Creative Nonfiction Inspirational Fiction

Bhavya is a 26 year old boy who was very intelligent and prefect in all aspects. He had graduated from a college in Bengaluru. He was very shy in the matters of self exposure. He had afraid of facing cameras. Inspite of being shy, he was really a bright boy. What he doing a couple of months back is attending many interviews in the hope of getting a perfect job where he can earn more than he wished for. Because of his shyness, many interviewers rejected him on the face. He also had fear of getting rejected.

Everybody of his close friends knew that he is a very good dancer, actor and singer. And they forced him to give auditions for acting or dancing or singing. But, he always used to refuse as he was afraid of cameras.

He always dreamt of working in an airconditioned office as a manager. But, he always got rejected due to his fear. He never thought of entering into films. Whenever he met his close friends, they used to force him to join films. Hence, he stopped to go to them. His friends realized it and remained silent.

Slowly, he went into depression. He wished he would die. But, he had the fear of it too .He also wanted to come out of that barrage, but felt immensely helpless at that moment. He wanted to cry but can not. He slowly, lost his temper. He became helpless. He was bruised, not physically but mentally. He did not liked through what he was going. He promised himself to never go to interviews again. He stopped eating. He wished that it should end soon. He wished to become a new person without fear. But, somewhere inside him, his fear was killing him. He wished he could come out of fear but can not. He wished for so many things but they are all impossible with fear. He was hurt, not physically, but mentally. He wanted to come out of it, but it is impossible with his fear. Now, he has fear of everything. He had fear of his bed thinking that it also going to reject him. He had fear of his pen fearing that it also going to reject him. Rejection!....Rejection!.....Rejection!.... Rejection has completely stuck his mind. The thoughts like everything is rejecting him, crossing through his mind millions of times a day. He was not able to tell what he was feeling to anyone. He also feared that his friends would laugh at him if he tells what he is going through. With these thoughts in mind, which were crossing his mind, sometimes he could not breath at all. He never wished for what he was going through. But, his mind telling that it was all his fault. He wanted to kill his mind though. He wanted to get up and kill the disgusting thoughts. His thoughts are laughing at him. He hated that laughter. He wished he could do something to get back or to get off his thoughts. But, what all he could do is to wish only. What all he could do is to sit and watch his negative thoughts conquering his mind. He was totally dismayed. He saw himself at the door of death now. He tried atleast to tell all this to his mother. But, he now had fear of everything, even of his family. He also has the fear of everything including non living things. All he could do now is sitting in a corner and getting bruised by thoughts. But, he did not realized that all he was wishing for was only fulfilled by he himself.

Realizing this, his mother, Monal, called his friends and informed them all about Bhavya. She never saw her son like this. They along with his mom tried to bring back the previous Bhavya, they got success in the beginning by giving him all the strength and confidence by telling him his achievements he had done previously. Later, he refused to listen to them.

His mother tried to make him happy by cooking his favourite dishes and by giving him his old medals and many more things. But it proved fruitless.

Bhavya's one of the close friend nihari was very good in making animations. She tried making some of the animations of his many best achievements. She completed it within a lapse of time. Then she showed it to him, his confidence grew little bit day by day as he increased number of watching the animations per day.

And his one of the close friend bought him many books those are about self confidence, self help, inspirational and motivational stories.

A couple of days later, he became the normal person. But, still was a little bit afraid of cameras. And again refused to give auditions for films.

His friends has more zeal and determination towards making him successful. They secretly recorded his videos of dancing , singing and acting. Later, they sent it to various audition houses. Within a short span of time, he got call for ad films and short films. He was about to refuse them, but his mother accepted them and was asked to come to the office, she accepted this also.

Now, he was enraged by his mother's deed. But, was helpless. He noticed the line on one of his books on the table. He stood up, held his hands tightly, "You will do that" , said to himself, and went for meetings, and his first ad film started. He was confident enough, to face the camera. He did it. His films were released back to back, theatres were got out off collection box.

Now, he is one of the leading actor, singer, dancer. With highest payment.

When one day he sat near the book that has line that motivated him and said thanks friend. Was also thankful for friends and family.

He achieved it.

He always dreamt of working in an airconditioned office as a manager. But, now, he has his own vanity, his own airconditioned car and airconditioned office. He has his own manager.

Are u thinking about the line which motivated him, it was




Davanagere, Karnataka, India

email; meghanae1712@gmail.com

December 18, 2020 11:20

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