Submitted to: Contest #47

Your First And Last Warning

Written in response to: "As you check your mail, you notice a letter that makes you stop in your tracks."

54 likes 16 comments


I'm telling you the truth and only the truth. If you choose to read this maybe you can avoid what's about to happen. If you don’t, I'm afraid you're in great danger, and worse if you think I'm lying the likelihood of you dying is much higher. I'm not your enemy, neither am I your friend. You don’t know me, but I know your next. 

Some people don’t remember their dreams, but you will surely remember the dream you will have tonight. I want you to listen closely if you want to live. We don’t have much time, so I'll save you some by telling you what happens. I don’t want you to end up like me.  

In your dream you will wake up early, and you will walk outside to fetch the mail. A cool gust of wind will fly past you. You think nothing of the strange weather even though the app on your phone says its 95 degrees. Your teeth begin to chatter, and your hands start to become stiff from the coldness. You can feel your nose turning into ice. The happy feeling in your stomach has been broken into a million pieces. You hurry with the mail and run into your home. Once you walk in the coldness from your body floods out and you're filled with warmth again. You pretended everything is normal and your sleepiness was just messing with you. You put the all the mail down and pick up the first one. You are first confused. You've never got mail from that address, but you rip it open anyway.   

Hello to my next victim! I've written a little poem for you!  

Roses are red  

Violets are blue   

If you ever feel lonely  

I'm always watching you   

Stay safe,  

Your killer 

You start to look around, but laugh at yourself. What a silly prank you think.  

Now are you starting to believe me? If not, I need you to read a little more of this. Some parts might seem unfamiliar to you. You might say “I never wake up early” or “I never check the mail” but you will in this dream. It's for your own safety. You might even ask how I know this. I was his very first victim. Let me continue with your dream.  

After you have a great laugh about this prank you head to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. You slide your fingers through your hair to straighten it out. You look directly in the mirror and see your reflection smirk. You are taken aback for a moment because you know you're not smirking. You step back now very frightened.    

You start to walk out of your bathroom when you see your hand come out of the mirror. You slowly walk towards it, but keep your distance. When you take a closer look, it's an envelope. You just stare at the hand; then finally break your glare as it starts coming closer to you. You grab the envelope and run out of the bathroom. You can hear your heart beating out of your chest. You feel the goosebumps on your arms. You have no choice but to tear it open.  

Hey my sweet victim!  

You'll get to meet two things today. Me and your death!  

Wake up soon,  

Your killer  

You are scared. You are now regretting the laugh you had about the mail.  

Sorry to interrupt the dream again but I need you to trust me. They only found my dead body. That will also be your fate if you don’t believe me by now. If you do trust me thank you for making it easier for me to explain. Please keep reading. For your own sake.  

In your dream you are now terrified. You already know how pale your face must be. You walk to the kitchen and open the fridge to get a water bottle to clear your mind. You grab the handle and open it. The first thing you see is the same arm you saw in the mirror. This one also has an envelope. You step back forgetting to shut the doors of the fridge. The arm inches closer every second you hesitate to grab the envelope. You snatch it and shut the doors. You don’t want to open it, but you know you have to.  


This is my last and final letter before we get to meet. Aren't you excited? I am. I can't wait for you to die like the rest.  

See you soon,  

Your killer  

That’s it. That’s where your dream is going to end. Now if you have skimmed through this, I need you to clearly read to the end of this story. It’s the most important part.  

You will wake up and the events that took place in your dream will happen. It will happen fast. I'm writing this to warn you. To save you. Trust me.  

You will wake up earlier than usual and just like your dream, everything you went through will happen in real life.  

I can't tell you what he looks like. I can only tell you he's cruel, hungry for blood, and wants the death of innocent people. He is evil. Don’t try to tell anyone. No one can save you except yourself.  

I also can't tell you his name. I hope you never have to hear it. Before he kills you, he will tell you his name loud and proud. He will be smiling, showing all his crooked teeth. His eyes will look icy cold. You are the target, and he will try his best to hit the bullseye. Don’t show your fear. Fear will show him that you're weak. I know you're not weak. You just have to prove it.  

I need you to kill him. Before he kills you. It will save a lot of lives. All I can say to help you is this: Grab the knife in the kitchen before he does.  

Posted Jun 26, 2020

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54 likes 16 comments

Charles Stucker
05:42 Jul 08, 2020

This was a lot better than Wink. The creepy letter about a dream where some nightmare reveals the killer stalking you. Only is it about the dream you will have or is it the killer setting you up for the dream by putting it in your mind? This reads a lot like early shorts by Stephen King.
Using a letter from the dead person (or killer, who knows for sure) as the device lets you get away with both a creepier presentation and insert a few oddities as a way to set it apart from something more traditional.


Lata B
14:38 Jul 08, 2020

Thank you so much!!


Nirosha P
12:16 Sep 20, 2020

The structure of this story is unique. The idea of the story as a letter is amazing :)


Lata B
15:09 Sep 20, 2020

Thank you so so much! :)


Zan Lexus
20:07 Jun 30, 2020



Lata B
20:24 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you!


Talia Vander
22:23 Jun 28, 2020

This is such a cool story! I love the intensity and the fact that it really does seem like the first victim is talking to the reader. One of my favourite parts is definitely the ending; it's the only hint the next victim has to survive. I really enjoyed reading this!


Lata B
22:35 Jun 28, 2020

Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you took the time to read this!


Talia Vander
01:34 Jun 29, 2020

No problem, anytime! :)


Deborah Angevin
08:57 Jun 26, 2020

Loved the ending!


Lata B
15:19 Jun 26, 2020

Thank you!


Batool Hussain
05:56 Jun 26, 2020

Ooooh! What a thrilling story!


Lata B
15:20 Jun 26, 2020

Thank you!


Batool Hussain
15:44 Jun 26, 2020

My pleasure:)


. .
06:41 Sep 03, 2020

Wow! Nice story, I really enjoyed it


Lata B
12:03 Sep 03, 2020



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