Bedtime Drama Fiction

It was a quiet Saturday morning for newly married couplie Carolyn and Marcel. Both the young age of twenty three. They had stayed up all night so they could look out there balcony, looking out into the foggy grey morning to watch the sun rise just as they did every Saturday morning since they have been together. "Just beautiful, breath taking" Carolyn would always say. He loved the way her dark hair blew in the soft breeze of the autumn air, and the way her green eyes sparkled and seemed to dance in the light. He smiled at her, " I could stay and watch the sun rise with you every morning, but" he said as time went on, " life calls us, we must part ways, we have a very busy day". He leaned in and kissed her forehead.

As she drank her coffee, and her husband of only three months left for the office she couldn't help but remember the day they met three years ago. It was by chance, and as they say love has a way of knocking you to the floor, she knew in her heart and soul that he was her twin flame. If you believed in that sort of stuff, which she did. He would always say, she was crazy with a laugh, But he loved her so. He couldn't explain the weird connection they had, or how it was a bit supernatural. He always told her that he was secretly a vampire or a werewolf he never could decide which one. Maybe he was a bit of both. An Edward and a Jacob. Does that make her the Bella of the story? she would laugh. " Living in a fantasy world again Carolyn, wake up".

She looked at herself a long time in the mirror. What did Marcel see in her anyway? She was far from beautiful ma plain jane if you will. She did have a beautiful soul, that's what he saw, her soul. Although he always called her beautiful. He was gorgeous, long brown hair, brown mysterious eyes. He was any girls dream come true. He worked in a doctor office, as an intern. He wanted to be an oncologist. He was really smart. Could have went to Harvard she always told him. He would smile at her and say " I am happy right here with you". She wanted to wait to marry, until he finished school. "He said no why wait"? He insisted. He always believed in her, told her she was intelligent in different ways. She was smart at putting words together on paper, her poems were incredible he would say. He always loved listening to her poems and songs. He played guitar in a band, and wanted to turn one of her poem into song. He wanted to perform together. He told her that he would only put music to her lyrics if she sang it. She thought to herself, "No way am I good enough to sing this". He looked at her with his big brown eyes "stop it, Carolyn, I know what you are thinking, you never give yourself enough credit". He was right though. He always made her feel like she was worth everything this world had to offer. They were so different, like night and day. She was a small town southern country girl, moved to the big city to start school, she had to take a waitress job to help her get through. He was a long haired city bad boy, hot headed and very stubborn. she met her match when she met him, they clash, they disagree a lot. Except for one thing, the love they share.

This Saturday started like just like every Saturday before. They watched the sun rise together, then off to work they both would go. She didn't have to be to work until eleven this morning, just in time for the lunch rush to come barreling in. Marcel always worked long hours, but Saturdays seemed the longest. Today would be no different. He usually worked until around seven in the evening. He would shower then have dinner together, they would watch a little television, but always no matter what they were doing at nine in the evening they stopped what they were doing to go watch the moon and the stars. It was their Moon, They met on a full moon, had their first date and first kiss on a full moon, they got married on a full moon. Everything about them revolved around the moon. If they played it right they would have their first born on a full moon. Their love, their fate were written in the skies under the moon and the stars. It was written before they were even here on Earth. They were went to be together. People would tell her leave him, he is not fright for you, what did they know, no one knew him like she did. He competed her, shed felt at home, comfort with him. He was her light as she was his, he was a better person because of her, and everyone around him knew it. He would fight this world for her, that's what love is. Love shows no hate, no color, no age, no appearance. Love just was that, love. Love was Carolyn and Marcel.

He usually always called through out the day, when he could. He usually called her after he arrived at work, he must have forgotten today. she thought as she rushed to get ready herself. She only works a few hours today, then off to get her he=air done and to the store to pick up dinner. Carolyn scampered along her way, she rushed out the door and patted pinkey their house cat on the head before she left. The day went by pretty fast, she was supposed to be out at four, but stayed until 5 to help out a bit. Then off to the salon she went, and picked up dinner. She then hurried off home too prepare dinner before Marcel was due home. She wanted to make sure it was done for when he walked in. She was making something he taught her, he was the cook in the family not her, she hoped she did not screw it up, it was a pasta dish with grilled blackened chicken. It was almost nine in the evening, and he still had not called or walked through the door. she was worried, this is not like him. When all of a sudden her phone went ping, It was Marcel on the other end, saying how sorry he was but there was an emergency and he had to go home it was hos mother, she had an accident and needed him. "Oh no, I will say a pray", she said. He asked her to go outside to the lake as they did every night. She walked to where he had asked, she placed her feet in the cold water. Looking up into the clear dark sky. As she looked up she noticed the Moon, so big and so bright, another full moon. "Do you see it, My Luna, that is our moon, no one can ever take that away from us, not ever".

November 17, 2020 03:13

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