Romance Sad

You. Me. Us. What we used to be.

My heart falls to the floor.

I see you. Your not with me.

Your with her.


She's perfect.

Blond. Tan. Curvy.

What I can't be. What I want to be.

So you will love me again.


I loved you once.

You cared. You loved my everything.

We sat under the stars, dancing to the rhythm of

nature's heartbeat. We loved to the star's songs.


I see now you lost the spark.

My love lost it's shine to you.

You want someone who fits with the world.

Not someone who thought she fit. With you.

You. Me. What was us is now a void.

My heart aches.

To remember us.

You. Me. Together.


Sometimes I miss us.

Your love felt very right.

Us fit to me.

And to you.

Now it doesn't..

Am I gone now? She swallowed all your care.

She stole you.


Am I mad?

Not really. No.

I can see that about halfway,

You lost it. The it being love.

A spark matching mine fizzed out.

Now what you want is her.

Her beauty and perfectness,

That girl that stole you,

Sways as you dance to the song that was once ours.

Us. Now you and her.


I still love you.

The void is more of the knowing.

Knowing you'll forget me.

You won't? Ha.

She will try to wipe me out.

Please don't let her.


Remember your weirdly wonderful,

Smiling oddity,

You once loved.

The one that fit.

For a while.

We can be friends.

I will always love you.

Just don't forget me.


August 27, 2021 00:39

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