Agua Bendita

Submitted into Contest #83 in response to: Write a fantasy story about water gods or spirits.... view prompt


Mystery Christian Horror

When I was a little, I was deceived by the thought that fairy tale is just a fictitious story; a product of our playful creative mind that emanate to princess who was saved by the prince from and evil step mother, a cursed castle, magical hair, dragons, fairies, dwarfs, elves, elemental spirits and so forth.

We were just a child when we thought fairy tale is invented for the cause of entertainment and to fill our wanderlust: we people use to laugh, cry, awe in wonder and dream that somehow we are part of those tales. But now we were older Fairy tale is not just a tale but tale of cruel reality that manifest in the imaginary world and those are the truths that are being hidden inside the pandora's box.

“Someone died again” said by The father slamming the door, as he entered the house with a grim frown on his face due to exhaustion, and as the lurking shadows inside the house making his face older.

“Who is it?” The mother asked, sitting at the corner of the room facing the drawer with her blurry reflection casted on the mirror against her, as the single candle light dance beside The mother.

“Where’s Eli?” The father asked in dismay without bothering to answer The mother’s question.

“Who is it?” The mother asked again, now The mother is pulling something on the drawer, rummaging to items randomly and finally she found what she’s looking. A small chest.

“Where’s Eli, Cora?” The father asked for the second time, but this time I know something strange happen next when The father called The mother on her first name.

“Who is it?” The mother asked in her same deep casual tone, but The mothers is still facing the mirror at the corner doing the usual things she do without flinching, as her spinal protrude in her old night dress with the chilling breeze from the window cause it to dance in hollow.

“Cora!! Would you please for once look at me and tell me where is El..!? But before The father could end his question The mother stabbed him with another question but this time its not the same question “Who is Eli?”

“For godsake Cora, our daughter Eli, where is she?” with this question echoing in the chilling house, The father walked towards where The mother is still sitting unbothered in her white long old dress while unlocking the chest.

“I didn’t know such name, I don’t have a daught-” The mother was supposed to end her words but The father already reached the eerie corner of the house to where’s The mother was sitting, and now he can clearly saw The mothers face who aren’t blurry no more, because the wind stop lurking inside the house through the window for some kind of disturbing reason, and the fire of the candle stop dancing in sinister.

“Who are you?” for some reason the room almost expand in infinite darkness as The father managed to sound calmly even though the silence inside the house cant even intimidate the ringing sound of his beating heart, that dwells in curiosity and fright.

Before The father could take a couple of step-back to reach the limit of complete satisfaction of the thought of safeness, The mother was released from his locked position of sitting as her bones gives a cracking sound that its likely indicate the first use of its function.

The Mother is now standing but she still facing the corner of the room with now his upper torso reflected in the mirror, showing the lump of her ribcage against her dress every time she draws a deep husky breath.

“I am your wife” she said as she open up the small chest and inside it was a vile containing a bloody rose liquid that replicate the viscosity of water trapped inside the mud.

“I am everything, and She’s everywhere. I am the alpha and She’s omega. They asked for water and she gave me blood.” She continued in an audible whisper but someone’s echoing The mother’s voice.

“O water, creature of God, I exorcise you in the name of God the Father almighty, and in the name of Jesus Christ His Son, our Lord, and in the power of the Holy Spirit...father where are u taking me!!” Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever…father, where is mother?.. Amen”

The mother ends her prayer as the liquid inside the vile turns into transluscent blue. She gave an evilish smirk to The father before The mother unexpectedly swallow the vile wholely as it's glassy structure shattered inside her mouth.

Before The father can take advantage of the moment to run he found something strange that touches his feet, a cold strange tide emerge inside the house, was red?…No? was blue?…a water?...No…It was…blood, coming out of nowhere??...

Confusion struck as panic exceeds The fathers fear. Things was sudden that The father was stuck in a moment when he realize the house is now fully submerge, it taste like a rust then its taste like nothingness. At first he thought it was red and it is in fact was blood but no its isn't blood, neither it is blue, it is water and He's now drowning on it.

Everything seems to be clear now to The father for “water purifies everything and it washes everyone sins.”

“Someone died again” The Father said as he entered the house, but little did he knows nobody is in the house anymore, nobody is waiting for him. The Mother is gone and so Eli too.

Once upon a time in a far away land, there was a beautiful hardworking family of three. The Father, The mother and the daughter. The story began in unusual way because they live almost like happily ever after. But one day when the father was on his way back home from his teaching as a preacher in a nearby town, he got lost in the forest and there he heard a sudden hum of prayer saying..

“O water, creature of God, I exorcise you in the name of God the Father almighty, and in the name of Jesus Christ His Son, our Lord..." and that lead him to a beautiful river as he follow the hum."

There in the river the father saw an amorphous-creatures, a shapeless figure perhaps hone by the mist of the river “a water spirits” he said to himself. As the father took a step closer to ask the water spirits to help him find his way back home, the water spirits cried and uttered “why did you kill us Father?”

The truth stabbed the father on his chest as the realization consumes his insanity like a broken bone piercing through his guts.

and Finally at last the the father said “They said Water purifies and it washes everyone sins”......

“Eli, Someone died again at the river” My mother said as she entered the house, but little did she know Her husband, my father is gone. It is only me and mother now; and we are finally safe for the water set us free and drowns the one who is sinner.

....and they live happily ever after...

March 05, 2021 10:25

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