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Crime Drama Adventure

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Wake up. Get ready. Go to school. Get home. Do homework. Eat dinner. Go to bed. Wake up. Get ready. Go to school. Get home. Do homework. Eat dinner. Go to bed. That's my normal. My “Fate” as my little sister, Destiny would call it, or my “destiny”, either one, she uses them as intertwined meanings. And yes, she uses her own name to tell me that I don't have control of my life. She doesn't care. It's so annoying, “Destiny this” “Destiny that” of course it doesn't help that my name is Hope. Something that people directly relate to fate and destiny. I wish I was old enough to change my name. All my friends call me Terra anyway, only one of my friends knows my real name. I say friend, but really we’re girlfriends, we’ve been dating for about three months now, she's the only one who gets me. But, along with being total nerds, my parents are kind of homophobic.

“Hope! Get down here, it's dinner!” my mom yelled at me. “I’m coming! Just a minute!” I yelled back at my mom who was most likely lying to get me down stairs to set the table. I wonder why she doesn't do that to my sister, she's always willing to do anything to help out. “Alright, tell your sister to get down here too, we don’t want her dinner getting cold!” my mom said, sounding happier to say that then when she was telling me to get down from my bedroom “Ok!” I yell back. I get out of my bed where I was doing my homework and walk to my sister's room. The walk to my sister's room isn't a long one, but it's long enough for me to be jealous of where it is. It's all the way down a hallway just long enough for it to be hard to hear everyone downstairs, even if they're yelling. She’s so lucky, she gets so much privacy and so much respect, I’m almost jealous, but since I’m the older sibling I guess I have no choice but to not be. I get to my sister's door, a sign reading “please knock”  placed delicately on it. So delicately in fact, that it falls off whenever you knock on the door, so I always just take the sign off before knocking. “Dezzy! Dinner!” I yell as I knock on her door “Ok, I’m coming!” Destiny yells back. She opens her door and comes trotting out with the usual pep in her step, her blonde curls bouncing as she did. A stark contrast to my straight red hair, but that's not the only difference between us. We also dress entirely differently as well. As of right now she's wearing a lacey white dress that's way too short for how tall she is, and me, I’m wearing a purple and black hoodie with thigh high black socks and a skirt that covers the rest of my thighs. Pretty much the only individuality our parents let us have. “So what's for dinner? Do you know?” Dez asked me “I don’t know, I never asked. Mom just kinda told me to come get you.” I said as I started to walk back down the hallway. “Oh, I see…” Dez said as she started to walk with me “So, I found this cool new book. Do you wanna hear what it's about?” She asked me as she caught up to me. “I don’t think I really have a choice, but sure, let's hear it.” I say with a slight sigh to my voice “Of course you have a choice, you can always say"no "." Dez says looking at me with a sympathetically annoying look on her face “just talk, it's not like you were actually gonna let me go without hearing about it.” I say with an eye roll. “Ok, well I’m pretty sure it tells the future!” Destiny says and I stop “Dezzy.” Dez slightly walks ahead and turns around when she notices that I’m no longer walking “What? What's wrong?” She asks “Dezzy, you need to cut it out with all the destiny bull. I know it's a fun hobby and all, but even mom and dad have noticed, and at this point, it's not a hobby anymore. It's an obsession.” I say with slight anger spilling out. “But seriously! I think it does tell me the fut-” I cut Dezzy off before she could finish the sentence she was about to say “No Dez, no more.” I say “But really! I can prove it!” Dez runs off back to her room, I might’ve been a little harsh but if I’m able to get through to her, then I don’t entirely care. Dez comes back with her book in hand and opens it to the front page. “See, just read it! You'll see!” Dez says, I roll my eyes again and start to read what was on the page. Everything that has happened previous to this is on the page, and the more pages I flip through the more I believe Dez, the book even has what I am currently thinking on it. I close the book as fast as I possibly can, “Ok, that's freaky. I can’t read any more of it.” I say as I put my hand up to my head. “Yeah, and look on the back here. It says “To break free of fate, follow your fate.” Do you know what that means?” Dez asks “I have no clue…” I say backing up against the wall. “Maybe we have to follow what it says to do in the book. Then we’ll be able to make our own decisions. For real!” Dez says cheerily “oooh no! No no! We're not following some… Book! To get rid of something that's probably not even real!” I say standing up and start stomping to the stairs. “Please Hope! Please just do this once, and if I’m wrong I will shut up about fate and destiny! Please!” She folds her hands together and bounces up and down a little bit. “Fine! But you promise not to talk about destiny or fate ever again?” I make sure she's not lying “I promise! I have no reason to lie.” Dez says holding still in a bent down position “Ugh, fine, we’ll start after dinner. And don’t call me Hope.” I say. Dez jumps up and down then runs towards the stairs presumably to eat dinner as fast as she can to start our little “journey”. 

