A Different Dimension Or A Dream?

Written in response to: Start your story with someone walking into a gas station.... view prompt



Disclaimer: This story is about Ally getting drunk but not realizing it, I have never consumed any alcohol in my life. And I have never been drunk. 

Ally stepped inside the gas station with one desire. The biggest container of iced tea she could find. After browsing for awhile she pulled open the fridge and grabbed a bottle labeled

Dreams away, you're go, to drink caffeinated drink for long car drives.

“Alright she said to the man behind the counter I would like this one please.” 

“Five dollars.” He said. 

Ally handed him the money and walked out of the shop. Once she was back in her car she opened the bottle and took a sip. It tasted normal, but it made her insides feel kind of tingly. Her head felt funny, did caffeine always do this to her? She couldn't remember, she didn’t think it did. Her neck couldn't keep her head up any more. Slowly her head fell onto the steering wheel with the rest of her body coming after. 

When Ally woke up her head was fuzzy, and she couldn't remember where she was. Ally turned her body to look out the window and screamed. She wasn’t in the gas station any more. She was in a grassy field filled with flowers, which wasn’t super unusual except that the grass was blue, the sky was green, and the flowers were black, gray, and brown. Not only was that wrong, but also there were yell0w and pink cows, and blue and purple and white horses. Ally stumbled out of her car, completely baffled. She didn’t know what was happening. She smacked her head a few times trying to clear her insanity. 

“WHAT'S HAPPENING TO THE WORLD!?” Ally demanded to know one in particular. 

She bent down and picked a black and white flower, she sniffed and, then she scrunched her nose in disgust. It smelled like a dairy farm. She set the flower in the passenger seat and got back into her car, as soon as she did she got the same feeling that she had just before she had fallen onto her steering wheel. Her insides tingled, and she felt herself fall onto her car's gray steering wheel once again, she fell asleep. 

When Ally's head cleared and she woke up, it was to an upside down, side up, down side universe. Everything was backwards. The ground was the sky, the bats flew like birds, the birds flew like bats. The caterpillars flew and the butterflies crawled. Ally stepped out of her car, and she fell into the ground, which was the sky. Ally flapped her arms and fell the other way back towards her car. She gasped and clutched the arm rest. This time instead of falling asleep, she was awake when the car… did nothing. She opened the door, and stepped out. The place she had been taken too, without moving, was nothing. Nothing was there, it was just blank space. An empty universe. Ally floated through oblivion. Doing nothing, feeling nothing, being nothing. The nothingness swallowed her. Ally thought she could never find her way out. 

What was in that tea? Ally wondered. These worlds surely aren't real. 

As Ally drifted through the nothing that surrounded her she felt her awareness come back to her slowly. The fog was beginning to clear from her mind. Ally blinked back into focus. She was still in the gas station. The grass was green, the sky was blue. And there were flowers in rainbow colors all around her. Ally

stepped out of her car, and… walked on the green grass. Her head felt slightly fuzzy, but she was on her feet outside of the gas station, and not in some backwards world, or reversed world, or a nothing world. Ally picked up the mostly full bottle of iced tea. She tossed it into the garbage can sitting a few feet away from her car. Shae didn’t want anything to do with it ever again. If Ally had looked at the bottle, she would have seen the ingredients, and she would have also seen the bold letters saying, warning: contains whisky. But Ally didn’t. Instead she got back into her car and left that gas station. She never came back because she considered the place to be taboo, forbidden, and best to be forgotten. For years Ally was left wondering, was it a different dimension, or a dream? Ally never knew, until one day she cleaned out her car and she found a black and white flower. She grabbed it and flung it away; she didn’t want it to be true; she wanted it all to be a dream. Ally forever wondered about the mysterious day she was taken to the backwards world, and the reversed world, and the nothing world. She wondered if her mind had played tricks on her, or if it had really happened. For all she knew she could have imagined the whole thing. But what about the flower? She would ask herself, was it her imagination, or reality. Perhaps it was a dream. Ally would never know. 

One day Ally stopped at a gas station, she bought a large container of coffee. 

“Careful with that,” The cashier told her. “I have had customers come in and tell me it gives them weird dreams, and hallucinations. 

Ally handed him back the bottle. “I have dealt with that before. I don’t want to do it again.”  

“What drink did it happen to you?” The cashier asked. 

Ally showed him the tea. The cashier gave her a funny look. Then he turned the bottle and showed her. 

