
My wife, Kasey, is the best woman in the world. She is kind, true, loyal, beautiful, etc. The list could go on and on. She has a wonderful soul. She believes everyone has good in them no matter what. She always helps those who need it. She has every good quality a man wants. Not to mention, the most beautiful eyes anyone could ever have. There is only one thing, she is always late.

She has been keeping me waiting for the last four years. When I met her, she was studying to be a social worker while working in a coffee shop about ten miles from the apartment I had just moved into in Manhattan. I had transferred there from my marketing firm in Virginia. On my first day at my new firm, I went to the coffee shop where I met my future wife.

I ordered a large black coffee. At some point during the mess of people, she forgot my order. It took her almost twenty minutes to finally remember. She looked at me and blushed. I am pretty sure that is the moment I fell in love. She handed me my coffee, and she apologized so many times. I told her it didn't matter then she ran off to help someone else. I went back to that coffee shop every day for the next three weeks before I finally asked her on a date.

On our first date, I had made reservations at a nice restaurant and went to pick her up at 7 o' clock on the dot. My dad always told me that being on time was important. When I knocked, she yelled for me to come in, so I did. I waited on her couch for her to finish getting ready. She didn't come into the living room until 7:45. She blushed, and she looked beautiful. Her gorgeous caramel hair was curled. Her baby blue eyes were sparkling in the light of her apartment. She wore a short, black dress that fit her perfectly. I found her so immaculate that I didn't even care that we missed our reservations. We went to the cutest diner and had nachos all dressed up. Then we sat on the roof of my car under the stars and talked. It was one of the best nights of my life.

We dated for eight months before I asked her to move in with me. My apartment had three bedrooms where hers only had one. We got all of her stuff moved in a day. At the very end, when we only had one box left to grab, I went back into the apartment and found her sitting on the floor crying. I walked over to see that she was holding a picture of her mother. Her mother lived in New Jersey. They were really close, but her mother passed six months after she moved out. She had a habit of blaming herself. I asked her if she was okay, she said, "I just want to sit here for a moment." So we did. We sat in that spot on the floor, me holding her, for over an hour. She looked up at me with those bright blue eyes, now sparkling with tears, and said, "I love you, Leo." I told her I loved her, and we started our lives together.

Almost a year after we moved in together, Kasey found out she was pregnant. She wrapped the pregnancy test in a little present bag and gave it to me at dinner one night. We sat in the kitchen and cried together. We told our parents and friends a couple weeks later. Our first doctor's appointment was three weeks later. Our whole world crashed at that moment. They couldn't find the heartbeat. I looked into her eyes, expecting her to fall apart. She cried two tears. The doctor left the room to give us a moment, and she held me. She said, "Leo, I know we wanted this. We will have this. The time just wasn't right. We will just have to wait."

One year later, I planned to ask her to marry me. I took her out to dinner, and I had the ring in my pocket. She looked absolutely perfect like always. I took her hand and said her name. She stopped me. She grabbed my hand, and we left before we ordered drinks. We got to my car, and she grabbed my keys. She drove me to the same spot where we sat on the roof of my car on our first date. She hopped up on the roof of the same old Toyota Camry and said, "Now. Under these stars, in this same spot, this is where I want to remember this moment." I didn't care one bit. She made this moment perfect, just like she did every other moment.

We were engaged for ten months. We had planned every detail. I had used some of my savings to plan a simple small wedding that we would remember forever. The night before, I packed my bag to go stay with a buddy. I got ready to walk out the door. I gave her a kiss, and she grabbed my hand, and said, "Wait, I think we should elope. I want you to be the main focus of my attention. I want our best day to be about the only people important, me and you." At first, I wanted to protest. We had spent money. We had invited family. In that moment, though, her eyes got big. I couldn't say no to those eyes. So, I grabbed her hand, and we called her father and my mother. We asked them to be witnesses, and we left. My buddy got ordained online, and we all met under the stars in the same place that we sat all night on our first date and the same place that I proposed per her request. It was the perfect ceremony. The stars created a whole new sky in her eyes. It was the best night of my life.

July 06, 2020 04:32

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07:14 Jul 12, 2020

Smooth writing but I feel we gradually lose the sense of her being late. Good job anyways.


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Lunyzbreid L
22:57 Jul 15, 2020

It's a lovely story and I liked the fluency while reading it. The thing is that based on the prompt I was expecting more waiting, at some point waiting for her turned into her special place. Aside from that, well done! Thank you for sharing your story.


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