months, but Isabella realized something was up. Jorge never wanted to help her go to the company, and Jorge barley cared about her culture. Jorge knew she was sad and took her out to a party on the beach. Little did Isabella know he was proposing! Isabella was shocked, and jumped up and down and kissed Jorge. She knew he was the love of her life, even if they had their differences. However, soon Isabella thought he was acting strange so she decided to go to the company on her own. She walked into the lobby and asked if she could talk to the CEO. Unfortunately the CEO was busy but the intern let Isabella talk at a conference that would occur in a week. She was beyond exited. She told Jorge she had to prepare for something and Isabella studied what she would say all weekend. Finally, the day came. Isabella wore her new dress from Prada that Jorge had got her and strutted into the conference room, prepared and exited. She got told to sit. She sat inside and waited for what seemed like years for the CEOs to come in. As she sat they announced that the CEO would walk in. Isabella almost fainted when she saw Jorge walk in. Jorge saw Isabella and his face turned the worst shade of red. Isabella was panicking. The man she loved turned out to be the CEO of her biggest enemy. Isabella started hyperventilating. Immediately, Jorge ran out to Isabella. "Jorge. How could you?!? You knew how much I hated this company" Isabella said. " Isa... I never wanted you to know. I love you but this company is my income and I am devoted to it. If you loved me you would understand" Jorge replied. Isabella's voice trembled with betrayal. "I love you but if you want to be my enemy so be it. I will stop you!" She screamed and ran out. On her way out she spotted treasures from her village that had been stolen. They were on the wall selling for 100k dollars. Wow. Her blood boiled. Isabella stole all the ancient artifacts back and ran out. Jorge called her demanding them back and asking for her love. Isabella told him to shut up. Soon police came knocking. Isabella knew it was time to run. She packed everything and ran. She got the next flight to a city near her town. When she got there, she realized she had taken the wrong flight. Isabella was stranded with no money in Brasilia. She realized she needed to work again, she became a waiter yet again and saved up a few hundred dollars. She knew she was wanted. She changed her name to Cecilia and lived in silence. She longed to be back home and to see her family. She missed Jorge but also hated him. Isabella realized she had to find a way to get home. She started begging people on the road to drive her. It took a year of begging and waiting, but she made it. Finally. She arrived home. She realized her village got more modern, and nobody danced or sang traditional music in the streets. The once forest was deserted. She bought herself a cottage and decided to save up enough to create a book on the struggles. She became a teacher, she showed the students the artifacts she had took back and explained their cultural significance. Soon, she was respected and loved in the town. Until, they started spreading rumors she was a witch. She was forced to stay home and be poor. If she didn't there were threats to kill her. "That's all" Isabella said to Sofia "I am an old lady whose story is so empty and unfulfilled." "THATS ALL??" Sofia remarked "You never got revenge?" Isabella shook her head "No." Sofia realized this story was far from over. "I have an Idea. Why don't we make a museum and showcase the cultural treasures? Maybe we can get the attention of big shots and make them support our cause to stop the amazon from being cut and educate them" she said. Isabella said it was worth a try. They decided they would try and make Isabella's cottage into the museum. Soon,

within the walls of her cottage, Isabella had created a treasure trove of knowledge and heritage. Each artifact held a story, each document a piece of the past. It was her life's work, her legacy.

Sofia vowed to help Isabella in any way she could, together, they embarked on a journey to share the hidden treasures with the world. Isabella's collection finally was completed. People from all walks of life could come and learn about the traditions, customs, and struggles of her people. The museum became a beacon of cultural preservation, a testament to the resilience of a community. Soon a familiar guest came. Jorge. As he saw Isabella tears dripped from his eyes "Meu amor... Isabella. When you left Rio I decided to sell the company and search for you. I heard about the museum and I came. I'm sorry. I should've helped you." Isabella was shocked. She simply nodded and told him a tour started in 5 minutes. She didn't know how to feel. She told Jorge that he could come for tea and pão de queijo to talk. They did, and Isabella forgave him. The village, once filled with whispers and speculation, now held Isabella in the highest regard. She became a revered figure, not only for her collection but also for her unwavering dedication to her heritage. Isabella and Jorge became hero's. Shutting down companies that tore down trees in the Amazon, and preserving culture. Soon, Isabella died, leaving behind a legacy. Jorge used the donations to the museum to pay for trees planted all over to honor her.

August 13, 2023 22:32

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