Adventure Fantasy Friendship

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

TRD; we were the celebrities in New York. Going on tours ,singing around the world. Our lives were absolutely perfect but I didn't think. My view was that there were adventures await us ,being a celebrity wasn't always about going on tours, paparazzi always watching your every move I wanted to change that ,I won't mind still being celebrity but I wanted to also have fun ,but my show stoppers declined. Rianna and Dianna never wanted to be part of my idea ,they said that their lives were absolutely perfect and they didn't needed anyone to change that.

Rianna and Dianna listen to me; okay you got a point but what about your love life .I argued with rianna.

My love life is perfect and I don't need anyone to change that for me argument closed,and just as rianna said that ,the argument was closed

We never argued again until one day,we were preparing for our show so we needed new songs . I was always a good song writer but since I was with rianna and Dianna ,I always tried to be cool so we always pitched on song together, truth to be told, we were never friends,we were like co-workers,not the perfect dream team I always wanted to be in . We were always perfect financially but other things we were not. like friendship or emotions. How I started to hang out with them was my mistake . Rianna and Dianna we're famous at the college I went to and since I saw that they were famous because of their singing ,I wanted to be a part ,and surprisingly they accepted me because they loved my songs ,but things changed after we became famous,we lost interest for each other and only focused on our so gs and soon later we were on tours around the world.


Today was our show day and that was when I wanted to tell them my thought

Ready girls Dianna told us before the show.rianna shouted ready, I was the only one that kept quiet

What's wrong tianna aren't you ready or are you sick?you can't be sick today is our show and we must be perfect

Actually girls that is not the problem , I want to be out of the team

What rianna and Dianna heard almost made them faint.

What do you mean ,rianna said almost panicking.

I said i want to be out of the team,like I am going solo. Solo ,when I said solo I could that silence had engulfed in us.

I could sense danger in the words she was going to say,and next what she did made me gasp

Smack smacks. Sound of slaps could be heard around the room

Traitor,you ungrateful bitch,we made you to what you are now,and now you want leave us I mean who does that before a show. And tianna your songs are worthless, I'll see how you will make it without us. After saying what I noticed that she wanted to start leaving. I held her hand and said was in my heart

Correction rianna you guys didn't make me to what I am. And you guys aren't my boss's,I am my own boss ,so stop doing as if you own the show,the names are clearly TRD not only R so you see rianna you are not the only one that owns the show,I sobbed a little as I shoved my way out of their midst.

I went outside,I looked at the dream house, this was probably the last time I was going to see it. I loved the dream house, it held many of my precious memories. I was sad 😢 to leave it ,but it was probably for the best. I entered my card and headed straight to the airport,I had already bought tickets to Ethiopia. This was my new destination.

I had already figured out that since I wanted to start afresh being a singer, I needed to change everything about me ,my hair my clothes and location. I was known worldwide as one of the TRD,so I also changed my me to Bianca. I had already discussed this with my parents and they supported me ,what more could I had ask for.

In Ethiopia I was going to stay in an hotel for one week then the next week I was moving in to my apartment. I had already had everything planned

I reached the airport and boarded my plane. I sat in the chair feeling comfortable and proud with my decision and also brought out my phone to watch the we were supposed to perform and as I expected they were performing without me ,I could see in some people faces that they were shocked that the were only two performing but still continued the enjoying the show. What hit me was when am interviewer was asking rianna and Dianna about me they simply lies telling the interviewer that I was sick.

They are lying ,I shouted suddenly noticing everyone staring at me . I quickly quieted down. What was I expecting, did I think that were going to say the truth. I was thinking about this when something splashes on my dress,I was pissed off ,I looked up and saw the most dazzling person I had ever saw he had the appearance of an 👼 angel ,he was cute and sexy. I soon snapped out of my day dreaming and shouted at him ,I was already pissed and he made me more angrier

Sorry I didn't mean it princess;he sarcastically said . Some of us are trying to work and you are making a fuss about it. You are worried about your dress when you can actually buy another one while am worried about myself getting fired if you report me to the boss. I looked at him disgustingly , I had already changed my mind about him ,I thought like his appearance he would also act like an angel ,but I was wrong ,this guy was a devil in an angel appearance. He was rude ,I was more angry.

Oh sorry Michael Jackson ,I snapped back at him angrily. I was minding my own business sitting down in my sweet and a person who had biscuits for brains spilled some drinks on my 👗 dress and instead of apologizing he started barking like a dog. Is that okay for you Michael Jackson,I looked at him with angry eyes .

Oh I am sorry I didn't expect you to be a bitch,acting as if you are are a celebrity.

I smirked knowing that if he knows that I was a celebrity he would have melted like a butter.

We were arguing until the person I supposed would be his boss came to do the unexpected.............

To be continued

June 09, 2023 11:55

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