Fantasy Suspense Mystery

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.



There is a forest that no one knows about except three girls, Lunar, Ivy, and Mora. But what they didn't know is this forest was not a normal forest with trees, plants, and creeks. This forest was the worst forest they could ever walk into..

"MOMMM", yelled Lunar. "I'M GOING TO IVY'S.” This was Lunar's first mistake. Lunar was only 4 years old when she met Ivy and Mora. Lunar and Ivy were both about to turn 12, being that both of their birthdays were coming up, and Mora was 15. Lunar was on her way to Ivy's so that they could go to their favorite creek spot in the forest. Lunar had arrived at Ivy's. She and her sister were already waiting for her at the gate to their house. "Hey guys", said Lunar. "Hi", said Mora and Ivy in sync. "Well, let's go,” said Mora, "Wait, can I go inside really quick?" Lunar said, "well umm…"said Ivy."Please it'll just be a minute, I just need to use the bathroom", Lunar says sharply. "Fine," says Mora. Lunar enters the house and starts to walk towards the bathroom when she hears someone ever so faintly "it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair.",

what could this mean? who would say this? 

Meanwhile, Mora and Ivy sat impatiently on the porch as Lunar came out of the house. "Ready." Lunar said quietly. "Let's go," said Ivy as she started to walk down the steps. As they got closer and closer, the wind picked up and a breeze filled the air. They walked deeper into the forest and saw a large peak."What is that?" said Mora. "uh, I'm not sure," said Lunar, panicking. Ivy was all up for going towards it but the others, not so much. When Ivy had finally persuaded them to go, the air felt cooler and cooler. "Why is it so cold?" said Mora, shivering. "I don't know, just keep walking," Ivy says, determined to find the destination. 

They arrived at a house. It was in the middle of nowhere. Ivy said, "Let's go inside. It'll be so fun!" Mora entered first (being the oldest out of the two) Then Ivy (being the least scared) And then Lunar, that being another misleading mistake. Mora whipped her body around to the sound of banging against the wall, but only for it to be Lunar stumbling around, knocking things over. Despite how cold they were, they wandered around. It felt like forever. But when they finally came back across the front door. It was boarded up. "OH MY GOD! '' Ivy shrieked "WHAT HAVE YOU GOTTEN US INTO THIS TIME IVY??" Mora screamed. "I thought this couldn't get any worse, '' Lunar said quietly so that the other couldn't hear her, even over their bickering.

who could've boarded up the doors while they weren't looking? why would they want them? why would they get to them like this? would this be a trap for the trio? 

Lunar, Ivy, and Mora were scared out of their minds. They tried to bang down doors, kick over things, tried to break the windows, and yelled for help. They heard a knock on the walls but this time it wasn’t Lunar. They followed the knock and it led to a crack in the wall. They started to kick it and Mora went into a room and found a hammer that made a small hole turning into a larger hole until they could crawl out. 

But something felt off.

And something was off.

They made their way out of the house but when they looked around , lights were on in other places. Somebody had been here. “All we have to do is follow the way we came.” Ivy recalled. “It's not going to be that easy,” said Mora. “We should just stay here until someone comes out of those buildings.” Ivy said looking very nervous. “I think we find a way back into the forest, where’s your phone Mora?” Lunar said. Mora reached into her pocket but what she felt shocked not only her but the others too.

Mora quickly looked into her pocket for her phone but instead there was a note. A note that had not been there before. And with no sight of the phone anywhere they had no chance of getting in touch with their parents. “What are we going to do now?” Mora said loudly. “READ THE NOTE!” Ivy and Lunar said together. “Right.” Mora sighed. She opened the note slowly and it read.

You may not know what is happening but what you have to do is trust me. The forest that you have walked into was the worst thing you would have done from the start.

“How do they know that we went into the forest?” Lunar shuttered 

who could be watching them?

“Keep reading, this could mean something” Ivy said softly. 

It doesn't matter now who i am but it will soon. My name is Lotus, I will help you on this journey. All there is to it is 3 rules. But, there is one thing in it for me

Here are the rules:

-DO NOT attempt to contact ANYONE (being that you most certainly have already done that do not try again)

-DO NOT talk to anyone from where you are now (if you see someone RUN!)

Last rule


Do not go into any buildings

Now find me at the coordinates 21°525°597 flip over this note to see a map and find me soon..

I can tell you what's in it for me once you reach the destination

“Oo a mystery” said Ivy 

She had always loved these types of things. Like in books, movies, shows and she always wanted to be in that one person's place. Well here she was, standing right in, well you know that person’s place. 

Pause. I think we're going to need a little backstory on some of these characters.  


The beginning

Ivy and Lunar had been best friends almost all of their lives, and even though they had their differences, they always ended up getting along. They did almost everything together and when they were young they would spy on Ivy’s parents and investigate them like detectives. Ivy again loved that sort of stuff and always dreamed of being a detective. She would say, “I want to be just like Enola Holmes!” which really makes no sense because she was nowhere near as good as Elona. Ivy was always doing something sporty or active and she was definitely an extrovert. But Lunar was more into reading and staying cooped up in her bedroom, not having very many interactions with anyone, her being an introvert. She was a sweet girl. She loved the color pink as a little girl but as she got older she found she liked the color sage green way more. Now Ivy on the other hand has always found love for the color blue. No one knows why, but she just does. 

Their lives were very different growing up and so they used each other for comfort when things didn’t go how they should’ve. One thing that happened that changed a lot for the both of them was Ivy losing her grandmother. Because they were so close at a young age, they practically knew each other's whole family. Which meant that whatever one of them went through, the other did too. 

Mora always seemed to be in the middle of things. If Ivy and Lunar were fighting Mora would have to take them blame. “I'm sorry mom, I just wanted some alone time and they wouldn’t let me.” said Mora trying not to show emotion. Mora thought that she was just there because she was the oldest and Ivy and Mora only needed her to be a chaperone. But it never was true. Lunar and Ivy tried to include her but Mora would say she was too busy, or that she felt sick. But that wasn’t the case. Mora had other things to worry about than playing with her sister and her best friend. She had just had the worst week of her life. Ivy wasn’t really her blood sister. They were step sisters and they loved each other. Only during that week Ivy could tell that something was wrong but she couldn't figure out what it was. Mora was the opposite of her sister, closer to Lunar than she was to Ivy. But no one thought anything of it..

Mora’s real dad had gone to her house for a little visit. Not the visit you would think of. This was a weird thing because her dad never contacted her until the day before. And what no one else knew was that her dad used to hurt her. Thankfully it wasn’t physically, she always felt drained and tired around him. Like a spirit was trying to tell her something. Because she knew something wasn’t right with him, and he was playing a dangerous game. But when she was with her two best friends she had never felt so alive. It was like she finally got the appreciation she wanted. Yet that soon changed in the blink of an eye.

“I don’t feel so good.” said Mora drowsily. “What’s wrong? OH MY GOD!!” Ivy screamed.

That’s when it all happened when Mora didn’t feel so alive anymore. Well, she didn’t die, but she passed out cold into Ivy’s arms.

March 29, 2023 14:19

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