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Drama Mystery Romance

The most beautiful thing of life is its unpredictiveness.But sometimes some strange symbol from the universe tells us the actual future, same thing happened with 12 years old Archi. Teenage,the most important lessons of life are being taught by this age. Like some normal day Archi went to her school. Suddenly a boy Suchit carrying his bag with lots of books in it fell down,Archi saw him,she felt something strange in her stomach,that little girl didn't knew that the starange thing were actually the butterflies of excitement.Archi have heard about attractions and infatuations but have never experienced. Archi knew that she got weird in front of suchit. She talked to her friends about this strange things going on with her. As the time passes the feelings of Archi were increasing dramatically.Once in an annual school event Suchit and Archi were dance partners and here the story of this puppy love begins.Time passes on Archi and Suchit became friends and then Best friends. Everyone who saw them together thought that they were dating,but on they were "just friends ".Archi didn't knew that whether Suchit frels the same or not.One day Suchit wanted to trll something to Archi he was searching her like everywhere. Suchit eventually found Archi sitting lonely in a gatden Suchit ran towards her and said "I love u" Archi was so happy she don't know what to say she was on the seventh sky her happiness was on the top.Before she would reply anything Suchit ask her that is this the correct way to propose Dhara.Dhara is Suchit's classmate.Yes Suchit was infatuated with Dhara at that time.Archi would barely say anything,she was devastated.Archi replied "go for it".After that she has to pretend that she was happy for Suchit,it has been so difficult for this teenage girl.

Suchit now has to move on to a new place for his further studies.Archi was now into her academics.Somehow the so called "best friends"became strangers. Deep down Archi was still in love with Suchit she was still hoping for him to come back in him life.In every prayer she used to ask him.She was in love with Suchit for like 7 years.No one she met was like Suchit.She was just waiting and waiting.

Archi is now an adult no more teenage nonsense and lots of maturity. She was preparing her outfit for her sister's wedding,and was really excited for that wedding.Archi on the wedding day stole the thunder of the bride she was looking mesmerizing in that beautiful dress. During the wedding dance her eyes where suddenly stoped by the bestman of groom Samje,she didn't know what was it,but she was not able to stop herself by looking at him.Samje was looking into her eyes with some sort of pleasure,joy he also thought that something really strange happened.Archi saw him for the first time her life but with that single eyelock with Samje it was like she knew every little detail about Samje.What was that connection it was like both the souls have recognized eachother.Archi was traumatized she have never thought of anyone accept Suchit but Samje really set her soul of fire.Archi felt the eternal peace,she had the peace of finding her other missing piece.Archi's family were orthodox people.They never believed in giving freedom to girls.Archi was not even allowed to talk to boys.But out of that Archi did something which was not allowed in her family,she fell in love not once but twice.Samje got back to his country and Archi was alone again physically but mentally she was full with the imageas of Samje she was so in love with him.Archi has never talked to Samje yet she was in love with him. Suddenly Suchit met Archi,normally they started talking to each other and days passes and Suchit now end up proposing Archi.Life is so uncertain when you need a particular thing so badly it snatches that from you and when finally you are over with it that thing start following you back.But this time Archi was little matured to handle things she denied the proposal.She was head over heals in love with Samje.

Years passes on and now Archi is mentally prepared for marriage.She loved Samje but cannot tell this to anyone in her family because her family would never understand it. Archi's father and mother has searched a suitable well looking,well established Engineer. Archi was forced by her parents to meet this perfect guy.Archi finally agreed to meet him and she started getting ready for that so called arranged date.She arrived at the date place and saw the "perfect guy" she was numb at that moment because that guy was Samje.Archi was having no words to speak.The moment she saw Samje again tears of happiness rolled up. Archi and Samje were ment to be together.There were different faces in both of there lives Samje was currently suffering from depression and anxiety because of some family issues.Samje told Archi everything about his mental health. Archi was shocked.She thought her fairy tale is going to complete but she never knew that this storm is coming in her life.Samje told Archi that she can leave him and live her normal happy life but Archi was a true lover she told Samje that she want to live her rest of the life with Him.Archi told whatever it is they will fight for it together,they will pursue there dreams together and live happily.Archi helped Samje to get him out of his anxiety and depression.Samje was now no longer a burden unhappy person,Archi transformed him in a happy and life loving man.Archi and Samje are now ready to lead their lives in a courageous manner,both of them are now ready to face the world.Samje and Archi helped each other to grow spiritually and materially.

Time pases,Archi and Samje have completed 25 years of a happy and successful married life.

Day by day,step by step what is ment for you will eventually find its way towards you,you just need to keep calm,have faith in yourself and trust the timing of your life.

September 02, 2020 23:26

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Samje 2314
23:30 Sep 02, 2020



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