Drama Friendship Holiday

once upon a time a kid named Rajkumari hadn't seen her father since childhood. Her father was an army major since she had born he had not returned. My mother's husband's family doesn't like me that I am a girl. But for my mother, I am an angel to her. She had not to spend one single penny for her also. Only for her angel, she is alive, she is waiting for his return but husband's family had thrown her out of the family. She returned to her family they had welcomed like an angel and they supported her. The kid doesn't know anything that had happened .one fine day during summer army van came in front of the house where she was staying kid was playing on the farm by feeding grass to cattle chasing hens feeding them. like a bird singing the song that motherland had to be in peace I will protect the motherland even if I am alive r not but my motherland should be safe she had heard the sound and went running to the house and found a dead body there and she didn't know nothing over there what is happening all are crying. Her mother held her and started crying she wiped her tears and told don't cry y r u crying My mother is independent know no need to back to hell she is free. The kid is reciting that world is bad remembering how they used to beat her mother and changed remembering their maternal family support .My mother and I that day is the last day of our life to cry. With the support of my mother's siblings, she had brought me and now she wanted to become a doctor once she had been having the dream to become a doctor. The day came for results that is the day the dead body had arrived at the house before his funeral years passed same the results are announced. She had topped the exams .she got admission to one good college.In interview she told that my mother is father to me During one summer vacation in grandparent's place which was enjoyed the way, she uses to enjoy .she started roaming in the farm the same way she used to roam and started reciting that I am a free bird because of my mother sacrifice now I will be able to protect my motherland forever she is the only one on the earth for me which is the reason why I should live. My mother is always the best she had crossed all the hurdles and made me a doctor. My mother is my priority first I don't want to leave my mother alone.God pls don't separate us till we live. It is the night all are having food together with great love. All had slept in the terrace cold breeze makes us sleep more but birds' songs wake us up. cattle will be calling with affections lakes will give us cold breeze welcomes us to take the cold breeze the farm will be mediating during early summer. All the framers with plow going to fields for farming in meanwhile ladies start cooking nice smell will be coming everyone will be ready to eat. This will be the specialty of villages. Trees' branches will become swing for swinging over the lake. swimming in the lake with cousins elders and childhood friends for hours together. Mother and I used to feed the cattle .making the entire family dance in rain. these are the wonderful moments of my life .mimciking throwing jokes making everyone laugh teasing my anger grandpa who loves me a lot feeds me also. remaining everyone r scared of him . He is the king of our family and village . WHEN I used to go with him everyone used to treat me as Rajkumari .wonderful time of childhood during summer and now also . He used to get my favorite Koya without my mother's permission and potato bajji and we both use to eat. my brothers and i use to go to the movie after annual exams visiting zoos and exhibitions with family eat panipuri .education in the same school going in one cycle maternal aunty feeding in my mother absence and taking care.During summer rain will be drizzling dancing in rain with the utmost level of join. Elders will be taunting to come in don't drench in rain you will get cold eating ice cream and panipuri in rain playing in the river drinking the water from hands with childhood friends, wearing half saree who will be teasing you don't know how to wear half saree. Praying to god. After summer vacation completed went to come back for completing medicine. Eagerly waiting for next summer vacation. this is the story but it is a real story. Waiting for next summer where the childhood movements are recreated. MY MOTHER IS MY FATHER TO ME. MAA I LOVE U A LOT.THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. THANK YOU FOR BRINGING ME TO THE WORLD MAKING ME MORE EFFICIENT.THANK YOU.THIS STORY DEDICATED TO ALL MOTHERS WHO BROUGHT THE CHILD AND HAD GAVEN GOOD MORAL SUPPORT AND VALUES. HAND UP TO SOLDIER AND THEIR FAMILIES. THE STORY IS MIXED WITH THE ALL EMOTIONS. SOME HAD LOST FRIENDS, HUSBAND SON, SON IN LAW GRAND FATHER UNCLES BROTHER ETC DEDICATED TO THOSE FAMILIES. I hope at least they will have a happy life

Life is valuable AND SMALL don't commit suicide don't do a mistake ENJOY THE LIFE



Proud to write this story

question to all readers is it correct to leave the mother alone by marrying an unknown person. Better to service the people who r in need and taking care of my mother who is a father to me pls answer this query. I will be grateful to you .put your feeling r ur thought here. MISSING YOU MAA. once I finish my course I will be with my mother . I won't spend some quality time with her how we used to spend my childhood in the summer. EVERYONE WILL HAVE DIFFERENT WAYS TO SPEND SUMMER VACATION THIS HOW I USED TO SPEND WITH NATURE. Mother is special then father Child can live without father but it is impossible to live without mother.when we fall down we will tell maa not pa are anything so mothers are great.Respect them .Pls stop abusing the women girl ladies

June 20, 2021 14:00

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