“This contains alcohol. That's why.” He said. “That coffee drink does too, that's why people get hallucinations from it.” 

Ally backed away, “I will never never drink that then.” 

And so Ally knew that it was a dream, and hallucinations, not another dimension. Ally kept her word and never touched anything with alcohol in it. The nothing world and the backwards world, and the reverse world, were someplace Ally never ever wanted to return to. 

The End 

August 03, 2023 20:35

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Cedar Barkwood
19:33 May 30, 2024

Very good work! Any advice I could think of was already in the comments. Thanks for sharing it with us!


Kaelyn Klaus
15:56 Jun 03, 2024

Thank you so much for reading!!!


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16:54 Aug 04, 2023

Hi: Interesting story. I agree it's like Allice in Wonderland and also agree that this would be a good story to continue. You could practice by making each adventure a chapter. The limited number of words we can use really help with the story development. Reedsy is a good place to be to hone your craft. Just a suggestion: before you hit enter, please reread and check for typos. There are a few but it doesn't detract from the story itself. Will look forward to reading more of your entries. Thank you for reading (and liking) mine. Truly ap...


Kaelyn Klaus
17:53 Aug 04, 2023

Of course! Thanks for the tips!


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Philip Ebuluofor
08:41 Aug 05, 2023

Fine work. Not much dialogue.


Kaelyn Klaus
17:31 Aug 05, 2023

Thank you Philip!


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Rose Lind
21:17 Aug 04, 2023

Enjoyed your story, ty


Kaelyn Klaus
22:14 Aug 04, 2023

Thank you Rose, I'm glad!


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E. M.
17:55 Aug 04, 2023

Fun story! Back in college, I used to be a bartender, and I definitely saw people wig out when they had one too many shots. It was even worse if people smoked weed or dropped some sort of drug with their concoction. Like others said already, this has an Alice in Wonderland vibe. I liked the simple yet colorful writing style. It had the feel of an innocent young person who was experiencing the "wilder side" of life for the first time. One thing that threw me off was how you abruptly ended her experience and shifted into the "one day she wen...


Kaelyn Klaus
18:43 Aug 04, 2023

Thank you! I really love getting tips from people, and I love that people are reading my stroies and commenting!


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Jody S
17:26 Aug 04, 2023

Fun twists and turns! You have a great imagination!! I was reading through the other comments and I agree that the magic ingredient needs to something super cool and made up! Just a consistency mention is in the beginning you say the person when in for tea, but at the end it was coffee. Looking forward to more of your creative ventures!!


Kaelyn Klaus
17:52 Aug 04, 2023

Thank you!


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J. D. Lair
14:35 Aug 04, 2023

Although the effects of alcohol were a bit exaggerated, it was a pretty creative story. Like Mike said, reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland. LSD or some other psychedelic would have made more sense than a sip of whiskey, but that’s okay! You’re writing, completing and submitting stories. That’s what matters and I hope you keep at it! I have learned a lot since joining Reedsy and I’m glad you are here. Thanks for the follow. :)


Kaelyn Klaus
17:54 Aug 04, 2023

Thank you for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed!


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Tom Skye
07:29 Aug 04, 2023

Nice read. A warning piece for drinkers. Although the backwards world did sound cool at times :) Good job. I enjoyed it


Kaelyn Klaus
17:55 Aug 04, 2023

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed!


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Mary Bendickson
22:55 Aug 03, 2023

Good idea to stay away from that fire water. It can ruin lives. I think it is 'long-island iced tea' that has an innocent sounding name but is loaded with alcohol. I am not a drinker of spirits, either. Thanks for following.


Kaelyn Klaus
23:47 Aug 03, 2023

Thanks for commenting!


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Mike Panasitti
21:25 Aug 03, 2023

I wouldn't have let that tea go to waste, Kaelyn. I really enjoyed this story, (a bit like Alice in Wonderland) but found the suspect substance in the ice tea to be a bit of a stretch. Whisky doesn't do those things! Perhaps if you decide to rewrite this in the future, you might want to expand on the wonderworld Ally visits: furniture that comes to life, a town populated by half-human, half-lizard people, etc. Let your imagination run wild! You're pretty good at it. Lastly, don't make whisky the key ingredient, give it some name li...


Kaelyn Klaus
23:47 Aug 03, 2023

Thanks for the tip! I will keep that in mind. And as for the whiskey thing, well i'm not sure what I was thinking. I think i'm gonna change that. I'm glad you enjoyed.


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