My story is entitled Mr. Judas Nobody, the thief quickly went on the road and also on the run during the theft case in the Railway carriage.

Written in response to: Write about a character on the road — and on the run.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is entitled Mr. Judas Nobody, the thief quickly went on the road and also on the run during the theft case in the Railway carriage.

Once upon a time, Jemima and the man in the black hat were together alone. Also, Jemima was not very pleased about this issue. The strange man who always gives away sweets and does tell all sorts of foolish stories is not a very good company at all. Jemima wanted to feel his money again, but he didn’t dare at all.

In addition, as soon as the train had started again, he went into the washroom at the end of the carriage. He also took the little bag out of his pocket and then counted the money.

It was still there, but he did not know how to make it safer. Also, at last he put a pin through the notes and the bag then fixed it inside his own coat.

Also, nothing can happen entirely to it. Jemima also thought and he went back into the railway carriage. Again, Joshua Jackson was asleep in the corner of the carriage. Jemima was glad that she didn’t have to talk to him for he also liked looking out of the window. Some trees, fields and houses went quickly past.

In addition, Joshua Jackson went on sleeping and making a little noise as he did so. Jemima then watched him. As was noted Joshua always kept his hat on. He also had a long face and his ears were very thin and that stood out away from his head.

Suddenly Jemima jumped with some sort of surprises. He had then fallen asleep. Again, he must not do this. He then wished that someone else was in the carriage but although the train stopped several times, no one came in. Jemima then kicked his foot to keep himself awake, as he did at school during the history lessons.

During this time, this helped him. Again, Jemima wondered what his cousin Helen actually looked like. Also, he had not seen her since she came to Newton two years before and he could not also remember her face.

As was noted, he nearly fell off his seat. He felt asleep on the chair whilst watching television. He later kicked his foot again. He also tried counting the flies on the window. He later counted them up and he counted them down and then he counted them again. He counted and realised that they were twenty -four and then they were twenty-three. Jemima then fell back later, wondering why this was actually so.

Again, as he wondered, he fell asleep. As Jemima awoke, the train was just beginning to move around. He had already fallen from the seat within his sleep. He then found himself lying on the floor of the Railway carriage. He had a bad dream in which he thought that the Police man from Newton was then running after him.

Slowly he began to remember what was actually going on. I realised that of course, he was going to the city. He must have fallen asleep like the gentleman in the black hat. Jemima sat up quickly, then rubbed his eyes and said: “Why, he has gone, his knees were shaking. He got up from the floor, brushing his dusty coat with his hands. Jemima put her right hand into her pocket and realised that the money was gone.

Mr. Judas Nobody was actually the man who put his right hand into the man’s pocket and then stole the money. Also, according to evidence, it was Mr. Judas Nobody who by force means stole the money from the young man’s pocket.

After Mr. Judas Nobody stole the money from the young man’s pocket, he drove quickly on the road and also on the run within a tough speed. He noticed that people were shouting on top of their voices, but he could not control them by any means.

The Management of the Railway Carriage had to report the incident to the Police so that the suspected criminal Mr. Judas Nobody will be arrested and later put into prison.

Finally, Mr. Judas Nobody, could hardly be arrested by the Police because, he drove away on the road quickly in his Range Rover car. Due to this the Police were not able to notice him, that they also drove their cars in search of Mr. Judas Nobody.

The Police at first had to run along the road in search of Mr. Judas Nobody, but their search came to no avail. They also drove in their vehicles and Police Patrol cars in search of the thief Mr. Judas Nobody. It was noted that Mr. Judas Nobody was also a liar, he sometimes does not tell the truth within his own community. There are instances where Mr. Judas Nobody had to run quickly to hide the money from the sight of the Police who were on search of him for his arrest. The Police also had in mind that anyone who had the possession of that money will be arrested and imprisoned.

Later, the Police were able to drive quickly and arrest Mr. Judas Nobody, tracing his car number. When he got to his house, he packed the car which was the Range Rover by then in the garage. During that time, nobody noticed him and also his whereabout within the community.

Whilst in his room, the Police hurriedly came into his house and hurriedly arrested him. They found out that he was guilty of all sorts of offences said about him. Especially the stealing of the money in the Railway carriage.

In addition, Mr. Judas Nobody was asked to pay a fine of ten thousand dollars and was also put into prison for six months. Jemima was later compensated by the Police with a sum of five thousand dollars due to the theft case in the Railway carriage and they promised to return back her stolen cash to her within a couple of months.

September 06, 2021 21:22

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