The Truth May Shock You

Submitted into Contest #27 in response to: Write a short story that ends with a twist.... view prompt



           The Truth May Shock You


Robert and Gina were meant for each other. To date they would be married 35 years. They had two fine boys. Billy and Bobby. The boys were extremely close to their dad. They would go fishing, play horseshoes and hunt now and then.  The couple had their share of disagreements but nothing ever major. Mostly the discussions were about Dina. Dina was Gina's jealous sister. Dina didn't have a happy marriage and her daughter, well let's say didn't idolize her mother. Dina never believed Robert and Gina could be that happy.

Harvey was Robert's best friend. They met in the first grade and have been best buds ever since. Harvey always had a crush on Dina but never showed. After she married he swore never to date again. Dina knew this deep down.


Robert and Gina saved all their money for the boy’s education. They both had degrees and good careers.  The time came. The boys, twins you know went off to college.  Within two weeks the tiffs began. It was that empty nest syndrome.  They felt lost without the boys though they always had each other. They both felt it and didn’t know what to do.  

Robert snapped one day. He just blew up. Stubborn. He did know how to apologies. There was never the need before. He and Harvey went out for drinks. Robert drank more than usual that night. Harvey always did have crazy ideas. Robert couldn’t face the woman he adored.


Later that evening Harvey called up Gina and said Robert was in a terrible car accident. There wasn't much left of him. Her world fell apart.  Having to identify the body and knowing she couldn't, Dina went with her. Gina couldn't look so Dina did. Yes that's Robert.  


The funeral was planned. A closed casket of course. During the service Gina truly thought she saw Robert looking in from a distance.  She didn't say a word only to her sister.  Dina was able to get the doctor to get her some pills. The kind to relax yet could have side effects. As time passed and the boys at the dorm Gina was home alone mostly. Sometimes she would hear noises, things would be moved or disappear. Robert's clothes were still in the closet and dresser. Gina noticed draws slightly opened and the closet door a jarred. She set up cameras but wasn't tech savvy. Her cameras would indicate  there was movement on occasion but not understanding she blamed it on ‘something else’.


Gina was retired now. Mostly home but would step out to the market and to the filling station for gasoline. When she would come back into the house she would sometimes get a whiff of Roberts’s cologne. Sometimes a hint of perfume. She would have a sense someone was in the house. Sometimes in bed, while asleep, she would feel the other side of the mattress move or something. She kept pillows there so it would feel like he was still there. Sometimes she would put a shirt on the pillow for scent.

It seemed to have worked more often than not.


 Dina would show up now un- announced and then making little digs how happy she and Donald were and how much they made in money. Gina let it in one ear and out the other as she would try to admit to herself Sometimes Dina would strangely walk around the house. She would complement on something new, or express clearly that her need new furniture or decorations as she moved around the house. If Gina went to the bathroom, Dina would go upstairs or open desk draws, closets, etc. A snoop she was since she was born.


Gina would sometimes go two towns over where Robert was born for the mall and specialty shops. Several times she would see someone who looked exactly like Robert. Same hair, face, body and height. She thought she was going insane but never said a word. Once she saw a woman with long black curly hair walking beside him.


One evening it was late and Gina was in bed. Robert quietly walked in their bedroom. Not too shocked. Gina sat up while Robert began to talk. He wanted the house now as she had it for a long time. It was his turn. Gina said "no it’s not your turn. You left us. You left your children. I paid off the house and maintained it.  It is mine. What did you do'?


Robert explained his girlfriend, who has long curly black hair wants the house. He wanted the house for her and have the boys live with him after college. He made it clear Gina was not welcome. For some peculiar, abnormal reason Robert was unable to swallow his pride and admit he was wrong. After all these years. Why? What changed him? Did he have a girlfriend on the side all this time? Did the spark suddenly go out? Was it because the boys left home? All this went through her mind waiting for an answer.


Gina rolled over and closed her eyes. 


Was this a dream? Was Robert really alive? Did his girlfriend really want the house or did Dina plot to drive Gina insane or was it those pills?  The truth may shock you!




February 07, 2020 00:52

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