
Push and Pull.

Over and Under.

Up and Down.

Standing on the deck of the water, I watch the water. Mesmerized by its continual movement, differing every second, I know that deep inside I am pleased that I was able to find this spot again, but it feels different. Tired of this nagging, uncomfortable feel I dive into the water. Jumping into the water, I allow the current to pull me in deeper into the ocean blue. Closing my eyes, I hear a distant laughter, somewhere far far away.

" Paul, get in the water. It feels amazing." splashing the water against the boat hoping it gets into the boat and sprinkles Paul. Reclined on the deck with a pair of sunglasses on his face, he rolls over and gives a gorgeous lopsided smile. Letting out a loud groan, he strips himself of his shirt and jumps in. Pulling on his hand, I pull him underwater towards the abandoned boat I found awhile back. From a distant, the boat was barely visible, the sun only outlines its shape. Picking up speed, we near the ship and it was teaming with life. Small schools of fish swam along the boat's side, a sea turtle was on the deck, and it was covered in barnacle and seaweed. The darkness from the water gave the ship a spooky feeling, but it made me want to go explore the interior of the ship. I wonder what will I find or see or even hear? What if, like in the Little Mermaid, a shark comes out of know where and chases us. How silly of me, my imagination is going off like its on crack. Shaking my head to clear my odd what ifs and maybes I swim towards the boat. Landing on the deck, we walked, more liked waddled, towards the door. I push the limp double door and there was lost treasure. The inside interior had a built- in bookshelf to the right, a desk that appear to be made out of oak, and an open closet inhabited by a starfish. Swimming around, I try to open the desk drawers, but it did not budge. Going to the bookshelf, I pick up the trophy: To the winner of the Long Jump: John Remington. Placing the trophy down, I pick up the snow globe, it was a mermaid swimming with a sea turtle. The mermaid's condition was damaged by the harsh sea water, but it was still beautiful. Twisting the worn down key, a soft tune sang. Watching the ballerina dance, I begin to imagine whose ship this was. A lovely couple, I bet. One that enjoys the endless adventure the open blue water had to offer. A flapping photo caught my eye, setting the globe down, I swim over and it was a picture of a happy young couple ready to experience the endless adventure they were going to encounter. The man looked quite fit, brawny, but held his lady with his gentle arms. The lady was wearing a sailor and had a warm, bright smile that seemed lovely and pure. In their eyes, held warm affection for one another, love. No wonder they look like they are head over heels for one another. Tucking the photo into the pocket, I swim out and drift into deep thoughts. I wonder what will happen to me and Paul ten years from now. Looking around, I see him swimming along the ship's post peacefully. Taking in the moment I store it in my memories. Swimming up to join him, I take ahold of his foot and pull on it hard. Laughing silently, I swim to the surface as fast as I can. Looking back, Paul has a mischievous grin on his face as he catches up to me with ease. Breaking the surface, I gulp in the salty air when suddenly I am being lifted out of the water. Letting out a loud shriek, I wrap my arms around Paul's neck and laughed. Trying to get out of grasp, I started to tickle him in his armpit, his weak spot. Loosening his grip I take the chance to slip out his hold and climb back on the boat. Running while trying not to slip I take ice and when he get on the boat I innocently walk over to him, hug him and placed the ice in his swim truck. Playfully shoving me to the floor, he jumps around like fish out of water trying to get the piece ice out.

A ray of light hits me, bringing me out of my trip down memory lane. It only felt like only yesterday that I was here with Paul on the boat and swimming towards the abandoned ship. I wonder how Paul is doing up there, out of my reach and unable to hear my thoughts and words, read my expression, come rescue me when I feel scared, and comfort me when I need it. Why did the universe have to be so cruel. Paul and I had plans on coming back to this spot a couple months ago, but fate was cruel and our trip together was not possible. Floating to the surface, I heave myself on the boat and rummage through my clothes. Taking out the locket, I open it. To the left was a picture of me and Paul and to the right was the photo of the couple I found in the boat. Suddenly, a thought struck me, what if the boat was still there. Putting the locket back, I take a plunge back into the water and swim in the direction of the boat. Swimming with haste, I begin to panic. What if the boat is not there anymore? What if I am going the wrong way and forgot where it was? Swimming faster, I see the boat and my worries recedes. Taking in the sight of the boat, memories rush back and felt my heart constrict, but I give a small smile because this ship holds one of my most precious memory. Thinking about Paul one last time, I swim towards the ships in hopes of finding lost treasure.

July 25, 2020 03:54

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We made a writing app for you

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