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I hate going to these kinds of things.

My Mom says it’ll be better to go out into the ‘Real World’ or whatever that means. I despise Holiday parties. They are just another ruse for people to be drinking and doing stupid stuff.

Yet I’m here anyway, stuck between two people making out and a fat guy smoking his lungs out. Happy New Years Eve to me. 

I get up from the couch, coughing my way to the kitchen, hoping to get a dessert that doesn’t taste like shit.

Lucky me, the only things that were left was weed brownies and cookies I wouldn't dare touch.

I take a huge gulp of my drink (which is only water with a bit of orange juice because I’m plain like that) and go to where the TV is. I was just hoping I didn’t have to be long so I could go back home.

9pm. I would only have to stay 3 more hours and then I will be done with this stupid house.

Why did my Mom even recommend this disgusting place to me? At least give me the address of a cool or cute person’s house. Or, even better, make me stay home. That would have been great.

As I make my way through the dancing or making out crowd, I bump right into some guy. Some Stranger with a White Polo and a cute smile.

I curse at myself as my drink spills all over his Polo. Great, now I owe a guy 50 bucks. Could this get any worse? 

I mumble sorry to him, but he looks confused. “I can’t hear you. The music is as loud as shit and your talking like a 5 year old.” I can’t help but laugh at him.

“I said sorry! Maybe turn on your ear and you could have heard.” I ridicule myself in my head. My comebacks weren’t always great. He laughs though. He finds me funny.

Just what I needed another stalker boy.

“How much do I owe you for the shirt. I mean, it's just orange juice and water but Orange juice on a white shirt will be hard to get out.” I start to grab my wallet, hoping to end my suffering soon.

He looked at me like I’m an alien. “No charge. It’s just orange juice right? Yea no charge.”

I shake my head, then immediately wished I didn’t because why should I argue about me giving money to a stranger.

He smiles “What's your name.” I think for a minute, contemplating weather or not I should give this potential serial killer my name.

“No names. I’m not going to be here long and then we won't see each other so what's the point?” 

He looks like he’s going to argue me on something, but he closes his mouth and nods. I get up, and started to walk away. 

He suddenly grabs me by my hand, and I’m ready to fight if he so chose to come near me. I have my hand already into a fist, ready to pound that stupid smirk off of his face.

Fortunately he only grabbed my hand.

“Well if we are never going to see each other again then I do need payment.” I glare at him, Furious, this wasn’t the deal, but fine, whatever. “How much?”

He smiles “Lets see, there are about 3 hours left until midnight, so I think 1 hour of dancing and 2 hours of talking to me should be payment enough.” 

I couldn’t help but laugh, but his face was serious. I cleared my throat. “Jeez at least let me pay you in actual-” He cuts me short.

“Sorry this isn’t a bargaining thing.” I laugh again.

“Fine, but I’m no good at dancing.” He shrugs. “Then let's do some talking first.” 

There we were. Sitting on an old, crusty couch but I couldn’t care. He was a great talker, and even though he didn’t share personal aspects of his life, he found ways to make me laugh and cry. I thought It was going to be horrendous but the dancing, well he taught me. I laughed harder than ever that night. There was this one story about his dog, and how he was bitten and had to go to the hospital. It was funnier than it sounds.

Before I even knew it, he was ushering me into the TV room, and the clock said 11:58 pm. Jeez it’s been that long? It felt only like 20 minutes.

“So did you enjoy tonight? Is it payment enough.” I said with a smirk. He smiled “Not until midnight, you promised midnight.”

I Pretend to sigh “Finne. I guess midnight will have to do.” The clock struck 11:59 and a clock on the TV showed how much longer until midnight.

59, 58, 57, 56. “I had a wonderful night, thank you” The Stranger that I met only 3 hours earlier said. 

42, 41, 40, 39, 38. “It was no problem, just make sure that dog of yours doesn't bite your hand again.” He laughs at my joke.

20, 19, 18, 17. I look at him and smile. Tonight has been wonderful. If my mom never told me to go out and have a life, I would have never found him. I contemplated telling him my name and giving him my number. 

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Me and the Stranger said, laughing, and I turned to him to ask him his name.

Then, he lowered his face to mine and kissed me, a tradition that seemed small when my dad and mom did it, or when people did it on the TV with the person they loved.

This was new.

I pulled back immediately, not sure what to do. He looked confused as if he did something wrong.

I wish I could tell him that It wasn’t his doing. It wasn’t him, but the words never escaped my mouth as I left the house into the freezing cold and ran home.

He didn’t follow.

Now it’s the next New Years Eve. I’m at the same house with the same couple making out on the couch and the same dude smoking next to me.

He’s not there

I could never find him. I ruined it. I should have never ran. I should have told him my name and given him my phone number. Maybe it was for the best. 

But the Stranger at the party, he still rings in my mind. Hopefully I’ll see him again some day.

Today's not that day.

December 27, 2019 19:51

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1 comment

Roman Howell
21:57 Jan 09, 2020

I like how we never learn either character's name. It makes it feel like it can happy to anybody


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