Adventure Drama Fiction

I was walking down the street when it happened. I had a day off from work, so I had decided to take a walk, and enjoy my time alone. At first, it was nice. I walked with my dog, Spooky, and enjoyed the warm, safe feeling town of Robertsville. I had lived here for seven years, after I married my husband in North Dakota. We moved to North Carolina, and had a few years of peace before the divorce. We didn't part with hatred. We were too much alike, and in the end we needed to give each other space. I still miss him, but I know he's happier without me. I was thinking about this and not paying much attention, so its no wonder how I bumped into someone. He was tall, with dark hair that shadowed his face and pale skin. At first I just walked past, muttering a quick sorry. But then, a flash of nausea and fear hit me. I knew this man. I turned around slowly, to see he'd turned around to look at me. Memories came back in a flood I couldn't control, all the dirty, scary memories I had always tried to push back. Damian Paul. The man who got my brother killed.

They were on a boat, in the ocean. The sky was gray with clouds, and the sound of thunder occasionally rumbled in the distance. Damian was standing on the side of the boat, watching the ocean with a grim expression. The weather was not favorable, but it was too late now to go back. He turned to his companion.

"Are you sure we can do this?"

"Of course. I wouldn't take us out here if I wasn't"

"If they find out we're doing this, we'll be in big trouble.."

"They'll throw us in jail, I know."

"Just making sure you were aware, Jay"

Jay brushed his bangs out of his face, his eyes glittering with excitement. "He looks like a real captain" Damian thought to himself. Jay pulled the map out of his pocket. "They say it was right here" He said. "Buried down in the deepest depths. And you and I know we're the only ones who can reach it"A small smile split across his face. Damian carefully slid himself into the water, enjoying the cold water on his tired, dry scales. As the water hit them both, their scales began to show their true colors, no longer showcasing the boring tan pigment of humanity. They were bright greens and reds, like dragons in their element. They were ready to claim what was theirs.

I stared at him, heart thumping in my chest. "W-What are you doing here??" I asked, hating the way my voice cracked. "Looking for you.." he replied coolly. I took a step back. Spooky barked softly, sensing my distress. "It's time for you to come home, Maya.." I shook my head, continuing to walk backwards. This couldn't be happening. "No!" I cried. He came closer. "It's not safe for you here. " He murmured. "And.. your parents are dead" I froze, eyes widening. "Dead? How?" I was breathless, the grief hitting me like a stone wall. Dead? The most powerful people in the sea? There's no way. "There was a battle, with the Kanaka Iʻa. Your mother and father fended them off, but they died of their injuries" Damian lifted his chin, eyes full of bitterness. "And, since the prince is dead, it's your duty to return." I shook my head, shaking a little. "I can't! I have a life here! I can't leave it all behind!" I was panicking, my heartbeat pounding in my head. "You have to, the kingdom will fall to ruin if you don't." He said, he was closer now, close enough to grab me, and I knew he wouldn't hesitate to do just that. But, I couldn't move. I was paralyzed. I remembered what my old life was like, and I remember the day I left.

"You can't leave!" King Keiser's voice echoed throughout the chamber, making it shake slightly. Maya's eyes were full of defiance and love as she glared at her father. "I must! My heart calls me to the surface!" She declared, her scales shimmering a mixture of grey and red as her anger shone in her color. "You can't trust you heart! The heart is your worst weakness, do you not remember your training?" he was angry, it shone in his eyes and his mind as well. He was scared to lose his daughter. And his daughter was scared to lose her love. She pulled the pearl out of her pocket. All she had to do was make a wish, and it would come true. "I must follow my heart. I am sorry, father" she smashed the pearl, and spoke her wish with confidence. "I wish to live on the surface, and become human, only to return to the ocean in times of need"

Those words had changed my life. I had found the man of my dreams. Years later, I had lost him. And now was a time of need. I hesitated, the memory was fresh, and I felt guilty. "I-I can't" I murmured, though I wasn't so certain now. "You don't have much of a choice. I don't want to hurt you, May, but I will if I have to." Damian said, his eyes had a shimmer of regret. I knew that. I didn't have much time to make a decision. One more memory came, and this one was the one that convinced me.

David was standing by the door, his bags packed and his heart heavy. Maya hesitantly came over, she wasn't sure what to say. She was in as much pain as he was. "Are you sure this is the best thing...?" she asked. He sighed, a long, sad sigh. "Am I sure? No." He laughed bitterly. "But, I think we have to. We can't keep hurting each other..." Maya choked back tears. "I know... but I still love you.." her voice was barely louder than a whisper. "I love you too... but I have to go..." He looked her dead in the eyes, eyes full of love and regret. She would miss him so dearly. "You're gonna to great things, May..."

May 19, 2023 17:20

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