Lilith's Sister (Sunrise Part Two)

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends by circling back to the beginning.... view prompt


Science Fiction Drama Fantasy

“No way! It’s not possible that we’re sisters. When I was born she left… she went to California.” Lilith's breathing quickened and her face paled to a lighter shade of violet. I could tell she was trying to stay polite, but she clearly did not appreciate the fact that she was related to Arantxa.

“No. I was born before you, and she went to our planet. It was impossible for her to hide when she changed to Nyx every month. She… she had to come back to our planet. Before she died, she told me that if I ever found you I would need to tell you that she loves you. She said she feels horrible for leaving you, but there was no other option,” Arantxa hugged Lilith gently, apparently more capable of emotion than I had previously thought. “She gave me a letter for you. I’ll give it to you once we reach the dining hall,” Arantxa carefully took Lilith’s arm and attempted to smile. I hugged Lilith, taking in her flowery scent that had become stronger. Her lilac skin is gorgeous, but her eyes are shining with tears. They started walking, and I watched them for a moment, hardly believing my eyes. Already they had a sisterly bond, moments after meeting.

“Let’s go, human. We’re not waiting for you,” Arantxa snapped. Oh well, there goes her moment of kindness. I followed along, walking quickly to catch up. Everything looks very odd, nobody around us is moving. Lilith’s three eyes look around at everything. 

“Here we are,” Arantxa’s disembodied voice says. She opened the door for Lilith and let it go before I walked in. 

“Thanks for holding the door,” I say sarcastically. 

“You’re welcome,” Arantxa replied, rolling her eyes. We walked into the restaurant. Arantxa headed toward the kitchen and passed the sign saying ‘staff only’ without a backwards glance. “You guys can sit down somewhere, I’ll be right out with the food,” Arantxa said. I looked at Lilith, wondering where we should sit. She shrugged her shoulders. We looked around.

“Let’s just sit here,” she pointed at a nearby table. I nodded and we sat down. Lilith’s eyes looked around the restaurant, and her hands fidgeted on the table. I held her hand, trying to comfort her.

“You don’t need to be nervous. You’re getting answers! Arantxa will hopefully explain everything that’s going on,” As much as I tried to calm her down, Lilith remained unconsolable. I’m nervous too, nervous for her, for us… But I need to be strong for Lilith.

“I know Dean. That’s what I’m worried about, what Arantxa’s going to say,” Her eyebrows are furrowed, and her mouth is curved down into a frown. Arantxa walked in and tossed a plate in front of me. 

“Here, sister,” she placed Lilith’s food in front of her. “Now, I’m sure you guys want me to explain what’s going on…” Lilith nodded slowly, her eyes wider than usual. I grasped her hand, trying to offer my support without embarrassing her. “As I’ve already explained, our species is Nyx,” Lilith nodded, looking at her lavender hands. “I thought I’d explain our species a bit more. Most of the year we’re human, but once a month we change and cannot change back. Throughout the year, we can decide if we want to be Nyx or human,” Arantxa glanced at Lilith. “Do you want me to continue or do you need a bit of a break for now?” 

Lilith nodded her head and quietly whispered, “You can go on.” Arantxa continued.

“I am choosing to be Nyx right now. If I wanted, I could be human,” Lilith looked up and smiled. “But that is not an option for you for the next twenty-four hours,” Lilith’s face drooped and she stared forlornly at her food. “If you have any questions, I can answer them. Or you guys can eat some food for a bit,” Lilith looked at Arantxa.

“How do I eat? I have no mouth!” Arantxa raised her eyebrows.

“It’s there, you just don’t use it for talking. Hold the food up to where your mouth was, it will go through and you can chew it.” Lilith looked disgustedly at her food, her violet face getting a bit green. She gingerly picked up her sandwich and moved it toward her mouth. It went straight through her skin. Lilith gasped, and I could almost see her chin moving slightly as she chewed. 

“I don’t like this very much,” Lilith seemed a bit grossed out, and I don’t blame her. 

