Teens & Young Adult

My name is Callen Grigor, sixteen years old and I'm African-American. My dad Julios Gregor, his American and a car dealer, and my mom Anastasia Gregor, she's African-American and she's the sweetest and kindest wife and mother. I have a simple and perfect life or so I thought I have until when my mother died in a car crash along with my unborn sister seven years ago. Dad and I were both in grief and after that, we tried to live the best we can in our life without mom.

Two years after that, dad got married surprisingly. I didn't even meet the woman he got married to, he just bombs me with words on the table saying, "hey son, I got married". I was like, "what? You're kidding right". Dad stays silent, with a heavy heart, I didn't finish my food and ran back to my room. I already accept the fact that mom was gone and it's been years, I understand why dad must look for other women but the fact that his replacing mom got me furious, or maybe I'm just not ready.

Days after that, dad finally introduce her to me. Her name is Katherine, she's a very beautiful white woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She moves into our house and just like what my mom does, she cooks for us every day and cleans the house. At 10:30 she teaches the student online. One night when we have a family dinner, she announced that she's pregnant and dad was so happy. I never saw him happy after mom died and that makes me angry, that smile was supposed to be for mom only so without thinking I slam on the table and ran outside. I heard dad tried to call me but I didn't listen and just ran away. I stay with Aunt Lena, my mom's sister's, I thought it was the right choice but I was wrong. Her boyfriend was an abusive drunkard and she was like a battered wife. But I chose to stay, I don't want to get back in that house while Katherine was there. There were a hundred calls and messages on my phone and mostly from Katherine, I didn't look nor answer them. But that was a mistake, the next day aunt Lena told me that dad died, it was hit and ran and to make it worst it was the day I ran away and dad was chasing me.

Katherine nearly had a miscarriage because of too much stress. When I return to the house, I thought she would scold me but I was wrong. She gave a hug and she was crying. "Where were you? why did you run away? are you hurt?", I cried not just because my father died but also how Katherine really cares for me and the thought that I almost lost my unborn baby sister or brother. Weeks after there was a funeral. Family, relatives, and friends came. Katherin was talking with my aunt and other relatives, they were talking about me.

"Callen can stay with us Kath, I know your job is hard, and being a single mom, handling two kids is hard". I didn't continue listening to their conversation, I already know what I'm talking about. I think it's the best way, m beating far away with Katherin. She might blame me for dad's death but I was completely wrong.

Days turn to week but Katherine still not mentioning my moving to my relatives. We were having dinner when I ask her about their conversation during dad's funeral. I was scared about what would she say, the truth is I want to be closer to her, at the funeral she was the only one who was taking care of me, unlike my relatives who were talking about my dad's business and money. Since Katherine was a legal wife, we both have half of dad's inheritance and my aunt Lena wanted to hold my inheritance which Katherine approved.

Katherine was silent for a moment, then she hands me a two flight ticket to London. For a second I thought the ticket meant was to give me away to my relatives and she would leave me but I was wrong. "Do you want to see your brother or sister grow and have a new start in the countryside? I actually accept the job offer there and I can't bear leaving you alone, I made a promise with your dad that I will never leave you alone no matter what but I want you to have a choice for yourselves. I can't just selfishly take you somewhere when I know you love this place, I know how much you love your dad and mom and I know I can't replace your mom but I want to be close with you, maybe not a stepmom but a friend that you could rely on".

"I guess I should start practicing call you mom", with that word we both burst into tears while smiling. Five years since that night, we returned home with my sister and brother, it turns out that Katherine was carrying twins. It was a blessing when they were born. I ask Katherine if she could name my brother and sister with mom and dad and she named it to them.

When we returned, Dad's business that was handled by my relatives got bankrupt, Katherine couldn't stand losing my dad's business. So she starts working on handling dad business and on the other hand, my Aunt Lena became Katherine's secretary. There was a huge change in Aunt Lena, turnouts she broke up with her boyfriend and change her life for the better. Katherine and aunt became close friends and Aunt Lena would often volunteer to babysit my brother and sister despite her having work sometimes in the shop. I would see Katherine sometimes talking with some men, I thought maybe she would date them but to my surprise, she would just reject their offer. I wouldn't mind if she dates someone again. I know how it's hard to become a single mom, I saw how my dad raised me alone for two years and now I saw how Katherine raised us alone for five years.

Katherine might not be my real mother but we are tied by my dad's love.

November 25, 2020 08:47

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Bareera Samra
09:52 Dec 03, 2020

Awesome Story. I JUst LOVED everything about it!


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Bareera Samra
09:52 Dec 03, 2020

Nice story! I loved reading it. Keep Up the awesome writing.


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