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American Friendship Drama

I stood there looking at the town I once resided in. It was small, with a lot of trees growing many feet into the sky. The flowers were bright and beautiful and grew wild. It looked like a painting. I missed it, but I wasn’t here to be happy. I was here to get some answers. I wasn’t here for revenge but just to get some valid answers as to why I was discarded. Why would a family just throw away their youngest daughter?

My name was Rita and my oldest sister; older by 7 years was Annie. I wasn’t quite sure where my house was, but I knew the street because my mom wrote it on my summer dress. It was Stanton Street. I just had to find it. It was a small town but I decided to hide just in case others were involved in my jettison. 

From bush to bush I ran, dodging mail carriers, joggers and just passerbys. Dogs caught my scent and would go ballistic, barking at my direction but because my hiding skill was so excellent, their owners usually would just pull them away. Up ahead I saw the street sign for Stanton street. It looked familiar.

I remember the red brick church, where Mom would take us. It hid the sun with its huge steeple. I traversed slowly and stealthily up the road looking for something familiar. There must have been a hundred homes on each side of the street and almost at all of them, there were people hanging out. I travelled slowly, looking for anything to remind me of home other than the church. Then I saw it. A yellow house with a bright white porch. That was my home. On the mailbox it read Simms. Somehow I had forgotten my last name. Now I questioned if I wasn’t some rogue spirit wandering the planes of mankind. I moved to the yard and hid behind some rubbish. There it was that I saw my sister Annie talking to some boy behind the rose bush.

Annie looked odd. She looked older than I remember. Her long brown hair glistened in the sunlight. She wore pants and a cute white sweater. The boy looked her age and was running his fingers through her hair. She looked uncomfortable. I nearly lept from my hiding and smashed the boy’s face in but a memory of Annie pushing me to leave almost made me smile with her shyness.  I decided to wait and watch.

Oh it seemed to last forever. I watched them argue, push each other and eventually the boy left. ANnie stood silent like she was a dam before the water finally broke it. I dare not come out. I hid, one eye watching her sadness and then she broke and ran for the comfort of the house. I was pleased yet angry. Maybe she didnt have anything to do with my departure. I didnt know. I decided to sneak inside through the doggy door. I fit perfectly.

Annie's mom, Madeline, stood in the kitchen on the phone. I looked at her lovingly. SHe was my mom too yet I felt as though I was a onnaomly. I watched her as she apple. Her perfect body moved like waves in an ocean. SHe cried and then smiled. I never heard my name. Did she even miss me? I knew now i wasn't a spirit. I could feel her anguish.

Annie came back in and I could see she wasn't happy. I hid behind the curtain. I knew I would be found soon. I just listened and waited. Nothing was said about me.

Annie came into the living room as did her dad George and her mom. They were having a special moment. Behind them stood a hundred photos in frame yet none of them had me in them. Was this a dream? I asked myself. Why am I nt on anyone's mind? I stood nadn tears ran from my face. My right eye was tearing profusely and everything was blurred. I stood and listened.

“Mom, Dad,” Annie said. “I have something to tell you.” George lit his pipe and sat down. Her mom started biting her nails.

“What is it my dear?” George asked. His mesmerizing  glare never left Annies face.

“I need help dad. I’m always so sad. I...I can’t concentrate.”

“Is there something bothering you?” He asked. She sat down on the couch.

“I don’t know what it is. I just woke up so sad.”

Then I saw him. It was mustard, the family dog. He was brown and white and he sniffed around like he knew I was near. I never really got along with him and I remember Annie and I playing and him running in and biting my leg. He was a bastard. I don’t remember dad buying him but I never liked him. There he stood, sniffing the air. I prayed he didn’t find me. By now i was concentrating on Mustard and didn’t really hear what Annie was saying. Mustard came closer and was growling. I was frozen. He got within a couple feet of me when my mind began to race. What should I do? Should I come out to see Annie and Dad and maybe mustard would leave me alone? Then again, I was here for some kind of revenge. They threw me out before and I don’t remember why. I wasn’t here to be greeted with open arms. I was mad as hell. But I had to make a choice. I had no choice. That freaking dog would bite me again. I ran out to speak my mind. Five steps out and I fell to the floor paralyzed. I could see that they saw me.

“Rita?” Annie asked. Rita, is that you?” 

“Oh my god,” Her father replied. “We threw her away years ago. How did she end up here?”

I couldn’t move. Annie’s father came and picked me up, handing me to an excited child. Annie hugged me so hard. I was frozen, not even being able to speak.

“My Rita! My Rita!” Annie yelled, squeezing me harder. She ran to a mirror and we both regarded the reflection. I was small and my dress was a dingy yellow. My feet had no shoes nor toes. My stringy red hair was knotted and stale.

“Rita, you’re my favorite doll! I can’t believe you’re back!” Annie screamed.

“A doll? I was her toy? I should be inanimate. I should be nothing,” I thought. I was anxious and tired. I wanted to run but couldn’t move. Annie took me to her bedroom and laid me on her bed. I sat there and stared at Annie as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

June 04, 2021 21:09

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Iris Orona
17:33 Jun 10, 2021



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