“It’s okay,” Arantxa said. She pulled a small envelope from her pocket. She very gently put it in Lilith’s hands. “This is the letter from Mother,” Lilith gingerly opened the envelope and carefully pulled out a thin piece of paper. I could hardly contain my curiosity, but I didn’t pester Lilith. A tear fell from her eye, then another. Slowly, slowly. They poured, quickening as she continued to read. She finishes, and quietly gives me the letter. I delicately open it, and read the words. In beautiful cursive, her mother has written how much she loves her. Her mother apologized more times than I can count. Near the end the writing is shaky and twisted. The signature is hardly recognizable. I hug Lilith, about to cry because she’s so sad. Arantxa hugs Lilith when I release her, and I can’t believe what I just read.

“So you guys are princesses?” Arantxa nodded.

“Yes. I am older by only a year, so we are almost the same age. Thus far our people have not decided who will be crowned, though the whole process is much too confusing for you,” Arantxa response plainly indicated her disdain, and I tried to act as though nothing was amiss. 

“Lilith, I always said you were a princess!” My joke fell flat, but her tears slowed. She nodded.

“I’m just glad that Arantxa told us, I can’t know who’s Nyx around here and might try to kill me…” Arantxa looked sheepishly at her hands.

“I’m supposed to bring you back to our planet,” Arantxa spoke unhappily. “The people wish to vote, and I was told to come retrieve you,” Lilith went pale as Arantxa continued. “I am not going to bring you back,” Lilith’s face loosened and her eyes lit up. 

“Thank you so mu-” Arantxa held up her hand for silence.

“As I was saying, I am not going to bring you back,” Lilith nodded. “I’m going to kill you.” Faster than I could think, Arantxa held Lilith’s neck in her hands. Her face turned into a darker purple, and I ran to Arantxa and tackled her.

“Let go of my wife!” I shouted and yelled, hoping someone would hear us. I tried to pry Arantxa hands off, but nothing worked. Tears shined in my eyes, and Lilith’s body fell to the floor motionless. “You monster!” I punched and kicked, and soon Arantxa’s hands found my neck. 

“You know too much. You must die as well,” I can feel the oxygen leaving, and black spots dance across my eyes. Everything goes dark. Suddenly I am freed, gasping for breath.

“You were only supposed to kill the Nyx! Not the human! We could get in so much trouble for that. Arantxa nods. I slowly start to stand when her hands grasp my neck, choking me. 

“I kill whoever I want.” No way… It’s not possible that they’re sisters… Lilith would never do something like this...

May 18, 2020 12:57

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Manel Tairi
14:29 May 27, 2020

I was intrigued from the very beginning. Beautifully writen story!


Holly Pierce
14:31 May 27, 2020

Thank you so much!! If you're interested in learning a little more about the story, the first part is called Sunrise.


Manel Tairi
10:41 May 28, 2020

I'd love to !


Holly Pierce
18:07 May 28, 2020



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17:05 May 21, 2020

All I can say is...Woah. You wrote this amazingly! I'm speechless! 100% unexpected ending! Keep writing and stay safe! -Brooke


Holly Pierce
01:02 May 22, 2020

Thank you so much!!


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Angel Smith
13:01 May 18, 2020

That was unexpected...


Holly Pierce
13:05 May 18, 2020

Thanks! That's what I was going for


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Barry Litherland
15:54 May 28, 2020

That's a particularly nice(?) twist at the end. I wasn't expecting it at all. Well done.


Holly Pierce
18:08 May 28, 2020

Thank you so much!


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Evelyn ⭐️
20:35 May 18, 2020

Very cool story! Also unexpected! I loved it! Good job!


Holly Pierce
16:11 May 19, 2020



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10:29 May 31, 2022

How I Got My Ex Husband Back.. Am so excited to share my testimony of a real spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My husband and I have been married for about 5 years now. We were happily married with three kids, two boys and a girl. Four months ago, I started to notice some strange behaviour from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone else. He started coming home late from work, he hardly cares about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn’t even come back home for about 3-4 days. ...


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