Dinner was quick and quiet, how it usually is and when we were done Dez asked our parents if we could use the car for today. They of course said yes, because none of us can say no to her and we were soon on the road to… Well, wherever we're going.

“Hey, where are we going anyways?” I ask Dez “Some baseball stadium I think.” Dez says as she opens her book to a book marked page, taking her eyes off the road to read it. The car starts to slightly glide to the side and I put my hand on the wheel to steer the car straight “Woah woah woah! Eyes on the road! Otherwise neither of us will live to see the future!” I say pulling the book away from her. “I mean, I would have.” Dez says smirking in which I eyeroll a response and she keeps driving. “So, what are you gonna do when we get full free will?” Dez asks me, “well, if we're going based off of “destiny and fate” rules, whatever I say now won’t matter because I’m still being “controlled”, but I guess… I don’t know, I don’t know. It doesn't really matter.” I say looking down at the book in my hands. “Well, I’ll probably be a little sad at the beginning of having full free will, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it.” Dez says “yeah, makes sense I guess… Wait, upset about what?” I look up from the book to look at Dez and she looks at me for a minute “Oh, um, just… Uh, other people not having free will like we will have, it's just, kinda sad.” Dez makes her point, almost mumbling it as if she were making it up on the spot. “Yeah, I guess that would be sad.” I say looking back down at my lap, “Oh look! I think we're here!” Dez points at a baseball stadium that lies only a few turns ahead of us. 

We soon pull into the stadium parking lot and get out of the car. “So, what does the book say we have to do next?” I ask handing the book back to her. “What, you don’t wanna read it?” Dez asks jokingly “Oh no, that thing being able to tell what I’m gonna do and when is waaaaay too creepy, I’m not reading it.” I say as she takes the book from my hands and opens it to the page she was reading earlier “Alrighty, your loss.” she says to me. “Ah, I think we have to go into the stadium. You head in while I grab something from the car.” Dez says, “Alright, I’ll meet you there then.” I say as I start walking into the stadium. 

This reminds me of back in the day when me and Dez played baseball. Her always crying that she didn’t want to play, me always telling her to toughen up, and that the game isn't even hard if you actually try. Ah, good times. I miss the good old days. Days when Dezzy wouldn't bother me about destiny and fate, though I guess after this she won’t be bothering me about fate anyway, you know, since we’ll either not have a fate, or she’ll simply just have to stop talking about it.

Dezzy started to walk into the stadium and looked around the stadium. “Doesn't this just bring back memories for you?” I ask Dezzy as I spin around the stadium, making sure not to trip on the bases. “Mhmm” Dezzy says quickly, almost shakily, “Anyways, what's next to do in that book of yours?” I ask, back turned to her so that I can look at the bleachers. “This…” A gunshot goes off, and I feel a terrible stinging in my right leg as I trip and fall onto the ground. “Dezzy..? W-what was that?”  I ask as I turn my body around to see my leg leaking blood all over the stadium ground. But when I look up I don’t see anyone else, only Destiny. And a gun held in her hand as if this was planned from the start. Another sharp pain sent through my leg as more blood spewed onto the ground and Dez started to speak. “That, that was next…” Dez said as she looked to the side and held the gun pointed to me. “Dezzy? Dezzy, why? Why would you do this?” I try to ask, but another bullet is shot my way, this time it goes straight through my left shoulder. “Please, Destiny, don’t do-” another bullet, this one missing, but only by slim chance, since I had flinched. That bullet was meant for my skull. And yet another bullet, this one hitting my lower abdomen. All I can feel is pain and blood at this point, my clothes are soaked, I’m probably crying, I’m not quite sure, because if I am, I can’t feel it. Dezzy comes and stands over me, pushing my hurting body onto the ground. “I applaud you, my older sister.” Destiny says pushing the gun to my forehead “but not for your bravery, no. But for giving me my free will. And taking away my fate.”  her blood covered dress flowing in the wind was one of the last things I saw before “Goodbye sister.” “wait-” BANG. 

Destiny controls everything. And always will.

May 10, 2023 23:18

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1 comment

Timothy Rennels
01:48 May 18, 2023

I'm uncertain how the baseball stadium fits in, but I love how you wrapped it up with your last lines. Write on!


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