
When I got a call from Coach Rivera, I was in complete awe. My family were crying in joy, while I was going crazy. Could this really be happening?

It looks like I haven't introducted myself! Hi, my name is Bob Scott, and I am an 25 year-old investment banker for J.P Morgan. I played quarterback for the University of Florida, but that seemed like an eternity ago. I was a hyped-up prospect coming out of high school, so I was expected to lead the University of Florida to a National Championship. Sadly, injures derailed my football career, the most notable was suffering a torn ACL in the game before the National Championship. Our backup quaterback led Florida to winning the National Championship, so I was benched the following year. NFL teams didn't want me as their quarterback because they taught that I was prone to injury, and that I didn't fit their ideal quarterback playing style. Luckily, I was part of the SEC All Academic team because I received amazing grades, a 4.0 GPA to be exact. If my football career didn't plan out like I hoped, I could always become an investment banker. Now, I sit in front of a computer wearing a suit and tie for 10 hours each weekday. As you could imagine, this job was nothing like football, but I was paying my bills and taxes each week. Little did I know that something amazing would happen in the following weeks.

I still am a huge football fan, as I watch it every Sunday and cheer on my favorite team, the Washington Football Team. The Washington Football Team had two quarterbacks injured, and were doing horrible. At the begining of the year, Washington had a 6-0 record and was winning the NFC East. Next thing you know, they are 6-6 because both of their quarterbacks are injured. I was curious to see who Coach Rivera (the coach of the Washington Football Team) would select to be the next Washington quarterback. A day later, I was sitting at my desk doing some work when I received a call from an unknown number. To my surprise, it was Coach Rivera. "Bob, as you may know already, we have no quarterbacks. This is a big risk, but I know that the risk is worth the reward. I am asking you be the next quarterback of the Washington Football Team!" Coach Rivera said. I didn't believe him at first, thinking that it was a prank caller. He then offered to get on a video call with me to prove that it was actually him, and it was him! I was elated and excited, and when I texted my parents, they went crazy too! I took a vacation from my work, thinking that this was only going to be temporarily, but I was wrong. When I got to D.C, my teammates were nice, supportative, and athletic. Coach Rivera designed a playbook that was right for me. The first NFL game that I played in was a blowout. I threw for 400 yards and 4 touchdowns en route to a 42-3 win over the New York Giants. Things just started clicking after that. We won the rest of the regular season and playoff games. Just like that, it was Super Bowl week. Seven weeks ago, I was sitting in my chair doing my investment banking work. Now, I am that starting quarterback in the Super Bowl! I had one of my best games as a pro, torching the defense with over 500 yards thrown. After this, Coach Rivera offered me a 10 year, 500 million dollar contract to remain with Washington. I gadly took him up on the offer, and quit my investment banking job. I played in the NFL for the next 15 years, all with the Washington Football Team. I am changing the NFL quarterback style. If you were still wondering, I quit my investment banking job. I am graciously thankful for that one phone call that changed my life forever.

December 16, 2020 01:09

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Eeshan Patel
01:10 Dec 16, 2020

You gotta love it


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Eeshan Patel
01:10 Dec 16, 2020

It is an amazing story


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