Snowed In Lovers

Submitted into Contest #281 in response to: Set your story during the coldest day of the year.... view prompt


Lesbian Romance Fiction

Beverly was awoken by the scent of hot chocolate wafting through the room. Followed shortly by an Angel moving the bed sheets out of her face. Or at least someone who looked just as divine. Her girlfriend spoke in a soft voice, 

“Good morning my love, did you sleep well?”

Beverly couldn't help the dopey grin that appeared on her face, 

“Why yes, yes I did. It also got a whole lot better when my gorgeous girlfriend joined me and I could sleep cuddled against her.”

A cute blush crept up Livvy’s face,

“Well just so you know, you’re gorgeous girlfriend enjoyed cuddling with her gorgeous girlfriend just as much.”

Beverly closed her eyes preparing to drift to sleep now that Livvy was with her. 

Livvy lightly shook Beverly out of her near sleep, “My love, this is the third time you’ve gone back to sleep and regardless of how adorable you are when you sleep, you asked me to make sure you woke up.”

Beverly’s face scrunched in confusion, “I did?”

Livvy was smiling at Beverly’s sleep induced confusion, “Yes love, you did.”

Beverly sat up, trying to remember asking for that, until her face suddenly lit up, “Oh right! I did!”

Livvy’s smile grew from watching her girlfriend's antics. Beverly sat up from the bed and kissed her girlfriend. She reached for the hot chocolate cup that had been placed on their side table, grabbing it and gently lifting it to her lips. She tasted the sweet, sweet chocolate before something occurred to her. Regardless of how nice the hot chocolate was, she lowered the mug and asked her girlfriend a question that was bugging her, 

“Livvy, my love, I'm not complaining but why aren't you at work?” 

Livvy merely smiled before gently kissing Beverly and responding, “Well my love, there’s a weather warning right now and no one is to go outside. Also, We are completely snowed in. I can't get outside our front door, let alone to work. Because of the weather warning and high snow, work was required to close and thus I’m free to stay home with my beautifully sleepy girlfriend.”

Beverly rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes before softly kissing Livvy, “I quite look forward to spending my day with you then.”

Livvy returned the soft kiss with her own, “And so do I. Though, would you like to take a shower? Because we have some cuddling to do after and I want you to be as comfortable as possible.”

Beverly considered this, she didn't really feel the need to shower, so why did Livvy ask? She considered this until she got out from under the blankets and immediately shivered. The room was far, far too chilly and it suddenly made sense why Livvy thought she might want to take a nice…  hot… shower. After all, Beverly did like to take hot showers when she was cold. 

Beverly looked at her very warmly dressed girlfriend, “I now see why you asked if I wanted to take a shower and have decided I desperately want to take one. So I'm going to go do that. Do you need anything before I go?” 

Livvy couldn't help but laugh at her girlfriend's decision before leaning in again and giving Beverly a feather light kiss, “I don't, but I'll see you when you get out. Enjoy your shower, Love.”

Beverly grinned before grabbing her warmest clothes and heading into the bathroom. 

She closed the door, dropped her clothes and turned on the water. She set it to its highest temperature before stepping into the scalding water. There was nothing Beverly enjoyed more(besides her girlfriend) than a  scalding hot shower on a freezing cold day. It rarely got cold enough to justify such a hot shower so she was enjoying it as much as possible. 

Beverly proceeded to shampoo and condition her hair, wash herself off, brush her teeth and spend a bit too long just standing in the excruciating but wonderfully hot water. But knowing that she'd be spending time with her girlfriend convinced her to leave the shower 15 minutes earlier than she usually would. She may miss the hot water when she leaves, but having Livvy’s arms around her would be a much better replacement. 

The moment Beverly stepped out of the shower, she was assaulted by freezing cold air. She quickly grabbed her towel and dried off. She then slipped on her warm and comfortable clothes in record time. But they only helped fight off the chill so well. 

But there was an easy fix to her problem. She left the bathroom, went through their bedroom, walked down the hall with freezing cold tiles and went into the living room where she saw her girlfriend. 

Livvy was sitting cuddled up on the couch. She was covered in a weighted blanket and had two mugs of hot chocolate next to her. Beverly couldn't see out the window due to the massive amount of snow. But the fireplace was lit and had a few logs inside. Along with that, their TV was on with “Dash and Lily” queued up. 

Her girlfriend was reading her favorite book when she looked up and saw Beverly standing there. She smiled widely and despite not realizing it, also adorably crinkled up her nose. Livvy set down her book and patted the space right next to her,

“Hello, My Love, you seem to be quite cold, I don't suppose you'd want some help warming up?”

Smiling and desperately wanting help warming up from her girlfriend, Beverly responded, “I'm not quite sure that sitting right next to you would be the most effective way to warm up.”

Livvy gave Beverly a slight grin, 

“What if you weren't just sitting next to me but cuddling me? Wouldn't that warm you up more effectively?”

Beverly chuckled under her breath before continuing their game, “I suppose that would be more effective, but how do I know that's the most effective way to warm up?”

Livvy’s slight grin turned into a full on smile, 

“There's only one way to find out, so we’d better try it and see if it's effective.”

Beverly wanted to continue bantering with her girlfriend but she was both really cold and desperately desiring to cuddle her girlfriend,

“Yes, I suppose that is worth a try.”

With that Beverly crossed the living room. She 

quickly pulled up the blanket before crawling beneath it and then lying against Livvy. Livvy was smiling down at Beverly before teasingly saying, 

“So what do you think? Do you think it's effective enough?”

Beverly scooted even closer to her girlfriend. In which Livvy responded to Beverly scooting by holding Beverly close in return. Beverly responded to Livvy’s question in a teasing tone, 

“It seems effective, but we’d better stay like this, just to be entirely sure.”

Livvy couldn't help but giggle at her girlfriend; When she stopped giggling, she looked at her girlfriend with a smile and said,

“That sounds like a good idea, you know, just to be safe. But we should also test how well we can see the TV just to make sure there aren't any weather warnings. The best way to do that would probably be watching ‘Dash and Lily’. Don't you think so?”

Beverly attempted to escape the cold air by burrowing deeper into her girlfriend's hug while responding in a sentimental voice, “Yeah, I think so.” and under her breath said, “Especially since it's with you.”

As Livvy started the show, Beverly couldn't help but be grateful for the cold. She might dislike the cold and curse it for freezing her every chance it got. Despite that, she couldn't help but be happy that it was the coldest day of the year. After all, she got to spend it with her girlfriend. 

December 20, 2024 20:12

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