
Submitted into Contest #27 in response to: Write a short story that ends with a twist.... view prompt



Since the time of the Bhansalis, India has strived for perfection. A judgement without flaw.

Something they never accomplished, credited to the never-ending civil wars and the unforgettable strife. At one point it got so bad, people got together and reminisced times of Karan Singh and old rulers, an era where the wretched East India Company didn’t exist yet.

The time of Leela Bhansali, limitless beauty. The ultimate crime of Rajput.


"Leela, the emperor has ordered for your presence!" One of the chambermaids rushed in to inform her, her apron blackened by the ashes of the common fire.

Leela dropped the bouquet she had been making for Drishya Singh, the king's daughter to go meet his highness.

Leela was the granddaughter of Madari, the wife of emperor Karan Singh and his queen. She had royal blood and was rightfully heir to the throne, but Drishya's step mother made sure she never had to see that.

Treated as one of the chambermaids in the Palace of Rajput, she had but one complaint. Her mother had been killed, forced to jump into the burning pyre of her husband, Mohnish Singh.

Traditions and their brutality.

"Uncle, have you asked for me?" Dutiful, she stood in front of the throne, bowing ever so slightly to the king.

Mithran, the trustworthy servant of the emperor stood by his side, watching her with intense eyes.

"Stupid girl, haven’t I taught you manners? Insulting the king in front of his courtiers?" Shruti Manshi, the King's second mistake this life.

"Forgive me, Sahiba." She couldn’t peel her eyes off the floor.

"Leela, there are royal guests traveling to here today. Will you inform the staff to prepare the feast for 20 more?"

"Yes, sire." She took his majesty's leave.

Thank heavens I have Drishya, she thought to herself, and walked toward the Palace Kitchen, wiping her face off the searing embarrassment and tears.

But her thoughts were quickly vanquished as she saw Drishya running towards her, screaming at the top of her 9-year-old voice.

Something had happened.


The king stood over the lifeless body of Arjun, his only male son, and by default heir to the throne.

With clenched fists, bloodshot eyes and tears streaming down his cheeks, he looked over at Leela, and asked, his voice trembling with rage,

"Do you know..."

Mithran looked over, from the king to Leela and back. He had known Leela since she was born, and they shared that rare connection between the elderly and young that often went missing with age.

"No uncle, it was Drishya who saw first and came to tell me. I'm sorry." Her voice trembling.

Arjun’s body lied on the floor, his neck broken and lifeless eyes staring in shock at the ceiling.

"Order for a palace wide search and interrogate everyone. If you even get a sniff of truth out of anyone, I want his body in the river Kali by tonight!"

Leela took Drishya out of the room and lay her head on her lap, she had so dearly loved her brother.

The only person who kept their composure through all that had conspired was her highness Manshi herself. Her cold and sneering tone remained the same as ever, and god forbid she didn’t shed a single tear over the dear departed.

Leela tried to keep track of everything happening around the house, but that seemed an impossible task with Drishya repeatedly slipping into depression.

How much loss would break a nine-year-old, after all?


Leela used to be counsellor to her grandmother, when she had been Queen.

But she was stripped of the authority and circumstances to help when her grandmother left her for another world.

"The body is being taken to Satyamurthy, uncle,” the king does not say anything. “Do we suspect anyone?" Leela asked, innocently.

"No, dear. Go to Ramji and ask him to make the arrangements for the burial. Today will be declared a holiday in Rajput."

The king let Leela run along to her chores. The other thing he had kept from her was perhaps crucial, and he saved it for another time. The prince of Rajput had gone to the Royal Chambers for meeting someone. Whoever it was would turn out to be the murderer.

But the layers of the secret he was trying to unravel, scared the old king very badly. A kingdom without an heir was like a gold mine unguarded.


"Sire, we have finished interrogating the whole palace. What we know so far is that our Rajputre was having an affair. There are indications that a woman had been in his royal chambers. I have indicated the Royal Police to keep the matter quiet."

The king was not shocked, in fact, this seemed to be the first news that did not bother him.

