The Dark Messiah

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a cautionary fable about someone who always lies.... view prompt


African American American Horror

You even notice how leaves chime in the wind, especially during fall as they flutter from branches to the ground. It goes unnoticed, unbothered, just another cycle of life. What happens if a leaf stood up to this cycle, forced its way into remaining immortal. Using ideas, certain actions to cast a shadow unto all.

Our connection is boundless, the food we eat together makes me happy. How do I know I'm in darkness? I create my perception therefore I am God. I am a man so I must dominate all. Into this world I come, I come before my mother who birthed me. My father is not here, so my love goes to my mother. Her presence fills me in the morning as the sun shines brightly to light the earth. Laughter is the fruit which I eat. The smile of my mother cast a shadow my heart can not move. A distant memory, my mother is nothing to me. They say I must be adopted to have another mother.

(A baby is born named Eligio and given up to adoption after a year. Years go by, the child is abused going from home to home.)

Eligio: AHHHHHHHHHH I hate you, I swear you will pay

Foster mom: you're nothing to nobody you little sh*%.

Eligio: I'll make you eat those words, you people are sick. This world is sick and I'll die before I let you destroy me!!!

What happens to a flame after enough pressure is brought against it? Eligio would become that flame. Child abuse guided him to the adult industry. Eligio needed to feel something from others, his soul darkened and severed. Adult work came without guilt or embarrassment, you cant embarrass a ghost, zombie, or demon.

Demons have a gift to turn into an angel of light. Eligio searched and found a bit of light. A guru saw an opportunity to gain control. The control that was lost, that was taken from a child. The light was knowledge of self, taught by others.

light has a way of uprooting situations and creating platforms. Through listening to topics of science, Eligio became one of these messiah, God complex figures. Eligio runs a tribe where he traffics women and gets donations online. The self-proclaimed messiah is also a self-proclaimed abuser. Eligio is lost in a universe he believes he controls. Using his lies, his darkness to prove he is our God. Those who follow his path lost their light to a predator who loves to devour the light of humans.

Eligio: "I am God, I am the Messiah. I love mycelf, you are a reflection of me. Without me, you do not exist. you are a figment of my reality. My perception forms reality, and I am here for the elite.

I call out to the elite, they hear my voice. I am Jesus, I am God."

Tribe Member: "Chief (Eligio) is my highercelf. He is all I need, I have left my family in Babylon (United States) they no longer serve me. My children were born in Babylon therefore they are demons and will not come with me on my journey."

Eligio: "Children are not welcome here, I will not raise another man's child, so all my wives must come by themselves."

(Glass breaks)

Eligio: "I am God do not disrespect me"

Female tribe member: "I'm sorry but we haven't eaten and we're so hungry"

Eligio: You will eat when I feed you

Eligio: "I will test you, I am your demon, through me, you will reach your higher self. I will read your birth chart and expose your demons. You will sleep with me upon arrival and I will isolate you. I'm an alpha male, I dominate everything I touch. I need wives with my mind. I will brainwash you and download my mind, you will think like me. You will do whatever it is I ask with no hesitation. I will teach you my knowledge. Keep my knowledge and my words. You will teach my knowledge and will be me. I am God and you will obey me."

Eligio: America has you under an unjust law, come to me and live free. I have land ( an air bnb bought by donations) I have space and room for my people. I need beautiful women ready to become my wife and to proclaim my kingdom.

Sick Tribal female: Chief I dont want to die, I'm sick and without the energy to properly heal. I need food. I need help.

Eligio: Get off my Live looking so sick!! cant you tell these people can see youre sick. I dont want you here looking all sick and nasty anymore you have to go!

Sick Tribal female: I don't have any money, I gave you all my accounts and money.

Eligio: I don't give a F***. You begged to come with me now you look all sick, I can't have that energy around me. We'll get you a ticket bi***.

(Sick tribal member lands in New Orleans picked up by her sister)

Sick Tribal Member: OMG sis I missed you I love you I'm so glad to be here but please can we get something to eat I'm so hungry.

Sister: Yes of course we can but sweetheart you smell really bad, you lost a lot of weight and need a hospital. You're shaking and have brown spots all over your body.

Sick Tribal Member: I know sis, you're right but can we eat first.

Eligio: "it is true, women have come here and died, babies have died because they weren't strong enough. They could not last because they did not keep my teachings and did not do everything I asked. Your Babylon families don't deserve any contact with you once you're in the family. You belong to me, and I will do with you what I will.

Tribe members: Peace and love, we are the elite, the truth-teller has no friends. I honor you Chief (Eligio)

Chief Eligio lives in Puerto Rico and has around 14 current members in his cult. You can find his videos on youtube if you lookup "Natureboy" His IG is Avatar.Chief. Babaji. He is known as the Messiah and his members believe he is a divine God. His ex-members are all exposing the cult, and showing the many infections and STDs they were exposed to while in his camp. Chief Eligio is very disturbed and needs mental help. The mother of his child could have sent him to prison for 20 years for assault but she refused. He most recently sent a member to the hospital in New Orleans for deadly infections and STDs festering in her body. This is an absolutely true story.

April 02, 2021 23:18

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