He steadied himself and sat on the work table, he'd been drinking from the minute he’d seen his son, and gave his orders calmly. "Find out where Leela was today morning, and check the chambers of the housemaids… ask Drishya of what that she knows, and ask the doctors to give an approximate time of death."

Mithran was a little confused at the orders, he had been serving the Kings ever since he was 12 years old. He hesitated before asking,

"Maharaja, surely you don’t doubt our beautiful little Leela? Why, she loved Arjun!"

"This is far beyond your understanding, Mithra"

"Yes, sire. I’d meant to inform you already. They have given the approximate time of death; it was somewhere between 7:00 and 9:00 in the morning. The prince had come back from a hunting expedition."

"Leave now, Mithran. And do as I say." The king said, giddily, and sat down the cot chair.

Mithran bowed courteously, and left the room. He had left out one bit of information while speaking to the king.

The prince had gone into the bedroom chambers to see Leela, according to one of the chambermaids who prepared his tea. 

But did the king already know that?


This was the second time the courtiers had been assembled, this time in the study. The king lay in his cot chair, drink in hand and throat slit from ear to ear.

Drishya was hysterical, out of control. Leela sat, as always, in one corner and observed everything, trying to save Drishya from losing herself.

"Who was last here?" Shouted Mithran from across the room, looking at Sheila, the maid who had found the body and ran to the court room half screaming, half fainting.

"I was here, sir." Sheila replied timidly, knowing she could be imprisoned for high treason by murder. The air was one of confusion.

"And have you seen anyone walking out or anyone going in before you saw his majesty?"

"No, sir."

A little boy spoke up, startling the whole gathering. "I saw Leela Sahiba going in with his majesty's milk."

All eyes on Leela now. And just like that, the tone of the room had changed from confused to murderous. Leela looked up, dumbfounded.

"Is this true, Leela?" Mithran asked, almost afraid to know the answer. Leela kept quiet, too shocked to reply.

"Don't just ask the woman, beat it out of her!" Dinesh, one of the late emperor's favourite courtiers said.

"Is it?"

"Yes, Mithran. But he was alright then! And he... Aaah!"

"Ungrateful wretch!" He slapped her and never stopped, leaving marks that would last for weeks. He beat her for quite a while making those around look away, and threw her limp body to the guards.

"Take her to the dungeons. Now, as it should be the rightful owner of the throne is Drishya’s suitor. But since she is not old enough to marry yet, I will be acting king in the meanwhile. Does anyone oppose?" Mithran asked, his voice now bold enough to rattle the biggest of people assembled in the room.

"Mithran, you aren’t even..." A heartbroken Shruti began.

"Does anyone oppose?" He asked again, only to be greeted by silence. "Then you may leave now.”


Mithran held a glass of wine in one hand, and a cigar in the other.

He looked over at the cot where the king had lain that morning. He thought of the look in the King's eyes as he had cut him slowly, from ear to ear, watching as blood spilled in pleasant streams.

Rajputs and their stupid traditions, he had been a slave to their idiocy for long enough. He had decided that he wanted control. Unlimited power.

His laugh echoed through the empty room as he washed down the wine glass and smoked.


Leela lay on the floor of the dungeon, head heavy from the mornings beating. Things were going well so far.

She looked out and saw a couple of sentries posted outside her cell. There had been some commotion while she was unconscious, and they were talking about it.

She thought of her grandmother, always so beautiful and wily. She used to advise her on war and empire affairs precisely, she had been an exceptionally smart child.

She looked up at a guard and asked groggily, "What happened, there, at the palace?"

The guard looked back, and said secretively, "There’s been another murder at the palace. Shruti Sahiba's body was found in her chambers, neck broken."

The other guard looked at him and whispered, "It was that Mithran I'm sure. I’ve always told you he wants the throne."

Leela thought of her grandmother again. How she used to advise her what country was to be attacked and at what time. Mithran had indeed committed those despicable acts, but how would any emperor do such things without his counsellors to consult.

Leela broke into a smile, for it looked like she was going to be out of these bars soon.

February 07, 2020 08:12

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